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Abada, A., De Romeri, V., Lucente, M., Teixeira, A. M., & Toma, T. (2018). Effective Majorana mass matrix from tau and pseudoscalar meson lepton number violating decays. J. High Energy Phys., 02(2), 169–57pp.
Abstract: An observation of any lepton number violating process will undoubtedly point towards the existence of new physics and indirectly to the clear Majorana nature of the exchanged fermion. In this work, we explore the potential of a minimal extension of the Standard Model via heavy sterile fermions with masses in the [0.1-10] GeV range concerning an extensive array of “neutrinoless” meson and tau decay processes. We assume that the Majorana neutrinos are produced on-shell, and focus on three-body decays. We conduct an update on the bounds on the active-sterile mixing elements, vertical bar U-l alpha 4,U-l beta 4 vertical bar, taking into account the most recent experimental bounds (and constraints) and new theoretical inputs, as well as the effects of a finite detector, imposing that the heavy neutrino decay within the detector. This allows to establish up-to-date comprehensive constraints on the sterile fermion parameter space. Our results suggest that the branching fractions of several decays are close to current sensitivities (likely within reach of future facilities), some being already in conflict with current data (as is the case of K-broken vertical bar -> l(alpha)(broken vertical bar)+l(beta)(+)pi(-), and tau(-)->mu(broken vertical bar)pi(-)pi(-)). We use these processes to extract constraints on all entries of an enlarged definition of a 3 x 3 “effective” Majorana neutrino mass matrix m(v)(alpha beta).
Keywords: Beyond Standard Model; Neutrino Physics
Abbas, G., Celis, A., Li, X. Q., Lu, J., & Pich, A. (2015). Flavour-changing top decays in the aligned two-Higgs-doublet model. J. High Energy Phys., 06(6), 005–26pp.
Abstract: We perform a complete one-loop computation of the two-body flavour-changing top decays t --> ch and t --> cV (V = gamma, Z), within the aligned two-Higgs-doublet model. We evaluate the impact of the model parameters on the associated branching ratios, taking into account constraints from flavour data and measurements of the Higgs properties. Assuming that the 125 GeV Higgs corresponds to the lightest CP-even scalar of the CP-conserving aligned two-Higgs-doublet model, we find that the rates for such flavour-changing top decays lie below the expected sensitivity of the future high-luminosity phase of the LHC. Measurements of the Higgs signal strength in the di-photon channel are found to play an important role in limiting the size of the t --> ch decay rate when the charged scalar of the model is light.
Keywords: Rare Decays; Beyond Standard Model; Heavy Quark Physics
Adolf, P., Hirsch, M., & Päs, H. (2023). Radiative neutrino masses and the Cohen-Kaplan-Nelson bound. J. High Energy Phys., 11(11), 078–14pp.
Abstract: Recently, an increasing interest in UV/IR mixing phenomena has drawn attention to the range of validity of standard quantum field theory. Here we explore the consequences of such a limited range of validity in the context of radiative models for neutrino mass generation. We adopt an argument first published by Cohen, Kaplan and Nelson that gravity implies both UV and IR cutoffs, apply it to the loop integrals describing radiative corrections, and demonstrate that this effect has significant consequences for the parameter space of radiative neutrino mass models.
Agarwalla, S. K., Bagchi, P., Forero, D. V., & Tortola, M. (2015). Probing non-standard interactions at Daya Bay. J. High Energy Phys., 07(7), 060–33pp.
Abstract: In this article we consider the presence of neutrino non-standard interactions (NSI) in the production and detection processes of reactor antineutrinos at the Daya Bay experiment. We report for the first time, the new constraints on the flavor non-universal and flavor universal charged-current NSI parameters, estimated using the currently released 621 days of Daya Bay data. New limits are placed assuming that the new physics effects are just inverse of each other in the production and detection processes. With this special choice of the NSI parameters, we observe a shift in the oscillation amplitude without distorting the L/E pattern of the oscillation probability. This shift in the depth of the oscillation dip can be caused by the NSI parameters as well as by theta(13), making it quite difficult to disentangle the NSI effects from the standard oscillations. We explore the correlations between the NSI parameters and theta(13) that may lead to significant deviations in the reported value of the reactor mixing angle with the help of iso-probability surface plots. Finally, we present the limits on electron, muon/tau, and flavor universal (FU) NSI couplings with and without considering the uncertainty in the normalization of the total event rates. Assuming a perfect knowledge of the event rates normalization, we find strong upper bounds similar to 0.1% for the electron and FU cases improving the present limits by one order of magnitude. However, for a conservative error of 5% in the total normalization, these constraints are relaxed by almost one order of magnitude.
Keywords: Neutrino Physics; Beyond Standard Model
Agarwalla, S. K., Conrad, J. M., & Shaevitz, M. H. (2011). Short-baseline neutrino oscillation waves in ultra-large liquid scintillator detectors. J. High Energy Phys., 12(12), 085–24pp.
Abstract: Powerful new multi-kiloton liquid scintillator neutrino detectors, including NOvA and, possibly, LENA, will come on-line within the next decade. When coupled with a modest-power decay-at-rest (DAR) neutrino source at short-baseline, these detectors can decisively address signals for neutrino oscillations at high Delta m(2). Along the greater than 50 m length of the detector, the characteristic oscillation wave will be apparent, providing powerful verification of the oscillation phenomenon. LENA can simultaneously perform (v) over bar (mu) -> (v) over bar (e) appearance and v(e) -> v(e) disappearance searches while NOvA is likely limited to v(e) disappearance. For the appearance channel, a LENA-like detector could test the LSND and MiniBooNE signal regions at > 5 sigma with a fiducial volume of 5 kt and a 10 kW neutrino source. The LENA and NOvA v(e) disappearance sensitivities are complementary to the recent reactor anomaly indicating possible (v) over bar (e) disappearance and would cover this possible oscillation signal at similar to 3 sigma.
Keywords: Neutrino Detectors and Telescopes
Agarwalla, S. K., & Hernandez, P. (2012). Probing the neutrino mass hierarchy with Super-Kamiokande. J. High Energy Phys., 10(10), 086–14pp.
Abstract: We show that for recently discovered large values of theta(13), a superbeam with an average neutrino energy of similar to 5 GeV, such as those being proposed at CERN, if pointing to Super-Kamiokande (L similar or equal to 8770 km), could reveal the neutrino mass hierarchy at 5 sigma in less than two years irrespective of the true hierarchy and CP phase. The measurement relies on the near resonant matter effect in the nu(mu) -> nu(e) oscillation channel, and can be done counting the total number of appearance events with just a neutrino beam.
Keywords: Neutrino Physics; Beyond Standard Model
Agarwalla, S. K., Huber, P., Tang, J. A., & Winter, W. (2011). Optimization of the Neutrino Factory, revisited. J. High Energy Phys., 01(1), 120–45pp.
Abstract: We perform the baseline and energy optimization of the Neutrino Factory including the latest simulation results on the magnetized iron detector (MIND). We also consider the impact of tau decays, generated by v(mu) -> v(tau) or v(e) -> v(tau) appearance, on the mass hierarchy, CP violation, and theta(13) discovery reaches, which we find to be negligible for the considered detector. For the baseline-energy optimization for small sin(2) 2 theta(13), we qualitatively recover the results with earlier simulations of the MIND detector. We find optimal baselines of about 2 500km to 5 000km for the CP violation measurement, where now values of E-mu as low as about 12 GeV may be possible. However, for large sin(2) 2 theta(13), we demonstrate that the lower threshold and the backgrounds reconstructed at lower energies allow in fact for muon energies as low as 5 GeV at considerably shorter baselines, such as FNAL-Homestake. This implies that with the latest MIND analysis, low-and high-energy versions of the Neutrino Factory are just two different versions of the same experiment optimized for different parts of the parameter space. Apart from a green-field study of the updated detector performance, we discuss specific implementations for the two-baseline Neutrino Factory, where the considered detector sites are taken to be currently discussed underground laboratories. We find that reasonable setups can be found for the Neutrino Factory source in Asia, Europe, and North America, and that a triangular-shaped storage ring is possible in all cases based on geometrical arguments only.
Keywords: Beyond Standard Model; Neutrino Physics
Agarwalla, S. K., Li, T., & Rubbia, A. (2012). An incremental approach to unravel the neutrino mass hierarchy and CP violation with a long-baseline superbeam for large theta(13). J. High Energy Phys., 05(5), 154–32pp.
Abstract: Recent data from long-baseline neutrino oscillation experiments have provided new information on theta(13), hinting that 0.01 less than or similar to sin(2) 2 theta(13) less than or similar to 0.1 at 2 sigma confidence level. In the near future, further confirmation of this result with high significance will have a crucial impact on the optimization of the future long-baseline neutrino oscillation experiments designed to probe the neutrino mass ordering and leptonic CP violation. In this context, we expound in detail the physics reach of an experimental setup where neutrinos produced in a conventional wide-band beam facility at CERN are observed in a proposed Giant Liquid Argon detector at the Pyhasalmi mine, at a distance of 2290 km. Due to the strong matter effects and the high detection efficiency at both the first and second oscillation maxima, this particular setup would have unprecedented sensitivity to the neutrino mass ordering and leptonic CP violation in the light of the emerging hints of large theta(13). With a 10 to 20 kt 'pilot' detector and just a few years of neutrino beam running, the neutrino mass hierarchy could be determined, irrespective of the true values of delta(CP) and the mass hierarchy, at 3 sigma (5 sigma) confidence level if sin(2) 2 theta(13)(true) = 0.05 (0.1). With the same exposure, we start to have 3 sigma sensitivity to CP violation if sin(2) 2 theta(13)(true) > 0.05, in particular testing maximally CP-violating scenarios at a high confidence level. After optimizing the neutrino and anti-neutrino running fractions, we study the performance of the setup as a function of the exposure, identifying three milestones to have roughly 30%, 50% and 70% coverage in delta(CP) (true) for 3 sigma CP violation discovery. For comparison, we also study the CERN to Slanic baseline of 1540 km. This work nicely demonstrates that an incremental program, staged in terms of the exposure, can achieve the desired physics goals within a realistically feasible timescale, and produce significant new results at each stage.
Keywords: Neutrino Physics; CP violation
Agarwalla, S. K., Lombardi, F., & Takeuchi, T. (2012). Constraining non-standard interactions of the neutrino with Borexino. J. High Energy Phys., 12(12), 079–21pp.
Abstract: We use the Borexino 153.6 ton.year data to place constraints on non-standard neutrino-electron interactions, taking into account the uncertainties in the Be-7 solar neutrino flux and the mixing angle theta(23), and backgrounds due to Kr-85 and Bi-210 beta-decay. We find that the bounds are comparable to existing bounds from all other experiments. Further improvement can be expected in Phase II of Borexino due to the reduction in the Kr-85 background.
Agarwalla, S. K., Prakash, S., Raut, S. K., & Sankar, S. U. (2012). Potential of optimized NOvA for large theta(13) and combined performance with a LArTPC & T2K. J. High Energy Phys., 12(12), 075–21pp.
Abstract: NO nu A experiment has reoptimized its event selection criteria in light of the recently measured moderately large value of theta(13). We study the improvement in the sensitivity to the neutrino mass hierarchy and to leptonic CP violation due to these new features. For favourable values of delta(CP), NO nu A sensitivity to mass hierarchy and leptonic CP violation is increased by 20%. Addition of 5 years of neutrino data from T2K to NO nu A more than doubles the range of delta(CP) for which the leptonic CP violation can be discovered,compared to stand alone NO nu A. But for unfavourable values of delta(CP), the combination of NO nu A and T2K are not enough to provide even a 90% C.L. hint of hierarchy discovery. Therefore,we further explore the improvement in the hierarchy and CP violation sensitivities due to the addition of a 10 kt liquid argon detector placed close to NO nu A site. The capabilities of such a detector are equivalent to those of NO nu A in all respects. We find that combined data from 10 kt liquid argon detector (3 years of nu + 3 years of (nu) over bar run), NO nu A (6 years of nu + 6 years of nu run) and T2K (5 years of nu run) can give a close to 2 sigma hint of hierarchy discovery for all values of delta(CP). With this combined data,we can achieve CP violation discovery at 95% C.L. for roughly 60% values of delta(CP).
Keywords: Neutrino Physics; CP violation