Author  |
Title |
Year |
Publication |
Volume |
Pages |
Andrianopoli, L.; Merino, N.; Nadal, F.; Trigiante, M. |
General properties of the expansion methods of Lie algebras |
2013 |
Journal of Physics A |
46 |
365204 - 33pp |
Arnault, P.; Macquet, A.; Angles-Castillo, A.; Marquez-Martin, I.; Pina-Canelles, V.; Perez, A.; Di Molfetta, G.; Arrighi, P.; Debbasch, F. |
Quantum simulation of quantum relativistic diffusion via quantum walks |
2020 |
Journal of Physics A |
53 |
205303 - 39pp |
Botella-Soler, V.; Castelo, J.M.; Oteo, J.A.; Ros, J. |
Bifurcations in the Lozi map |
2011 |
Journal of Physics A |
44 |
305101 - 14pp |
Botella-Soler, V.; Oteo, J.A.; Ros, J.; Glendinning, P. |
Lyapunov exponent and topological entropy plateaus in piecewise linear maps |
2013 |
Journal of Physics A |
46 |
125101 - 26pp |
Caroca, R.; Kondrashuk, I.; Merino, N.; Nadal, F. |
Bianchi spaces and their three-dimensional isometries as S-expansions of two-dimensional isometries |
2013 |
Journal of Physics A |
46 |
225201 - 24pp |
de Azcarraga, J.A.; Izquierdo, J.M. |
n-ary algebras: a review with applications |
2010 |
Journal of Physics A |
43 |
293001 - 117pp |
Faleiro, R.; Pavao, R.; Costa, H.A.S.; Hiller, B.; Blin, A.H.; Sampaio, M. |
Perturbative approach to entanglement generation in QFT using the S matrix |
2020 |
Journal of Physics A |
53 |
365301 - 19pp |
Fioresi, R.; Lledo, M.A.; Razzaq, J. |
N=2 quantum chiral superfields and quantum super bundles |
2022 |
Journal of Physics A |
55 |
384012 - 19pp |
Hinarejos, M.; Bañuls, M.C.; Perez, A.; de Vega, I. |
Non-Markovianity and memory of the initial state |
2017 |
Journal of Physics A |
50 |
335301 - 17pp |