Alioli, S., Fuster, J., Irles Quiles, A., Moch, S., Uwer, P., & Vos, M. (2012). A new observable to measure the top quark mass at hadron colliders. Pramana-J. Phys., 79(4), 809–812.
Abstract: The t (t) over bar + jet + X differential cross-section in proton-proton collisions at 7 TeV centre of mass energy is investigated with respect to its sensitivity to the top quark mass. The analysis includes higher order QCD corrections at NLO. The impact of the renormalization scale (mu(R)), the factorization (mu(F)) scale and of the choice of different proton's PDF (parton distribution function) has been evaluated. In this study it is concluded that differential jet rates offer a promising option for alternative mass measurements of the top quark, with theoretical uncertainties below 1 GeV.