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Author | Title | Year | Publication | Volume | Pages |
Chen, Y.H.; Yao, D.L.; Zheng, H.Q. | A Study of rho-omega Mixing in Resonance Chiral Theory | 2018 | Communications in Theoretical Physics | 69 | 50-58 |
Yamagata-Sekihara, J.; Oset, E. | V P gamma radiative decay of resonances dynamically generated from the vector meson-vector meson interaction | 2010 | Physics Letters B | 690 | 376-381 |
Zamiralov, V.S.; Ozpineci, A.; Erkol, G. | QCD sum rules for the coupling constants of vector mesons to octet baryons | 2013 | Moscow University Physics Bulletin | 68 | 205-209 |