Record |
Links |
Author  |
LHCb Collaboration (Aaij, R. et al); Jashal, B.K.; Martinez-Vidal, F.; Oyanguren, A.; Remon Alepuz, C.; Ruiz Vidal, J. |

Title |
Measurement of J/psi production cross-sections in pp collisions at root s=5 TeV |
Type |
Journal Article |
Year |
2021 |
Publication |
Journal of High Energy Physics |
Abbreviated Journal |
J. High Energy Phys. |
Volume |
11 |
Issue |
11 |
Pages |
181 - 32pp |
Keywords |
Hadron-Hadron scattering (experiments); Heavy quark production; QCD; Quarkonium |
Abstract |
The production cross-sections of J/psi mesons in proton-proton collisions at a centre-of-mass energy of root s = 5TeV are measured using a data sample corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 9.13 +/- 0.18 pb(-1), collected by the LHCb experiment. The cross-sections are measured differentially as a function of transverse momentum, p(T), and rapidity, y, and separately for J/psi mesons produced promptly and from beauty hadron decays (nonprompt). With the assumption of unpolarised J/psi mesons, the production cross-sections integrated over the kinematic range 0 < p(T) < 20 GeV/c and 2.0 < y < 4.5 are sigma(prompt) J/psi = 8.154 +/- 0.010 +/- 0.283 μb, sigma(nonprompt) J/psi = 0.820 +/- 0.003 +/- 0.034 μb, where the first uncertainties are statistical and the second systematic. These cross-sections are compared with those at root s = 8TeV and 13TeV, and are used to update the measurement of the nuclear modification factor in proton-lead collisions for J/psi mesons at a centre-of-mass energy per nucleon pair of root s(NN) = 5TeV. The results are compared with theoretical predictions. |
Address |
[Leite, J. Baptista; Bediaga, I; Torres, M. Cruz; De Miranda, J. M.; dos Reis, A. C.; Gomes, A.; Massafferri, A.; Machado, D. Torres] Ctr Brasileiro Pesquisas Fis CBPF, Rio De Janeiro, Brazil, Email: xuli18@mails.tsinghua.edu.cn |
Corporate Author |
Thesis |
Publisher |
Springer |
Place of Publication |
Editor |
Language |
English |
Summary Language |
Original Title |
Series Editor |
Series Title |
Abbreviated Series Title |
Series Volume |
Series Issue |
Edition |
1029-8479 |
Medium |
Area |
Expedition |
Conference |
Notes |
WOS:000723655700003 |
Approved |
no |
Is ISI |
yes |
International Collaboration |
yes |
Call Number |
IFIC @ pastor @ |
Serial |
5037 |
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