Author  |
Title |
Year |
Publication |
Volume |
Pages |
Albertus, C.; Hernandez, E.; Nieves, J. |
Exclusive c -> s, d Semileptonic Decays of Spin-1/2 and Spin-3/2 cb Baryons |
2014 |
Few-Body Systems |
55 |
767-771 |
Ikeno, N.; Toledo, G.; Liang, W.H.; Oset, E. |
Consistency of the Molecular Picture of Omega(2012) with the Latest Belle Results |
2023 |
Few-Body Systems |
64 |
55 - 6pp |
Mantovani-Sarti, V.; Drago, A.; Vento, V.; Park, B.Y. |
The Baryon Number Two System in the Chiral Soliton Model |
2013 |
Few-Body Systems |
54 |
513-516 |
Martinez Torres, A.; Khemchandani, K.P.; Roca, L.; Oset, E. |
Few-body systems consisting of mesons |
2020 |
Few-Body Systems |
61 |
35 - 16pp |
Martinez Torres, A.; Prelovsek, S.; Oset, E.; Ramos, A. |
Effective Field Theories in a Finite Volume |
2018 |
Few-Body Systems |
59 |
139 - 5pp |
Mikhailov, S.V.; Pimikov, A.V.; Stefanis, N.G. |
Theoretical Description and Measurement of the Pion-Photon Transition Form Factor |
2014 |
Few-Body Systems |
55 |
367-372 |
Pimikov, A.V.; Mikhailov, S.V.; Stefanis, N.G. |
Rho Meson Distribution Amplitudes from QCD Sum Rules with Nonlocal Condensates |
2014 |
Few-Body Systems |
55 |
401-406 |
Richard, J.M.; Valcarce, A.; Vijande, J. |
Resonances in the Quark Model |
2024 |
Few-Body Systems |
65 |
71 - 11pp |
Rinaldi, M.; Scopetta, S.; Traini, M.; Vento, V. |
Double Parton Distributions in Light-Front Constituent Quark Models |
2015 |
Few-Body Systems |
56 |
515-521 |
Valcarce, A.; Vijande, J.; Richard, J.M.; Garcilazo, H. |
Stability of Heavy Tetraquarks |
2018 |
Few-Body Systems |
59 |
9 - 7pp |