Adolf, P., Hirsch, M., & Päs, H. (2023). Radiative neutrino masses and the Cohen-Kaplan-Nelson bound. J. High Energy Phys., 11(11), 078–14pp.
Abstract: Recently, an increasing interest in UV/IR mixing phenomena has drawn attention to the range of validity of standard quantum field theory. Here we explore the consequences of such a limited range of validity in the context of radiative models for neutrino mass generation. We adopt an argument first published by Cohen, Kaplan and Nelson that gravity implies both UV and IR cutoffs, apply it to the loop integrals describing radiative corrections, and demonstrate that this effect has significant consequences for the parameter space of radiative neutrino mass models.
Akhmedov, E., & Martinez-Mirave, P. (2022). Solar (v(e))over-bar flux: revisiting bounds on neutrino magnetic moments and solar magnetic field. J. High Energy Phys., 10(10), 144–35pp.
Abstract: The interaction of neutrino transition magnetic dipole moments with magnetic fields can give rise to the phenomenon of neutrino spin-flavour precession (SFP). For Majorana neutrinos, the combined action of SFP of solar neutrinos and flavour oscillations would manifest itself as a small, yet potentially detectable, flux of electron antineutrinos coming from the Sun. Non-observation of such a flux constrains the product of the neutrino magnetic moment μand the strength of the solar magnetic field B. We derive a simple analytical expression for the expected (v(e)) over bar appearance probability in the three-flavour framework and we use it to revisit the existing experimental bounds on μB. A full numerical calculation has also been performed to check the validity of the analytical result. We also present our numerical results in energy-binned form, convenient for analyses of the data of the current and future experiments searching for the solar (v(e)) over bar flux. In addition, we give a comprehensive compilation of other existing limits on neutrino magnetic moments and of the expressions for the probed effective magnetic moments in terms of the fundamental neutrino magnetic moments and leptonic mixing parameters.
Albertus, C., Hernandez, E., & Nieves, J. (2010). Hyperfine mixing in electromagnetic decay of doubly heavy bc baryons. Phys. Lett. B, 690(3), 265–271.
Abstract: We investigate the role of hyperfine mixing in the electromagnetic decay of ground state doubly heavy bc baryons. As in the case of a previous calculation on b -> c semileptonic decays of doubly heavy baryons, we find large corrections to the electromagnetic decay widths due to this mixing. Contrary to the weak case just mentioned, we find here that one cannot use electromagnetic width relations obtained in the infinite heavy quark mass limit to experimentally extract information on the admixtures in a model independent way.
Baker, M. J., Bordes, J., Hong-Mo, C., & Tsun, T. S. (2011). Mass Hierarchy, Mixing, CP-Violation And Higgs Decay – Or Why Rotation Is Good For Us. Int. J. Mod. Phys. A, 26(13), 2087–2124.
Abstract: The idea of a rank-one rotating mass matrix (R2M2) is reviewed detailing how it leads to ready explanations both for the fermion mass hierarchy and for the distinctive mixing patterns between up and down fermion states, which can be and have been tested against experiment and shown to be fully consistent with existing data. Further, R2M2 is seen to offer, as by-products: (i) a new solution to the strong CP problem in QCD by linking the theta-angle there to the Kobayashi-Maskawa CP-violating phase in the CKM matrix, and (ii) some novel predictions of possible anomalies in Higgs decay observable in principle at the LHC. A special effort is made to answer some questions raised.
Baker, M. J., Bordes, J., Hong-Mo, C., & Tsun, T. S. (2012). Developing the Framed Standard Model. Int. J. Mod. Phys. A, 27(17), 1250087–45pp.
Abstract: The framed standard model (FSM) suggested earlier, which incorporates the Higgs field and three fermion generations as part of the framed gauge theory (FGT) structure, is here developed further to show that it gives both quarks and leptons hierarchical masses and mixing matrices akin to what is experimentally observed. Among its many distinguishing features which lead to the above results are (i) the vacuum is degenerate under a global su(3) symmetry which plays the role of fermion generations, (ii) the fermion mass matrix is “universal,” rank-one and rotates (changes its orientation in generation space) with changing scale mu, (iii) the metric in generation space is scale-dependent too, and in general nonflat, (iv) the theta-angle term in the quantum chromodynamics (QCD) action of topological origin gets transformed into the CP-violating phase of the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa (CKM) matrix for quarks, thus offering at the same time a solution to the strong CP problem.
Barenboim, G., Ternes, C. A., & Tortola, M. (2018). Neutrinos, DUNE and the world best bound on CPT invariance. Phys. Lett. B, 780, 631–637.
Abstract: CPT symmetry, the combination of Charge Conjugation, Parity and Time reversal, is a cornerstone of our model building strategy and therefore the repercussions of its potential violation will severely threaten the most extended tool we currently use to describe physics, i.e. local relativistic quantum fields. However, limits on its conservation from the Kaon system look indeed imposing. In this work we will show that neutrino oscillation experiments can improve this limit by several orders of magnitude and therefore are an ideal tool to explore the foundations of our approach to Nature. Strictly speaking testing CPT violation would require an explicit model for how CPT is broken and its effects on physics. Instead, what is presented in this paper is a test of one of the predictions of CPT conservation, i.e., the same mass and mixing parameters in neutrinos and antineutrinos. In order to do that we calculate the current CPT bound on all the neutrino mixing parameters and study the sensitivity of the DUNE experiment to such an observable. After deriving the most updated bound on CPT from neutrino oscillation data, we show that, if the recent T2K results turn out to be the true values of neutrino and antineutrino oscillations, DUNE would measure the fallout of CPT conservation at more than 3 sigma. Then, we study the sensitivity of the experiment to measure CPT invariance in general, finding that DUNE will be able to improve the current bounds on Delta(Delta m(31)(2)) by at least one order of magnitude. We also study the sensitivity to the other oscillation parameters. Finally we show that, if CPT is violated in nature, combining neutrino with antineutrino data in oscillation analysis will produce imposter solutions.
Bayar, M., & Debastiani, V. R. (2017). a(0)(980) – f(0)(980) mixing in chi(c1) -> pi(0)f(0)(980) -> pi(0)pi(+)pi(-) and chi(c1) -> pi(0) a(0)(980) -> pi(0)pi(0)eta. Phys. Lett. B, 775, 94–99.
Abstract: We study the isospin breaking in the reactions chi(c1) -> pi(0)pi(+)pi(-) and chi(c1) -> pi(0)pi(0)eta and its relation to the a(0)(980) – f(0)(980) mixing, which was measured by the BESIII Collaboration. We show that the same theoretical model previously developed to study the chi(c1) -> eta pi(+)pi(-) reaction (also measured by BESIII), and further explored in the predictions to the eta(c) -> eta pi(+)pi(-), can be successfully employed in the present study. We assume that the chi(c1) behaves as an SU(3) singlet to find the weight in which trios of pseudoscalars are created, followed by the final state interaction of pairs of mesons to describe how the a(0)(980) and f(0)(980) are dynamically generated, using the chiral unitary approach in coupled channels. The isospin violation is introduced through the use of different masses for the charged and neutral kaons, either in the propagators of pairs of mesons created in the chi(c1) decay, or in the propagators inside the T matrix, constructed through the unitarization of the scattering and transition amplitudes of pairs of pseudoscalar mesons. We find that violating isospin inside the T matrix makes the pi(0)eta -> pi(+)pi(-) amplitude nonzero, which gives an important contribution and also enhances the effect of the K (K) over bar term. We also find that the most important effect in the total amplitude is the isospin breaking inside the T matrix, due to the constructive sum of pi(0)eta -> pi(+)pi(-) and K (K) over bar -> pi(+)pi(-), which is essential to get a good agreement with the experimental measurement of the mixing.
Blennow, M., Fernandez-Martinez, E., Hernandez-Garcia, J., Lopez-Pavon, J., Marcano, X., & Naredo-Tuero, D. (2023). Bounds on lepton non-unitarity and heavy neutrino mixing. J. High Energy Phys., 08(8), 030–41pp.
Abstract: We present an updated and improved global fit analysis of current flavour and electroweak precision observables to derive bounds on unitarity deviations of the leptonic mixing matrix and on the mixing of heavy neutrinos with the active flavours. This new analysis is motivated by new and updated experimental results on key observables such as V-ud, the invisible decay width of the Z boson and the W boson mass. It also improves upon previous studies by considering the full correlations among the different observables and explicitly calibrating the test statistic, which may present significant deviations from a & chi;(2) distribution. The results are provided for three different Type-I seesaw scenarios: the minimal scenario with only two additional right-handed neutrinos, the next to minimal one with three extra neutrinos, and the most general one with an arbitrary number of heavy neutrinos that we parametrise via a generic deviation from a unitary leptonic mixing matrix. Additionally, we also analyze the case of generic deviations from unitarity of the leptonic mixing matrix, not necessarily induced by the presence of additional neutrinos. This last case relaxes some correlations among the parameters and is able to provide a better fit to the data. Nevertheless, inducing only leptonic unitarity deviations avoiding both the correlations implied by the right-handed neutrino extension as well as more strongly constrained operators is challenging and would imply significantly more complex UV completions.
Bonilla, C., Herms, J., Medina, O., & Peinado, E. (2023). Discrete dark matter mechanism as the source of neutrino mass scales. J. High Energy Phys., 06(6), 078–23pp.
Abstract: The hierarchy in scale between atmospheric and solar neutrino mass splittings is investigated through two distinct neutrino mass mechanisms from tree-level and one-loop-level contributions. We demonstrate that the minimal discrete dark matter mechanism contains the ingredients for explaining this hierarchy. This scenario is characterized by adding new RH neutrinos and SU(2)-doublet scalars to the Standard Model as triplet representations of an A(4) flavor symmetry. The A(4) symmetry breaking, which occurs at the electroweak scale, leads to a residual DOUBLE-STRUCK CAPITAL Z(2) symmetry responsible for the dark matter stability and dictates the neutrino phenomenology. Finally, we show that to reproduce the neutrino mixing angles correctly, it is necessary to violate CP in the scalar potential.
Bonilla, C., Lamprea, J. M., Peinado, E., & Valle, J. W. F. (2018). Flavour-symmetric type-II Dirac neutrino seesaw mechanism. Phys. Lett. B, 779, 257–261.
Abstract: We propose a Standard Model extension with underlying A(4) flavour symmetry where small Dirac neutrino masses arise from a Type-II seesaw mechanism. The model predicts the “golden” flavour-dependent bottom-tau mass relation, requires an inverted neutrino mass ordering and non-maximal atmospheric mixing angle. Using the latest neutrino oscillation global fit[ 1] we derive restrictions on the oscillation parameters, such as a correlation between delta(CP) and m(nu lightest).