BABAR Collaboration(Lees, J. P. et al), Martinez-Vidal, F., Oyanguren, A., & Villanueva-Perez, P. (2014). Search for the decay (B)over-bar(0) -> Lambda(+)(c)(p)over-barp(p)over-bar. Phys. Rev. D, 89(7), 071102–7pp.
Abstract: We report a search for the decay (B) over bar (0) -> Lambda(+)(c)(p) over barp (p) over bar. Using a data sample of 471 x 10(6) B (B) over bar pairs collected with the BABAR detector at the PEP-II2 storage ring at SLAC, we find no events and set an upper limit on the branching fraction B((B) over bar (0) -> Lambda(+)(c)(p) over barp (p) over bar x B(Lambda(+)(c) -> pK(-)pi(+))/0.050 < 2.8 x 10(-6) at 90% C. L., where we have normalized B(Lambda(+)(c) -> pK(-)pi(+)) to the world average value.
Belver-Aguilar, C., Faus-Golfe, A., Toral, F., & Barnes, M. J. (2014). Stripline design for the extraction kicker of Compact Linear Collider damping rings. Phys. Rev. Spec. Top.-Accel. Beams, 17(7), 071003–14pp.
Abstract: In the framework of the design study of future linear colliders, the Compact Linear Collider (CLIC) aims for electron-positron collisions with high luminosity at a nominal center-of-mass energy of 3 TeV. To achieve the luminosity requirements, predamping rings ( PDRs) and damping rings ( DRs) are required: they reduce the beam emittance before the beam is accelerated in the main linac. Several kicker systems are needed to inject and extract the beam from the PDRs and DRs. In order to achieve both low beam coupling impedance and reasonable broadband impedance matching to the electrical circuit, striplines have been chosen for the kicker elements. In this paper, we present the complete design of the striplines for the DR extraction kicker, since it is the most challenging from the field homogeneity point of view. The excellent field homogeneity required, as well as a good transmission of the high voltage pulse through the electrodes, has been achieved by choosing a novel electrode shape. With this new geometry, it has been possible to benefit from all the advantages that the most common shapes introduce separately. Furthermore, a detailed study of the different operating modes of a stripline kicker allowed the beam coupling impedance to be reduced at low frequencies: this cannot be achieved by tapering the electrodes. The optimum design of the striplines and their components has been based on studies of impedance matching, field homogeneity, power transmission, beam coupling impedance, and manufacturing tolerances. Finally, new ideas for further improvement of the performance of future striplines are reported.
Wang, E., Xie, J. J., & Nieves, J. (2014). Regge signatures from forward CLAS Lambda(1520) photoproduction data. Phys. Rev. C, 90(6), 065203–10pp.
Abstract: The γp→K+Λ(1520) reaction mechanism is investigated within a Regge--effective Lagrangian hybrid approach based on our previous study of this reaction [Physical Review C89, 015203 (2014)]. Near threshold and for large K+ angles, both the CLAS and LEPS data can be successfully described by considering the contributions from the contact, t-channel K¯ exchange, u-channel Λ(1115) hyperon pole, and the s-channel nucleon pole and N∗(2120) resonance contributions. However, for higher energies and forward K+ angles, systematic discrepancies with data appear, which hint the possible existence of sizable quark-gluon string mechanism effects. We show how the inclusion of a K¯ Regge--trajectory exchange in the t-channel leads to an efficient description of the Λ(1520) photoproduction channel over the whole energy and angular ranges accessible in the CLAS experiment.
Davesne, D., Pastore, A., & Navarro, J. (2014). Fitting (NLO)-L-3 pseudo-potentials through central plus tensor Landau parameters. J. Phys. G, 41(6), 065104–12pp.
Abstract: Landau parameters determined from phenomenological finite-range interactions are used to get an estimation of next-to-next-to-next-to-leading order ((NLO)-L-3) pseudo-potentials parameters. The parameter sets obtained in this way are shown to lead to consistent results concerning saturation properties. The uniqueness of this procedure is discussed, and an estimate of the error induced by the truncation at (NLO)-L-3 is given.
Hernandez, P., Kekic, M., & Lopez-Pavon, J. (2014). N_eff in low-scale seesaw models versus the lightest neutrino mass. Phys. Rev. D, 90(6), 065033–12pp.
Abstract: We evaluate the contribution to N_eff of the extra sterile states in low-scale type I seesaw models (with three extra sterile states). We explore the full parameter space and find that at least two of the heavy states always reach thermalization in the early Universe, while the third one might not thermalize provided the lightest neutrino mass is below O(10(-3) eV). Constraints from cosmology therefore severely restrict the spectra of heavy states in the range 1 eV-100 MeV. The implications for neutrinoless double beta decay are also discussed.
Armillis, R., Lazarides, G., & Pallis, C. (2014). Inflation, leptogenesis, and Yukawa quasiunification within a supersymmetric left-right model. Phys. Rev. D, 89(6), 065032–22pp.
Abstract: A simple extension of the minimal left-right symmetric supersymmetric grand unified theory model is constructed by adding two pairs of superfields. This naturally violates the partial Yukawa unification predicted by the minimal model. After including supergravity corrections, we find that this extended model naturally supports hilltop F-term hybrid inflation along its trivial inflationary path with only a very mild tuning of the initial conditions. With a convenient choice of signs of the terms in the Kahler potential, we can reconcile the inflationary scale with the supersymmetric grand unified theory scale. All the current data on the inflationary observables are readily reproduced. Inflation is followed by nonthermal leptogenesis via the decay of the right-handed neutrinos emerging from the decay of the inflaton, and any possible washout of the lepton asymmetry is avoided thanks to the violation of partial Yukawa unification. The extra superfields also assist us in reducing the reheat temperature so as to satisfy the gravitino constraint. The observed baryon asymmetry of the universe is naturally reproduced consistently with the neutrino oscillation parameters.
Aguilar, A. C., Binosi, D., Ibañez, D., & Papavassiliou, J. (2014). New method for determining the quark-gluon vertex. Phys. Rev. D, 90(6), 065027–26pp.
Abstract: We present a novel nonperturbative approach for calculating the form factors of the quark-gluon vertex in terms of an unknown three-point function, in the Landau gauge. The key ingredient of this method is the exact all-order relation connecting the conventional quark-gluon vertex with the corresponding vertex of the background field method, which is Abelian-like. When this latter relation is combined with the standard gauge technique, supplemented by a crucial set of transverse Ward identities, it allows the approximate determination of the nonperturbative behavior of all 12 form factors comprising the quark-gluon vertex, for arbitrary values of the momenta. The actual implementation of this procedure is carried out in the Landau gauge, in order to make contact with the results of lattice simulations performed in this particular gauge. The most demanding technical aspect involves the approximate calculation of the components of the aforementioned (fully dressed) three-point function, using lattice data as input for the gluon propagators appearing in its diagrammatic expansion. The numerical evaluation of the relevant form factors in three special kinematical configurations (soft-gluon and quark symmetric limit, zero quark momentum) is carried out in detail, finding qualitative agreement with the available lattice data. Most notably, a concrete mechanism is proposed for explaining the puzzling divergence of one of these form factors observed in lattice simulations.
Lesgourgues, J., & Pastor, S. (2014). Neutrino cosmology and Planck. New J. Phys., 16, 065002–24pp.
Abstract: Relic neutrinos play an important role in the evolution of the Universe, modifying some of the cosmological observables. We summarize the main aspects of cosmological neutrinos and describe how the precision of present cosmological data can be used to learn about neutrino properties. In particular, we discuss how cosmology provides information on the absolute scale of neutrino masses, complementary to beta decay and neutrinoless double-beta decay experiments. We explain why the combination of Planck temperature data with measurements of the baryon acoustic oscillation angular scale provides a strong bound on the sum of neutrino masses, 0.23 eV at the 95% confidence level, while the lensing potential spectrum and the cluster mass function measured by Planck are compatible with larger values. We also review the constraints from current data on other neutrino properties. Finally, we describe the very good perspectives from future cosmological measurements, which are expected to be sensitive to neutrino masses close to the minimum values guaranteed by flavour oscillations.
Karakoc, M. et al, & Molina, F. (2014). Gamow-Teller transitions in the A=40 isoquintet of relevance for neutrino captures in Ar-40. Phys. Rev. C, 89(6), 064313–7pp.
Abstract: Background: The Gamow-Teller response of Ar-40 is important for the use of liquid argon as a medium for neutrino detection. An ambiguity about the Gamow-Teller strength for the excitation of 1(+) states at 2290 and 2730 keV in K-40 results in a significant uncertainty for neutrino capture rates. This ambiguity is caused by the large discrepancy observed between strengths extracted from Ar-40(p, n) charge-exchange data and the transition strengths for the analog transitions studied in the beta decay of Ti-40. Purpose: This study was aimed at resolving the ambiguity between the results from the Ar-40(p, n) charge-exchange and Ti-40 beta-decay data. Method: Shell-model calculations in the sd-pf shell with a new interaction (WBMB-C) were used to study differences between the structure of the transitions from Ar-40 and Ti-40. Distorted-wave Born approximation reaction calculations were used to investigate uncertainties in the extraction of Gamow-Teller strength from the Ar-40(p, n) data. New high-resolution data for the Ar-40(He-3,t) reaction were used to gain further insight into the charge-exchange reaction mechanism and to provide more information to test the validity of the shell-model calculations. Results: The shell-model calculations showed that interference between amplitudes associated with pf and sd components to the low-lying Gamow-Teller transitions, in combination with a difference in Coulomb energy shifts for Ar-40 and Ti-40, can produce the differences on the scale of those observed between the Ar-40 charge-exchange and Ti-40 beta-decay data. In combination with the difference in nuclear penetrability of the (p, n) and (He-3,t) probes, the different contributions from amplitudes associated with transitions in the pf and sd shells are likely also responsible for the observed discrepancy between the ratio of the cross sections for the low-lying 1(+) states in the Ar-40(p, n) and Ar-40(He-3,t) data. Conclusions: On the basis of this study, it is recommended to use Gamow-Teller strengths extracted from the Ar-40(p, n) data, not the Ti-40 beta-decay data, for the calculation of neutrino capture rates. Further theoretical studies are required to achieve a consistent quantitative description for the energy differences between low-lying 1(+) states in K-40 and Sc-40 and the experimentally observed Gamow-Teller strengths.
Barranco, L., Boubekeur, L., & Mena, O. (2014). Model-independent fit to Planck and BICEP2 data. Phys. Rev. D, 90(6), 063007–7pp.
Abstract: Inflation is the leading theory to describe elegantly the initial conditions that led to structure formation in our Universe. In this paper, we present a novel phenomenological fit to the Planck, WMAP polarization (WP) and the BICEP2 data sets using an alternative parametrization. Instead of starting from inflationary potentials and computing the inflationary observables, we use a phenomenological parametrization due to Mukhanov, describing inflation by an effective equation of state, in terms of the number of e-folds and two phenomenological parameters alpha and beta. Within such a parametrization, which captures the different inflationary models in a model-independent way, the values of the scalar spectral index n(s), its running and the tensor-to-scalar ratio r are predicted, given a set of parameters (alpha, beta). We perform a Markov Chain Monte Carlo analysis of these parameters, and we show that the combined analysis of Planck and WP data favors the Starobinsky and Higgs inflation scenarios. Assuming that the BICEP2 signal is not entirely due to foregrounds, the addition of this last data set prefers instead the phi(2) chaotic models. The constraint we get from Planck and WP data alone on the derived tensor-to-scalar ratio is r < 0.18 at 95% C.L., value which is consistent with the one quoted from the BICEP2 Collaboration analysis, r = 0.16(-0.05)(+0-06), after foreground subtraction. This is not necessarily at odds with the 2 sigma tension found between Planck and BICEP2 measurements when analyzing data in terms of the usual n(s) and r parameters, given that the parametrization used here, for the preferred value n(s) similar or equal to 0.96, allows only for a restricted parameter space in the usual (n(s), r) plane.