Gomez Dumm, D., Roig, P., Pich, A., & Portoles, J. (2010). tau -> pi pi pi nu(tau) decays and the a(1)(1260) off-shell width revisited. Phys. Lett. B, 685(2-3), 158–164.
Abstract: The tau -> pi pi pi nu(tau) decay is driven by the hadronization of the axial-vector current. Within the resonance chiral theory, and considering the large-N-C expansion, this process has been studied in Ref. [1] (D. Gomez Dumm, A. Pich, J. Portoles, 2004). In the light of later developments we revise here this previous work by including a new off-shell width for the lightest a(1) resonance that provides a good description of the tau -> pi pi pi nu(tau) spectrum and branching ratio. We also consider the role of the rho(1450) resonance in these observables. Thus we bring in an overall description of the tau -> pi pi pi nu(tau) process in excellent agreement with our present experimental knowledge.
Pich, A., & Rodriguez-Sanchez, A. (2016). Updated determination of alpha(s)(m(tau)(2)) from tau decays. Mod. Phys. Lett. A, 31(30), 1630032–15pp.
Abstract: Using the most recent release of the ALEPH tau decay data, we present a very detailed phenomenological update of the alpha(s)(m(tau)(2)) determination. We have exploited the sensitivity to the strong coupling in many different ways, exploring several complementary methodologies. All determinations turn out to be in excellent agreement, allowing us to extract a very reliable value of the strong coupling. We find alpha((nf =3))(s)(m(tau)(2)) = 0.328 +/- 0.012 which implies alpha((nf=5))(s)(M-Z(2)) = 0.1197 +/- 0.0014. We critically revise previous work, and point out the problems flawing some recent analyses which claim slightly smaller values.