Berenguer, A., Coves, A., Gimeno, B., Bronchalo, E., & Boria, V. E. (2019). Experimental Study of the Multipactor Effect in a Partially Dielectric-Loaded Rectangular Waveguide. IEEE Microw. Wirel. Compon. Lett., 29(9), 595–597.
Abstract: This letter presents the experimental study of the multipactor threshold in a partially dielectric-loaded rectangular waveguide, whose results validate a multipactor model recently developed by the authors, which includes the charge distribution appearing on the dielectric surface during the multipactor discharge. First, the variation of the multipactor RF voltage threshold has been theoretically analyzed in different waveguide configurations: in an empty waveguide, and also in the cases of a one-sided and two-sided dielectric-loaded waveguides. To reach this aim, an in-house Monte Carlo simulation tool has been developed. The Secondary Electron Yield (SEY) of the metallic and dielectric materials used in the numerical simulations have been measured experimentally. Finally, an aluminum WR-75 symmetric E-plane rectangular waveguide transformer has been designed and fabricated, in which several multipaction tests have been carried out to validate the in-house software tool, demonstrating an excellent agreement between the simulation results and the experimental data.
Degiovanni, A., Amaldi, U., Bonomi, R., Garlasche, M., Garonna, A., Verdu-Andres, S., et al. (2011). TERA high gradient test program of RF cavities for medical linear accelerators. Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. A, 657(1), 55–58.
Abstract: The scientific community and the medical industries are putting a considerable effort into the design of compact, reliable and cheap accelerators for hadrontherapy. Up to now only circular accelerators are used to deliver beams with energies suitable for the treatment of deep seated tumors. The TERA Foundation has proposed and designed a hadrontherapy facility based on the cyclinac concept: a high gradient linear accelerator placed downstream of a cyclotron used as an injector. The overall length of the linac, and therefore its final cost, is almost inversely proportional to the average accelerating gradient achieved in the linac. TERA, in collaboration with the CLIC RF group, has started a high gradient test program. The main goal is to study the high gradient behavior of prototype cavities and to determine the appropriate linac operating frequency considering important issues such as machine reliability and availability of distributed power sources. A preliminary test of a 3 GHz cavity has been carried out at the beginning of 2010, giving encouraging results. Further investigations are planned before the end of 2011. A set of 5.7 GHz cavities is under production and will be tested in a near future. The construction and test of a multi-cell structure is also foreseen.
Gonzalez-Iglesias, D., Esperante, D., Gimeno, B., Blanch, C., Fuster-Martinez, N., Martinez-Reviriego, P., et al. (2023). Analysis of the Multipactor Effect in an RF Electron Gun Photoinjector. IEEE Trans. Electron Devices, 70(1), 288–295.
Abstract: The objective of this work is the evaluation of the risk of suffering a multipactor discharge within an RF electron gun photoinjector. Photoinjectors are a type of source for intense electron beams, which are the main electron source for synchrotron light sources, such as free-electron lasers. The analyzed device consists of 1.6 cells and it has been designed to operate at the S-band. Besides, around the RF gun there is an emittance compensation solenoid, whose magnetic field prevents the growth of the electron beam emittance, and thus the degradation of the properties of the beam. The multipactor analysis is based on a set of numerical simulations by tracking the trajectories of the electron cloud in the cells of the device. To reach this aim, an in-house multipactor code was developed. Specifically, two different cases were explored: with the emittance compensation solenoid assumed to be off and with the emittance compensation solenoid in operation. For both the cases, multipactor simulations were carried out exploring different RF electric field amplitudes. Moreover, for a better understanding of the multipactor phenomenon, the resonant trajectories of the electrons and the growth rate of the electrons population are investigated.
Millar, W. L. et al, & Bañon Caballero, D. (2023). High-Power Test of Two Prototype X-Band Accelerating Structures Based on SwissFEL Fabrication Technology. IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci., 70(1), 1–19.
Abstract: This article presents the design, construction, and high-power test of two $X$ -band radio frequency (RF) accelerating structures built as part of a collaboration between CERN and the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI) for the compact linear collider (CLIC) study. The structures are a modified “tuning-free ” variant of an existing CERN design and were assembled using Swiss free electron laser (SwissFEL) production methods. The purpose of the study is two-fold. The first objective is to validate the RF properties and high-power performance of the tuning-free, vacuum brazed PSI technology. The second objective is to study the structures' high-gradient behavior to provide insight into the breakdown and conditioning phenomena as they apply to high-field devices in general. Low-power RF measurements showed that the structure field profiles were close to the design values, and both structures were conditioned to accelerating gradients in excess of 100 MV/m in CERN's high-gradient test facility. Measurements performed during the second structure test suggest that the breakdown rate (BDR) scales strongly with the accelerating gradient, with the best fit being a power law relation with an exponent of 31.14. In both cases, the test results indicate that stable, high-gradient operation is possible with tuning-free, vacuum brazed structures of this kind.
Monerris-Belda, O., Cervera Marin, R., Rodriguez Jodar, M., Diaz-Caballero, E., Alcaide Guillen, C., Petit, J., et al. (2021). High Power RF Discharge Detection Technique Based on the In-Phase and Quadrature Signals. IEEE Trans. Microw. Theory Tech., 69(12), 5429–5438.
Abstract: High power radio frequency (RF) breakdown testing is a subject of great relevance in the space industry, due to the increasing need of higher transmission power and smaller devices. This work presents a novel RF breakdown detection system, which monitors the same parameters as the microwave nulling system but with several advantages. Where microwave nulling-a de facto standard in RF breakdown testing-is narrowband and requires continuous tuning to keep its sensitivity, the proposed technique is broadband and maintains its performance for any RF signal. On top of that, defining the detection threshold is cumbersome due to the lack of an international standardized criterion. Small responses may appear in the detection system during the test and, sometimes, it is not possible to determine if these are an actual RF breakdown or random noise. This new detection system uses a larger analysis bandwidth, thus reducing the cases in which a small response is difficult to be classified. The proposed detection method represents a major step forward in high power testing as it runs without human intervention, warning the operator or decreasing the RF power automatically much faster than any human operator.