Author  |
Title |
Year |
Publication |
Volume |
Pages |
Addazi, A.; Marciano, A.; Morais, A.P.; Pasechnik, R.; Srivastava, R.; Valle, J.W.F. |
Gravitational footprints of massive neutrinos and lepton number breaking |
2020 |
Physics Letters B |
807 |
135577 - 8pp |
Agarwalla, S.K.; Masud, M. |
Can Lorentz invariance violation affect the sensitivity of deep underground neutrino experiment? |
2020 |
European Physical Journal C |
80 |
716 - 18pp |
AGATA Collaboration (Avigo, R. et al); Domingo-Pardo, C.; Gadea, A.; Gonzalez, V. |
Low-lying electric dipole gamma-continuum for the unstable Fe-62(,)64 nuclei: Strength evolution with neutron number |
2020 |
Physics Letters B |
811 |
135951 - 6pp |
AGATA Collaboration (Cederwall, B. et al); Gadea, A.; Jurado, M.; Domingo-Pardo, C.; Huyuk, T.; Perez-Vidal, R.M. |
Isospin Properties of Nuclear Pair Correlations from the Level Structure of the Self-Conjugate Nucleus Ru-88 |
2020 |
Physical Review Letters |
124 |
062501 - 6pp |
AGATA Collaboration (Korten, W. et al); Gadea, A. |
Physics opportunities with the Advanced Gamma Tracking Array: AGATA |
2020 |
European Physical Journal A |
56 |
137 - 33pp |
AGATA Collaboration (Siciliano, M. et al); Gadea, A.; Perez-Vidal, R.M.; Domingo-Pardo, C. |
Pairing-quadrupole interplay in the neutron-deficient tin nuclei: First lifetime measurements of low-lying states in Sn-106,Sn-108 |
2020 |
Physics Letters B |
806 |
135474 - 7pp |
Aguilar, A.C.; De Soto, F.; Ferreira, M.N.; Papavassiliou, J.; Rodriguez-Quintero, J.; Zafeiropoulos, S. |
Gluon propagator and three-gluon vertex with dynamical quarks |
2020 |
European Physical Journal C |
80 |
154 - 17pp |
Aguilar, A.C.; Ferreira, M.N.; Papavassiliou, J. |
Novel sum rules for the three-point sector of QCD |
2020 |
European Physical Journal C |
80 |
887 - 18pp |
Aguilar-Saavedra, J.A.; Casas, J.A.; Quilis, J.; Ruiz de Austri, R. |
Multilepton dark matter signals |
2020 |
Journal of High Energy Physics |
04 |
069 - 24pp |
Aguilera-Verdugo, J.J.; Driencourt-Mangin, F.; Hernandez-Pinto, R.J.; Plenter, J.; Ramirez-Uribe, S.; Renteria-Olivo, A.E.; Rodrigo, G.; Sborlini, G.F.R.; Torres Bobadilla, W.J.; Tracz, S. |
Open Loop Amplitudes and Causality to All Orders and Powers from the Loop-Tree Duality |
2020 |
Physical Review Letters |
124 |
211602 - 6pp |