Carrio, F. (2022). The Data Acquisition System for the ATLAS Tile Calorimeter Phase-II Upgrade Demonstrator. IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci., 69(4), 687–695.
Abstract: The tile calorimeter (TileCal) is the central hadronic calorimeter of the ATLAS experiment at the large hadron collider (LHC). In 2025, the LHC will be upgraded leading to the high luminosity LHC (HL-LHC). The HL-LHC will deliver an instantaneous luminosity up to seven times larger than the LHC nominal luminosity. The ATLAS Phase-II upgrade (2025-2027) will accommodate the subdetectors to the HL-LHC requirements. As part of this upgrade, the majority of the TileCal on-detector and off-detector electronics will be replaced using a new readout strategy, where the on-detector electronics will digitize and transmit digitized detector data to the off-detector electronics at the bunch crossing frequency (40 MHz). In the counting rooms, the off-detector electronics will compute reconstructed trigger objects for the first-level trigger and will store the digitized samples in pipelined buffers until the reception of a trigger acceptance signal. The off-detector electronics will also distribute the LHC clock to the on-detector electronics embedded within the digital data stream. The TileCal Phase-II upgrade project has undertaken an extensive research and development program that includes the development of a Demonstrator module to evaluate the performance of the new clock and readout architecture envisaged for the HL-LHC. The Demonstrator module equipped with the latest version of the on-detector electronics was built and inserted into the ATLAS experiment. The Demonstrator module is operated and read out using a Tile PreProcessor (TilePPr) Demonstrator which enables backward compatibility with the present ATLAS Trigger and Data AcQuisition (TDAQ), and the timing, trigger, and command (TTC) systems. This article describes in detail the main hardware and firmware components of the clock distribution and data acquisition systems for the Demonstrator module, focusing on the TilePPr Demonstrator.
Carrio, F., Castillo Gimenez, V., Ferrer, A., Gonzalez, V., Higon-Rodriguez, E., Marin, C., et al. (2011). Optical Link Card Design for the Phase II Upgrade of TileCal Experiment. IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci., 58(4), 1657–1663.
Abstract: This paper presents the design of an optical link card developed in the frame of the R&D activities for the phase 2 upgrade of the TileCal experiment. This board, that is part of the evaluation of different technologies for the final choice in the next years, is designed as a mezzanine that can work independently or be plugged in the optical multiplexer board of the TileCal backend electronics. It includes two SNAP 12 optical connectors able to transmit and receive up to 75 Gb/s and one SFP optical connector for lower speeds and compatibility with existing hardware as the read out driver. All processing is done in a Stratix II GX field-programmable gate array (FPGA). Details are given on the hardware design, including signal and power integrity analysis, needed when working with these high data rates and on firmware development to obtain the best performance of the FPGA signal transceivers and for the use of the GBT protocol.