Kumar, R., Nath, N., & Srivastava, R. (2024). Cutting the scotogenic loop: adding flavor to dark matter. J. High Energy Phys., 12(12), 036–37pp.
Abstract: We introduce a framework for hybrid neutrino mass generation, wherein scotogenic dark sector particles, including dark matter, are charged non-trivially under the A4 flavor symmetry. The spontaneous breaking of the A4 group to residual Z2 subgroup results in the “cutting” of the radiative loop. As a consequence the neutrinos acquire mass through the hybrid “scoto-seesaw” mass mechanism, combining aspects of both the tree-level seesaw and one-loop scotogenic mechanisms, with the residual Z2 subgroup ensuring the stability of the dark matter. The flavor symmetry also leads to several predictions including the normal ordering of neutrino masses and “generalized μ- tau reflection symmetry” in leptonic mixing. Additionally, it gives testable predictions for neutrinoless double beta decay and a lower limit on the lightest neutrino mass. Finally, A4 -> Z2 breaking also leaves its imprint on the dark sector and ties it with the neutrino masses and mixing. The model allows only scalar dark matter, whose mass has a theoretical upper limit of less than or similar to 600 GeV, with viable parameter space satisfying all dark matter constraints, available only up to about 80 GeV. Conversely, fermionic dark matter is excluded due to constraints from the neutrino sector. Various aspects of this highly predictive framework can be tested in both current and upcoming neutrino and dark matter experiments.
Morisi, S., & Valle, J. W. F. (2013). Neutrino masses and mixing: a flavour symmetry roadmap. Fortschritte Phys.-Prog. Phys., 61(4-5), 466–492.
Abstract: Over the last ten years tri-bimaximal mixing has played an important role in modeling the flavour problem. We give a short review of the status of flavour symmetry models of neutrino mixing. We concentrate on non-Abelian discrete symmetries, which provide a simple way to account for the TBM pattern. We discuss phenomenological implications such as neutrinoless double beta decay, lepton flavour violation as well as theoretical aspects such as the possibility to explain quarks and leptons within a common framework, such as grand unified models.
Roy, S., Morisi, S., Singh, N. N., & Valle, J. W. F. (2015). The Cabibbo angle as a universal seed for quark and lepton mixings. Phys. Lett. B, 748, 1–4.
Abstract: A model-independent ansatz to describe lepton and quark mixing in a unified way is suggested based upon the Cabibbo angle. In our framework neutrinos mix in a “Bi-Large” fashion, while the charged leptons mix as the “down-type” quarks do. In addition to the standard Wolfenstein parameters (lambda, A) two other free parameters (psi, delta) are needed to specify the physical lepton mixing matrix. Through this simple assumption one makes specific predictions for the atmospheric angle as well as leptonic CP violation in good agreement with current observations.
Valle, J. W. F. (2015). Status and implications of neutrino masses: a brief panorama. Int. J. Mod. Phys. A, 30(13), 1530034–13pp.
Abstract: With the historic discovery of the Higgs boson our picutre of particle physics would have been complete were it nor for the neutrino sector and cosmology. I briefly discuss the role of neutrino masses and mixing upon gauge coupling unification, electroweak breaking and the flavor sector. Time is ripe for new discoveries such as leptonic CP violation, charged lepton flavor violation and neutrinoless double beta decay. Neutrinos could also play a role is elucidating the nature of dark matter and cosmic inflation.