Abada, A., Escribano, P., Marcano, X., & Piazza, G. (2022). Collider searches for heavy neutral leptons: beyond simplified scenarios. Eur. Phys. J. C, 82(11), 1030–17pp.
Abstract: With very few exceptions, the large amount of available experimental bounds on heavy neutral leptons – HNL – have been derived relying on the assumption of the existence of a single (usually Majorana) sterile fermion state that mixes with only one lepton flavour. However, most of the extensions of the Standard Model involving sterile fermions predict the existence of several HNLs, with complex mixing patterns to all flavours. Consequently, most of the experimental bounds for HNLs need to be recast before being applied to a generic scenario. In this work, we focus on LHC searches of heavy neutral leptons and discuss how to reinterpret the available bounds when it comes to consider mixings to all active flavours, not only in the case with a single HNL, but also in the case when more heavy neutral leptons are involved. In the latter case, we also consider the possibility of interference effects and show how the bounds on the parameter space should be recast.
Abdallah, J. et al, Carrio, F., Fiorini, L., Garcia Aparisi, F. B., Rodriguez Bosca, S., Valero, A., et al. (2021). Study of energy response and resolution of the ATLAS Tile Calorimeter to hadrons of energies from 16 to 30 GeV. Eur. Phys. J. C, 81(6), 549–18pp.
Abstract: Three spare modules of the ATLAS Tile Calorimeter were exposed to test beams from the Super Proton Synchrotron accelerator at CERN in 2017. The detector's measurements of the energy response and resolution to positive pions and kaons, and protons with energies ranging from 16 to 30 GeV are reported. The results have uncertainties of a few percent. They were compared to the predictions of the Geant4-based simulation program used in ATLAS to estimate the response of the detector to proton-proton events at the Large Hadron Collider. The determinations obtained using experimental and simulated data agree within the uncertainties.
Abdesselam, A. et al, Vos, M., & Fassi, F. (2011). Boosted objects: a probe of beyond the standard model physics. Eur. Phys. J. C, 71(6), 1661–19pp.
Abstract: We present the report of the hadronic working group of the BOOST2010 workshop held at the University of Oxford in June 2010. The first part contains a review of the potential of hadronic decays of highly boosted particles as an aid for discovery at the LHC and a discussion of the status of tools developed to meet the challenge of reconstructing and isolating these topologies. In the second part, we present new results comparing the performance of jet grooming techniques and top tagging algorithms on a common set of benchmark channels. We also study the sensitivity of jet substructure observables to the uncertainties in Monte Carlo predictions.
Abramowicz, H. et al, Boronat, M., Fuster, J., Garcia, I., Ros, E., & Vos, M. (2017). Higgs physics at the CLIC electron-positron linear collider. Eur. Phys. J. C, 77(7), 475–41pp.
Abstract: The Compact Linear Collider (CLIC) is an option for a future e(+) e(-) collider operating at centre-of-mass energies up to 3 TeV, providing sensitivity to a wide range of new physics phenomena and precision physics measurements at the energy frontier. This paper is the first comprehensive presentation of the Higgs physics reach of CLIC operating at three energy stages: root s = 350 GeV, 1.4 and 3 TeV. The initial stage of operation allows the study of Higgs boson production in Higgsstrahlung (e(+) e(-) -> ZH) and WW-fusion (e(+) e(-) -> H nu(e) (nu) over bar (e)), resulting in precise measurements of the production cross sections, the Higgs total decay width Gamma(H), and model-independent determinations of the Higgs couplings. Operation at root s > 1 TeV provides high-statistics samples of Higgs bosons produced through WW-fusion, enabling tight constraints on the Higgs boson couplings. Studies of the rarer processes e(+) e(-) -> t (t) over barH and e(+) e(-) -> HH nu(e) (nu) over bar (e) allow measurements of the top Yukawa coupling and the Higgs boson self-coupling. This paper presents detailed studies of the precision achievable with Higgs measurements at CLIC and describes the interpretation of these measurements in a global fit.
Abreu, L. M., Albaladejo, M., Feijoo, A., Oset, E., & Nieves, J. (2023). Shedding light on the X(3930) and X(3960) states with the B-> K- J/psi omega reaction. Eur. Phys. J. C, 83(4), 309–11pp.
Abstract: We have studied the contribution of the state X(3930), coming from the interaction of the D ($) over bar and D-s(+) D ($) over bar (s) channels, to the B- -> K- J/psi omega decay. The purpose of this work is to offer a complementary tool to see if the X(3930) state observed in the D+ D- channel is the same or not as the X(3960) resonance claimed by the LHCb Collaboration from a peak in the D-s(+) D s mass distribution around threshold. We present results for what we expect in the J/psi omega mass distribution in the B- -> K- J/psi omega decay and conclude that a clear signal should be seen around 3930 MeV. At the same time, finding no extra resonance signal at 3960 MeV would be a clear indication that there is not a new state at 3960 MeV, supporting the hypothesis that the near-threshold peaking structure peak in the D-s(+) D-s(-) mass distribution is only a manifestation of a resonance below threshold.
Abreu, L. M., Wang, W. F., & Oset, E. (2023). Traces of the new alpha(0)(1780) resonance in the J/Psi ->phi K+ K-(K-0 K_(0)) reaction. Eur. Phys. J. C, 83(3), 243–11pp.
Abstract: We study the J/Psi ->phi K+ K- decay, looking for differences in the production rates of K+K- or K-0 K-(0) in the region of 1700-1800 MeV, where two resonances appear dynamically generated from the vector-vector interaction. Two resonances are known experimentally in that region, the f(0)(1710) and a new resonance reported by the BABAR and BESIII collaborations. The K K should be produced with I = 0 in that reaction, but due to the different K*(0) and K*(+) masses some isospin violation appears. Yet, due to the large width of the K*, the violation obtained is very small and the rates of K+K- or K-0 K-0 production are equal within 5%. However, we also find that due to the step needed to convert two vectors into K K, a shape can appear in the K K mass distribution that can mimic the a0 production around the K* K* threshold, and is simply a threshold effect.
Accettura, C. et al, & Zurita, J. (2023). Towards a muon collider. Eur. Phys. J. C, 83(9), 864–110pp.
Abstract: A muon collider would enable the big jump ahead in energy reach that is needed for a fruitful exploration of fundamental interactions. The challenges of producing muon collisions at high luminosity and 10 TeV centre of mass energy are being investigated by the recently-formed International Muon Collider Collaboration. This Review summarises the status and the recent advances on muon colliders design, physics and detector studies. The aim is to provide a global perspective of the field and to outline directions for future work.
Actis, S. et al, & Rodrigo, G. (2010). Quest for precision in hadronic cross sections at low energy: Monte Carlo tools vs. experimental data. Eur. Phys. J. C, 66(3-4), 585–686.
Abstract: We present the achievements of the last years of the experimental and theoretical groups working on hadronic cross section measurements at the low-energy e (+) e (-) colliders in Beijing, Frascati, Ithaca, Novosibirsk, Stanford and Tsukuba and on tau decays. We sketch the prospects in these fields for the years to come. We emphasise the status and the precision of the Monte Carlo generators used to analyse the hadronic cross section measurements obtained as well with energy scans as with radiative return, to determine luminosities and tau decays. The radiative corrections fully or approximately implemented in the various codes and the contribution of the vacuum polarisation are discussed.
Adams, D. et al, & Vos, M. (2015). Towards an understanding of the correlations in jet substructure. Eur. Phys. J. C, 75(9), 409–52pp.
Abstract: Over the past decade, a large number of jet substructure observables have been proposed in the literature, and explored at the LHC experiments. Such observables attempt to utilize the internal structure of jets in order to distinguish those initiated by quarks, gluons, or by boosted heavy objects, such as top quarks and W bosons. This report, originating from and motivated by the BOOST2013 workshop, presents original particle-level studies that aim to improve our understanding of the relationships between jet substructure observables, their complementarity, and their dependence on the underlying jet properties, particularly the jet radius and jet transverse momentum. This is explored in the context of quark/gluon discrimination, boosted W boson tagging and boosted top quark tagging.
Adrian-Martinez, S. et al, Calvo, D., & Real, D. (2016). Long term monitoring of the optical background in the Capo Passero deep-sea site with the NEMO tower prototype. Eur. Phys. J. C, 76(2), 68–11pp.
Abstract: The NEMO Phase-2 tower is the first detector which was operated underwater for more than 1 year at the “record” depth of 3500 m. It was designed and built within the framework of the NEMO (NEutrino Mediterranean Observatory) project. The 380 m high tower was successfully installed in March 2013 80 km offshore Capo Passero (Italy). This is the first prototype operated on the site where the Italian node of the KM3NeT neutrino telescope will be built. The installation and operation of the NEMO Phase-2 tower has proven the functionality of the infrastructure and the operability at 3500 m depth. A more than 1 year long monitoring of the deep water characteristics of the site has been also provided. In this paper the infrastructure and the tower structure and instrumentation are described. The results of long term optical background measurements are presented. The rates show stable and low baseline values, compatible with the contribution of K-40 light emission, with a small percentage of light bursts due to bioluminescence. All these features confirm the stability and good optical properties of the site.