Bandos, I. A., de Azcarraga, J. A., & Meliveo, C. (2012). Conformal higher spin theory in extended tensorial superspace. Fortschritte Phys.-Prog. Phys., 60(7-8), 861–867.
Abstract: We discuss the formulation of free conformal higher spin theories with extended N = 2, 4, 8 supersymmetry in N-extended tensorial superspaces. The superfield higher spin equations can be obtained by quantizing a superparticle model in N-extended tensorial superspace. The N-extended higher spin supermultiplets just contain scalar and spinor fields in tensorial space so that, in contrast with the standard (super)space approach, no nontrivial generalizations of the Maxwell or Einstein equations to tensorial space appear when N > 2. For N = 4, 8, the higher spin-tensorial components of the extended tensorial superfields are expressed through additional scalar and spinor fields in tensorial space which obey the same free higher spin equations, but that are axion-like in the sense that they possess Peccei-Quinn-like symmetries.
Lledo, M. A. (2020). Superfields, Nilpotent Superfields and Superschemes dagger. Symmetry-Basel, 12(6), 1024–32pp.
Abstract: We interpret superfields in a functorial formalism that explains the properties that are assumed for them in the physical applications. We study the non-trivial relation of scalar superfields with the defining sheaf of the supermanifold of super spacetime. We also investigate in the present work some constraints that are imposed on the superfields, which allow for non-trivial solutions. They give rise to superschemes that, generically, are not regular, that is they do not define a standard supermanifold.