Beltran Jimenez, J., de Andres, D., & Delhom, A. (2020). Anisotropic deformations in a class of projectively-invariant metric-affine theories of gravity. Class. Quantum Gravity, 37(22), 225013–25pp.
Abstract: Among the general class of metric-affine theories of gravity, there is a special class conformed by those endowed with a projective symmetry. Perhaps the simplest manner to realise this symmetry is by constructing the action in terms of the symmetric part of the Ricci tensor. In these theories, the connection can be solved algebraically in terms of a metric that relates to the spacetime metric by means of the so-called deformation matrix that is given in terms of the matter fields. In most phenomenological applications, this deformation matrix is assumed to inherit the symmetries of the matter sector so that in the presence of an isotropic energy-momentum tensor, it respects isotropy. In this work we discuss this condition and, in particular, we show how the deformation matrix can be anisotropic even in the presence of isotropic sources due to the non-linear nature of the equations. Remarkably, we find that Eddington-inspired-Born-Infeld (EiBI) theories do not admit anisotropic deformations, but more general theories do. However, we find that the anisotropic branches of solutions are generally prone to a pathological physical behaviour.
Benisty, D., Olmo, G. J., & Rubiera-Garcia, D. (2021). Singularity-Free and Cosmologically Viable Born-Infeld Gravity with Scalar Matter. Symmetry-Basel, 13(11), 2108–24pp.
Abstract: The early cosmology, driven by a single scalar field, both massless and massive, in the context of Eddington-inspired Born-Infeld gravity, is explored. We show the existence of nonsingular solutions of bouncing and loitering type (depending on the sign of the gravitational theory's parameter, epsilon) replacing the Big Bang singularity, and discuss their properties. In addition, in the massive case, we find some new features of the cosmological evolution depending on the value of the mass parameter, including asymmetries in the expansion/contraction phases, or a continuous transition between a contracting phase to an expanding one via an intermediate loitering phase. We also provide a combined analysis of cosmic chronometers, standard candles, BAO, and CMB data to constrain the model, finding that for roughly |epsilon|& LSIM;5 & BULL;10-8m2 the model is compatible with the latest observations while successfully removing the Big Bang singularity. This bound is several orders of magnitude stronger than the most stringent constraints currently available in the literature.
Olmo, G. J., & Rubiera-Garcia, D. (2022). Some recent results on Ricci-based gravity theories. Int. J. Mod. Phys. D, 31, 2240012–15pp.
Abstract: In this paper, metric-afline theories in which the gravity Lagrangian is built using (projectively invariant) contractions of the Ricci tensor with itself and with the metric (Ricci-based gravity theories, or RBGs for short) are reviewed. The goal is to provide a contextualized and coherent presentation of some recent results. In particular, we focus on the correspondence that exists between the field equations of these theories and those of general relativity, and comment on how this can be used to build new solutions of physical interest. We also discuss the formalism of junction conditions in the f (R) case, and provide a brief summary on current experimental and observational bounds on model parameters.
Olmo, G. J., Rosa, J. L., Rubiera-Garcia, D., & Saez-Chillon Gomez, D. (2023). Shadows and photon rings of regular black holes and geonic horizonless compact objects. Class. Quantum Gravity, 40(17), 174002–37pp.
Abstract: The optical appearance of a body compact enough to feature an unstable bound orbit, when surrounded by an accretion disk, is expected to be dominated by a luminous ring of radiation enclosing a central brightness depression typically known as the shadow. Despite observational limitations, the rough details of this picture have been now confirmed by the results of the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) Collaboration on the imaging of the M87 and Milky Way supermassive central objects. However, the precise characterization of both features-ring and shadow-depends on the interaction between the background geometry and the accretion disk, thus being a fertile playground to test our theories on the nature of compact objects and the gravitational field itself in the strong-field regime. In this work we use both features in order to test a continuous family of solutions interpolating between regular black holes and horizonless compact objects, which arise within the Eddington-inspired Born-Infeld theory of gravity, a viable extension of Einstein's general relativity (GR). To this end we consider seven distinctive classes of such configurations (five black holes and two traversable wormholes) and study their optical appearances under illumination by a geometrically and optically thin accretion disk, emitting monochromatically with three analytic intensity profiles previously suggested in the literature. We build such images and consider the sub-ring structure created by light rays crossing the disk more than once and existing on top of the main ring of radiation. We discuss in detail the modifications as compared to their GR counterparts, the Lyapunov exponents of unstable nearly-bound orbits, as well as the differences between black hole and traversable wormholes for the three intensity profiles. In addition we use the claim by the EHT Collaboration on the radius of the bright ring acting (under proper calibrations) as a proxy for the radius of the shadow itself to explore the parameter space of our solutions compatible with such a result.