Aliaga, R. J. (2017). Real-Time Estimation of Zero Crossings of Sampled Signals for Timing Using Cubic Spline Interpolation. IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci., 64(8), 2414–2422.
Abstract: A scheme is proposed for hardware estimation of the location of zero crossings of sampled signals with subsample resolution for timing applications, which consists of interpolating the signal with a cubic spline near the zero crossing and then finding the root of the resulting polynomial. An iterative algorithm based on the bisection method is presented that obtains one bit of the result per step and admits an efficient digital implementation using fixed-point representation. In particular, the root estimation iteration involves only two additions, and the initial values can be obtained from finite impulse response (FIR) filters with certain symmetry properties. It is shown that this allows online real-time estimation of timestamps in free-running sampling detector systems with improved accuracy with respect to the more common linear interpolation. The method is evaluated with simulations using ideal and real timing signals, and estimates are given for the resource usage and speed of its implementation.
ANTARES Collaboration(Adrian-Martinez, S. et al), Aguilar, J. A., Bigongiari, C., Dornic, D., Emanuele, U., Gomez-Gonzalez, J. P., et al. (2012). The positioning system of the ANTARES Neutrino Telescope. J. Instrum., 7, T08002–20pp.
Abstract: The ANTARES neutrino telescope, located 40km off the coast of Toulon in the Mediterranean Sea at a mooring depth of about 2475m, consists of twelve detection lines equipped typically with 25 storeys. Every storey carries three optical modules that detect Cherenkov light induced by charged secondary particles (typically muons) coming from neutrino interactions. As these lines are flexible structures fixed to the sea bed and held taut by a buoy, sea currents cause the lines to move and the storeys to rotate. The knowledge of the position of the optical modules with a precision better than 10cm is essential for a good reconstruction of particle tracks. In this paper the ANTARES positioning system is described. It consists of an acoustic positioning system, for distance triangulation, and a compass-tiltmeter system, for the measurement of the orientation and inclination of the storeys. Necessary corrections are discussed and the results of the detector alignment procedure are described.
Keywords: Timing detectors; Detector modelling and simulations II (electric fields, charge transport, multiplication and induction, pulse formation, electron emission, etc); Detector alignment and calibration methods (lasers, sources, particle-beams); Detector control systems (detector and experiment monitoring and slow-control systems, architecture, hardware, algorithms, databases)
ATLAS Collaboration(Aad, G. et al), Aikot, A., Amos, K. R., Aparisi Pozo, J. A., Bailey, A. J., Bouchhar, N., et al. (2024). Performance of the ATLAS forward proton Time-of-Flight detector in Run 2. J. Instrum., 19(5), P05054–47pp.
Abstract: We present performance studies of the Time-of-Flight (ToF) subdetector of the ATLAS Forward Proton (AFP) detector at the LHC. Efficiencies and resolutions are measured using highstatistics data samples collected at low and moderate pile-up in 2017, the first year when the detectors were installed on both sides of the interaction region. While low efficiencies are observed, of the order of a few percent, the resolutions of the two ToF detectors measured individually are 21 ps and 28 ps, yielding an expected resolution of the longitudinal position of the interaction, z(vtx), in the central ATLAS detector of 5.3 +/- 0.6 mm. This is in agreement with the observed width of the distribution of the difference between..vtx measured independently by the central ATLAS tracker and by the ToF detector, of 6.0 +/- 2.0 mm.
Belver, D., Blanco, A., Cabanelas, P., Diaz, J., Fonte, P., Garzon, J. A., et al. (2012). Analysis of the space-time microstructure of cosmic ray air showers using the HADES RPC TOF wall. J. Instrum., 7, P10007–9pp.
Abstract: Cosmic rays have been studied, since they were discovered one century ago, with a very broad spectrum of detectors and techniques. However, never the properties of the extended air showers (EAS) induced by high energy primary cosmic rays had been analysed at the Earth surface with a high granularity detector and a time resolution at the 0.1 ns scale. The commissioning of the timing RPC (Resistive Plate Chambers) time of flight wall of the HADES spectrometer with cosmic rays, at the GSI (Darmstadt, Germany), opened up that opportunity. During the last months of 2009, more than 500 millions of cosmic ray events were recorded by a stack of two RPC modules, of about 1.25 m(2) each, able to measure swarms of up to similar to 100 particles with a time resolution better than 100 ps. In this document it is demonstrated how such a relative small two-plane, high-granularity timing RPC setup may provide significant information about the properties of the shower and hence about the primary cosmic ray properties.
Belver, D., Cabanelas, P., Castro, E., Garzon, J. A., Gil, A., Gonzalez-Diaz, D., et al. (2010). Performance of the Low-Jitter High-Gain/Bandwidth Front-End Electronics of the HADES tRPC Wall. IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci., 57(5), 2848–2856.
Abstract: A front-end electronics (FEE) chain for accurate time measurements has been developed for the new Resistive Plate Chamber (RPC)-based Time-of-Flight (TOF) wall of the High Acceptance Di-Electron Spectrometer (HADES). The wall covers an area of around 8 m(2) divided in 6 sectors. In total, 1122 4-gap timing RPC cells are read-out by 2244 time and charge sensitive channels. The FEE chain consists of 2 custom-made boards: a 4-channel Daughter BOard(DBO) and a 32-channel MotherBOard (MBO). The DBO uses a fast 2 GHz amplifier feeding a dual high-speed discriminator. The time and charge information are encoded, respectively, in the leading edge and the width of an LVDS signal. Each MBO houses up to 8 DBOs providing them regulated voltage supply, threshold values via DACs, test signals and, additionally, routing out a signal proportional to the channel multiplicity needed for a 1st level trigger decision. The MBO delivers LVDS signals to a multi-purpose Trigger Readout Board (TRB) for data acquisition. The FEE allows achieving a system resolution around 75 ps fulfilling comfortably the requirements of the HADES upgrade [1]. The commissioning of the whole RPC wall is finished and the 6 sectors are already mounted in their final position in the HADES spectrometer and ready to take data during the beam-times foreseen for 2010.
Blanco, A., Belver, D., Cabanelas, P., Diaz, J., Fonte, P., Garzon, J. A., et al. (2012). RPC HADES-TOF wall cosmic ray test performance. Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. A, 661, S114–S117.
Abstract: In this work we present results concerning the cosmic ray test, prior to the final installation and commissioning of the new Resistive Plate Chamber (RPC) Time of Flight (TOF) wall for the High-Acceptance DiElectron Spectrometer (HADES) at GSI. The TOF wall is composed of six equal sectors, each one constituted by 186 individual 4-gaps glass-aluminium shielded RPC cells distributed in six columns and 31 rows in two partially overlapping layers, covering an area of 1.26 m(2). All sectors were tested with the final Front End Electronic (FEE) and Data AcQuisition system (DAQ) together with Low Voltage (LV) and High Voltage (HV) systems. Results confirm a very uniform average system time resolution of 77 ps sigma together with an average multi-hit time resolution of 83 ps. Crosstalk levels below 1% (in average), moderate timing tails along with an average longitudinal position resolution of 8.4 mm sigma are also confirmed.
Mistry, A. K. et al, Tain, J. L., Agramunt, J., Algora, A., Guadilla, V., Morales, A. I., et al. (2022). The DESPEC setup for GSI and FAIR. Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. A, 1033, 166662–18pp.
Abstract: The DEcay SPECtroscopy (DESPEC) setup for nuclear structure investigations was developed and commissioned at GSI, Germany in preparation for a full campaign of experiments at the FRS and Super-FRS. In this paper, we report on the first employment of the setup in the hybrid configuration with the AIDA implanter coupled to the FATIMA LaBr3(Ce) fast-timing array, and high-purity germanium detectors. Initial results are shown from the first experiments carried out with the setup. An overview of the setup and function is discussed, including technical advancements along the path.
Modamio, V., Valiente-Dobon, J. J., Jaworski, G., Huyuk, T., Triossi, A., Egea, J., et al. (2015). Digital pulse-timing technique for the neutron detector array NEDA. Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. A, 775, 71–76.
Abstract: A new digital pulse-timing algorithm, to be used with the future neutron detector array NEDA, has been developed and tested. The time resolution of four 5 in diameter photomultiplier tubes (XP4512, R4144, R11833-100, and ET9390-kb), coupled to a cylindrical 5 in by 5 in BC501A liquict scintillator detector was measured by employing digital sampling electronics and a constant fraction discriminator (CFD) algorithm. The zero crossing of the CM algorithm was obtained with a cubic spline interpolation, which was continuous up to the second derivative. The performance of the algorithm was studied at sampling rates of 500 MS/s and 200 MS/s. The time resolution obtained with the digital electronics was compared to the values acquired with a standard analog CFD. The result of this comparison shows that the time resolution from the analog and the digital measurements at 500 MS/s and at 200 MS/s are within 15% for all the tested photomultiplier tubes.
Yaneva, A. et al, & Algora, A. (2024). The shape of the Tz =+1 nucleus 94Pd and the role of proton-neutron interactions on the structure of its excited states. Phys. Lett. B, 855, 138805–7pp.
Abstract: Reduced transition probabilities have been extracted between excited, yrast states in the N = Z + 2 nucleus Pd-94. The transitions of interest were observed following decays of the I-pi = 14(+), E-x = 2129-keV isomeric state, which was populated following the projectile fragmentation of a Xe-124 primary beam at the GSI Helmholtzzentrum fur Schwerionenforschung accelerator facility as part of FAIR Phase-0. Experimental information regarding the reduced E2 transition strengths for the decays of the yrast 8(+) and 6(+) states was determined following isomer-delayed E-gamma 1 – E-gamma 2 – Delta T-2,T-1 coincidence method, using the LaBr3(Ce)-based FATIMA fast-timing coincidence gamma-ray array, which allowed direct determination of lifetimes of states in Pd-94 using the Generalized Centroid Difference (GCD) method. The experimental value for the half-life of the yrast 8(+) state of 755(106) ps results in a reduced transition probability of B(E2:8(+)-> 6(+)) = 205(-25)(+34) e(2) fm(4), which enables a precise verification of shell-model calculations for this unique system, lying directly between the N = Z line and the N = 50 neutron shell closure. The determined B(E2) value provides an insight into the purity of (g(9/2))(n) configurations in competition with admixtures from excitations between the (lower) N = 3pf and (higher) N = 4gds orbitals for the first time. The results indicate weak collectivity expected for near-zero quadrupole deformation and an increasing importance of the T = 0 proton-neutron interaction at N = 48.