Martinez-Reviriego, P., Esperante, D., Grudiev, A., Gimeno, B., Blanch, C., Gonzalez-Iglesias, D., et al. (2024). Dielectric assist accelerating structures for compact linear accelerators of low energy particles in hadrontherapy treatments. Front. Physics, 12, 1345237–12pp.
Abstract: Dielectric Assist Accelerating (DAA) structures based on ultralow-loss ceramic are being studied as an alternative to conventional disk-loaded copper cavities. This accelerating structure consists of dielectric disks with irises arranged periodically in metallic structures working under the TM02-pi mode. In this paper, the numerical design of an S-band DAA structure for low beta particles, such as protons or carbon ions used for Hadrontherapy treatments, is shown. Four dielectric materials with different permittivity and loss tangent are studied as well as different particle velocities. Through optimization, a design that concentrates most of the RF power in the vacuum space near the beam axis is obtained, leading to a significant reduction of power loss on the metallic walls. This allows to fabricate cavities with an extremely high quality factor, over 100,000, and shunt impedance over 300 M omega/m at room temperature. During the numerical study, the design optimization has been improved by adjusting some of the cell parameters in order to both increase the shunt impedance and reduce the peak electric field in certain locations of the cavity, which can lead to instabilities in its normal functioning.
Menendez, A., Esperante, D., Garcia-Olcina, R., Torres, J., Perez-Soler, J., Marco, R., et al. (2022). RF Acquisition System Based on μTCA for Testing of High-Gradient Acceleration Cavities. Electronics, 11(5), 720–22pp.
Abstract: The radio frequency (RF) laboratory hosted in the Corpuscular Physics Institute (IFIC) of the University of Valencia is designed to house a high-power and high-repetition-rate facility to test normal conduction RF accelerator cavities in the S-Band (2.9985 GHz) in order to perform R & D activities related to particle accelerator cavities. The system, which manages the entire process of RF signal generation, data acquisition and closed-loop control of the laboratory, is currently based on a modular and compact PXI platform system. This contribution details the development of a platform with similar features, but which is based on open architecture standards at both the hardware and software level. For this purpose, a complete system based on the μTCA platform has been developed. This new system must be able to work with accelerator cavities at other operating frequencies, such as 750 MHz, as well as to explore different options at firmware and software levels based on open-source codes.
Millar, W. L. et al, & Bañon Caballero, D. (2023). High-Power Test of Two Prototype X-Band Accelerating Structures Based on SwissFEL Fabrication Technology. IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci., 70(1), 1–19.
Abstract: This article presents the design, construction, and high-power test of two $X$ -band radio frequency (RF) accelerating structures built as part of a collaboration between CERN and the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI) for the compact linear collider (CLIC) study. The structures are a modified “tuning-free ” variant of an existing CERN design and were assembled using Swiss free electron laser (SwissFEL) production methods. The purpose of the study is two-fold. The first objective is to validate the RF properties and high-power performance of the tuning-free, vacuum brazed PSI technology. The second objective is to study the structures' high-gradient behavior to provide insight into the breakdown and conditioning phenomena as they apply to high-field devices in general. Low-power RF measurements showed that the structure field profiles were close to the design values, and both structures were conditioned to accelerating gradients in excess of 100 MV/m in CERN's high-gradient test facility. Measurements performed during the second structure test suggest that the breakdown rate (BDR) scales strongly with the accelerating gradient, with the best fit being a power law relation with an exponent of 31.14. In both cases, the test results indicate that stable, high-gradient operation is possible with tuning-free, vacuum brazed structures of this kind.
Monerris-Belda, O., Cervera Marin, R., Rodriguez Jodar, M., Diaz-Caballero, E., Alcaide Guillen, C., Petit, J., et al. (2021). High Power RF Discharge Detection Technique Based on the In-Phase and Quadrature Signals. IEEE Trans. Microw. Theory Tech., 69(12), 5429–5438.
Abstract: High power radio frequency (RF) breakdown testing is a subject of great relevance in the space industry, due to the increasing need of higher transmission power and smaller devices. This work presents a novel RF breakdown detection system, which monitors the same parameters as the microwave nulling system but with several advantages. Where microwave nulling-a de facto standard in RF breakdown testing-is narrowband and requires continuous tuning to keep its sensitivity, the proposed technique is broadband and maintains its performance for any RF signal. On top of that, defining the detection threshold is cumbersome due to the lack of an international standardized criterion. Small responses may appear in the detection system during the test and, sometimes, it is not possible to determine if these are an actual RF breakdown or random noise. This new detection system uses a larger analysis bandwidth, thus reducing the cases in which a small response is difficult to be classified. The proposed detection method represents a major step forward in high power testing as it runs without human intervention, warning the operator or decreasing the RF power automatically much faster than any human operator.
Zhang, X., Xiao, Y. T., & Gimeno, B. (2020). Multipactor Suppression by a Resonant Static Magnetic Field on a Dielectric Surface. IEEE Trans. Electron Devices, 67(12), 5723–5728.
Abstract: In this article, we study the suppression of the multipactor phenomenon on a dielectric surface by a resonant static magnetic field. A homemade Monte Carlo algorithm is developed for multipactor simulations on a dielectric surface driven by two orthogonal radio frequency (RF) electric field components. When the static magnetic field is perpendicular to the tangential and normal RF electric fields, it is shown that if the normal electric field lags the tangential electric field by pi/2, the superposition of the normal and tangential electric fields will trigger a gyro-acceleration of the electron cloud and restrain the multipactor discharge effectively. By contrast, when the normal electric field is in advance of the tangential electric field by pi/2, the difference between the normal and tangential electric fields drives gyro-motion of the electron cloud. Consequently, two enhanced discharge zones are inevitable. The suppression effects of the resonant static magnetic field that is parallel to the tangential RF electric field or to the normal RF electric field are also presented.