Author |
Title |
Year |
Publication |
Volume |
Pages |
Caputo, A.; Regis, M.; Taoso, M. |
Searching for sterile neutrino with X-ray intensity mapping |
2020 |
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics |
03 |
001 - 21pp |
Carbone, C.; Mena, O.; Verde, L. |
Cosmological parameters degeneracies and non-Gaussian halo bias |
2010 |
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics |
07 |
020 - 17pp |
de Putter, R.; Wagner, C.; Mena, O.; Verde, L.; Percival, W.J. |
Thinking outside the box: effects of modes larger than the survey on matter power spectrum covariance |
2012 |
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics |
04 |
019 - 31pp |
Fornengo, N.; Lineros, R.A.; Regis, M.; Taoso, M. |
Cosmological radio emission induced by WIMP Dark Matter |
2012 |
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics |
03 |
033 - 27pp |
Gariazzo, S.; Mena, O.; Ramirez, H.; Boubekeur, L. |
Primordial power spectrum features in phenomenological descriptions of inflation |
2017 |
Physics of the Dark Universe |
17 |
38-45 |
Jimenez, R.; Kitching, T.; Pena-Garay, C.; Verde, L. |
Can we measure the neutrino mass hierarchy in the sky? |
2010 |
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics |
05 |
035 - 14pp |
Stadler, J.; Boehm, C.; Mena, O. |
Comprehensive study of neutrino-dark matter mixed damping |
2019 |
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics |
08 |
014 - 23pp |
Wagner, C.; Verde, L.; Boubekeur, L. |
N-body simulations with generic non-Gaussian initial conditions I: power spectrum and halo mass function |
2010 |
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics |
10 |
022 - 24pp |