Aguilar, A. C., De Soto, F., Ferreira, M. N., Papavassiliou, J., Pinto-Gomez, F., Roberts, C. D., et al. (2023). Schwinger mechanism for gluons from lattice QCD. Phys. Lett. B, 841, 137906–8pp.
Abstract: Continuum and lattice analyses have revealed the existence of a mass-scale in the gluon two-point Schwinger function. It has long been conjectured that this expresses the action of a Schwinger mechanism for gauge boson mass generation in quantum chromodynamics (QCD). For such to be true, it is necessary and sufficient that a dynamically-generated, massless, colour-carrying, scalar gluon+gluon correlation emerges as a feature of the dressed three-gluon vertex. Working with results on elementary Schwinger functions obtained via the numerical simulation of lattice-regularised QCD, we establish with an extremely high level of confidence that just such a feature appears; hence, confirm the conjectured origin of the gluon mass scale.
Aguilar, A. C., De Soto, F., Ferreira, M. N., Papavassiliou, J., Pinto-Gomez, F., Rodríguez-Quintero, J., et al. (2024). Nonperturbative four-gluon vertex in soft kinematics. Phys. Lett. B, 858, 139065–7pp.
Abstract: We present a nonperturbative study of the form factor associated with the projection of the full four-gluon vertex on its classical tensor, for a set of kinematics with one vanishing and three arbitrary external momenta. The treatment is based on the Schwinger-Dyson equation governing this vertex, and a large-volume lattice simulation, involving ten thousand gauge field configurations. The key hypothesis employed in both approaches is the “planar degeneracy”, which classifies diverse configurations by means of a single variable, thus enabling their meaningful “averaging”. The results of both approaches show notable agreement, revealing a considerable suppression of the averaged form factor in the infrared. The deviations from the exact planar degeneracy are discussed in detail, and a supplementary variable is used to achieve a more accurate description. The effective charge defined through this special form factor is computed within both approaches, and the results obtained are in excellent agreement.
Binosi, D., Chang, L., Ding, M. H., Gao, F., Papavassiliou, J., & Roberts, C. D. (2019). Distribution amplitudes of heavy-light mesons. Phys. Lett. B, 790, 257–262.
Abstract: A symmetry-preserving approach to the continuum bound-state problem in quantum field theory is used to calculate the masses, leptonic decay constants and light-front distribution amplitudes of empirically accessible heavy-light mesons. The inverse moment of the B-meson distribution is particularly important in treatments of exclusive B-decays using effective field theory and the factorisation formalism; and its value is therefore computed: lambda(B) = (zeta = 2GeV) = 0.54(3) GeV. As an example and in anticipation of precision measurements at new-generation B-factories, the branching fraction for the rare B -> gamma (E-gamma)l nu(l) radiative decay is also calculated, retaining 1/m(B)(2), and 1/E-gamma(2) corrections to the differential decay width, with the result Gamma(B -> gamma l nu l) /Gamma(B) = 0.47 (15) on E-gamma > 1.5 GeV.
Cui, Z. F., Zhang, J. L., Binosi, D., De Soto, F., Mezrag, C., Papavassiliou, J., et al. (2020). Effective charge from lattice QCD. Chin. Phys. C, 44(8), 083102–10pp.
Abstract: Using lattice configurations for quantum chromodynamics (QCD) generated with three domain-wall fermions at a physical pion mass, we obtain a parameter-free prediction of QCD 's renormalisation-group-invariant process-independent effective charge, (alpha) over cap (k(2)). Owing to the dynamical breaking of scale invariance, evident in the emergence of a gluon mass-scale, m(0) = 0.43(1) GeV, this coupling saturates at infrared momenta: (alpha) over cap/pi = 0.97(4). Amongst other things: (alpha) over cap (k(2)) is almost identical to the process-dependent (PD) effective charge defined via the Bjorken sum rule; and also that PD charge which, employed in the one-loop evolution equations, delivers agreement between pion parton distribution functions computed at the hadronic scale and experiment. The diversity of unifying roles played by (alpha) over cap (k(2)) suggests that it is a strong candidate for that object which represents the interaction strength in QCD at any given momentum scale; and its properties support a conclusion that QCD is a mathematically well-defined quantum field theory in four dimensions.
Ferreira, M. N., & Papavassiliou, J. (2023). Gauge Sector Dynamics in QCD. Particles, 6(1), 312–363.
Abstract: The dynamics of the QCD gauge sector give rise to non-perturbative phenomena that are crucial for the internal consistency of the theory; most notably, they account for the generation of a gluon mass through the action of the Schwinger mechanism, the taming of the Landau pole, the ensuing stabilization of the gauge coupling, and the infrared suppression of the three-gluon vertex. In the present work, we review some key advances in the ongoing investigation of this sector within the framework of the continuum Schwinger function methods, supplemented by results obtained from lattice simulations.
Zamiralov, V. S., Ozpineci, A., & Erkol, G. (2013). QCD sum rules for the coupling constants of vector mesons to octet baryons. Mosc. Univ. Phys. Bull., 68(3), 205–209.
Abstract: The QCD sum rules on the light cone proposed by Wang for the coupling constants of the rho meson are generalized to the vector mesons omega and phi and all octet baryons, the I >-hyperon included. A comparison with other results is given.