Author |
Title |
Year |
Publication |
Volume |
Pages |
Links |
Fabbri, A.; Pavloff, N. |
Momentum correlations as signature of sonic Hawking radiation in Bose-Einstein condensates |
2018 |
Scipost Physics |
4 |
019 - 45pp |
Casals, M.; Fabbri, A.; Martinez, C.; Zanelli, J. |
Quantum Backreaction on Three-Dimensional Black Holes and Naked Singularities |
2017 |
Physical Review Letters |
118 |
131102 - 6pp |
Casals, M.; Fabbri, A.; Martinez, C.; Zanelli, J. |
Quantum dress for a naked singularity |
2016 |
Physics Letters B |
760 |
244-248 |
Anderson, P.R.; Fabbri, A.; Balbinot, R. |
Low frequency gray-body factors and infrared divergences: Rigorous results |
2015 |
Physical Review D |
91 |
064061 - 18pp |
Babichev, E.; Fabbri, A. |
Rotating black holes in massive gravity |
2014 |
Physical Review D |
90 |
084019 - 7pp |
Boiron, D.; Fabbri, A.; Larre, P.E.; Pavloff, N.; Westbrook, C.I.; Zin, P. |
Quantum Signature of Analog Hawking Radiation in Momentum Space |
2015 |
Physical Review Letters |
115 |
025301 - 5pp |
Anderson, P.R.; Balbinot, R.; Fabbri, A.; Parentani, R. |
Gray-body factor and infrared divergences in 1D BEC acoustic black holes |
2014 |
Physical Review D |
90 |
104044 - 6pp |
Clement, G.; Fabbri, A. |
A scenario for critical scalar field collapse in AdS(3) |
2015 |
Classical and Quantum Gravity |
32 |
095009 - 16pp |
Babichev, E.; Fabbri, A. |
Instability of black holes in massive gravity |
2013 |
Classical and Quantum Gravity |
30 |
152001 - 7pp |
Anderson, P.R.; Balbinot, R.; Fabbri, A.; Parentani, R. |
Hawking radiation correlations in Bose-Einstein condensates using quantum field theory in curved space |
2013 |
Physical Review D |
87 |
124018 - 18pp |