Addazi, A., Valle, J. W. F., & Vaquera-Araujo, C. A. (2016). String completion of an SU(3)(c) x SU(3)(L) x U(1)(X) electroweak model. Phys. Lett. B, 759, 471–478.
Abstract: The extended electroweak SU(3)(c) circle times SU(3)(L) circle times U(1)(X) symmetry framework “explaining” the number of fermion families is revisited. While 331-based schemes can not easily be unified within the conventional field theory sense, we show how to do it within an approach based on D-branes and (un)oriented open strings, on Calabi-Yau singularities. We show how the theory can be UV-completed in a quiver setup, free of gauge and string anomalies. Lepton and baryon numbers are perturbatively conserved, so neutrinos are Dirac-type, and their lightness results from a novel TeV scale seesaw mechanism. Dynamical violation of baryon number by exotic instantons could induce neutron-antineutron oscillations, with proton decay and other dangerous R-parity violating processes strictly forbidden. (C) 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY license.
Aguilar, A. C., Binosi, D., & Papavassiliou, J. (2016). The gluon mass generation mechanism: A concise primer. Front. Phys., 11(2), 111203–18pp.
Abstract: We present a pedagogical overview of the nonperturbative mechanism that endows gluons with a dynamical mass. This analysis is performed based on pure Yang-Mills theories in the Landau gauge, within the theoretical framework that emerges from the combination of the pinch technique with the background field method. In particular, we concentrate on the Schwinger-Dyson equation satisfied by the gluon propagator and examine the necessary conditions for obtaining finite solutions within the infrared region. The role of seagull diagrams receives particular attention, as do the identities that enforce the cancellation of all potential quadratic divergences. We stress the necessity of introducing nonperturbative massless poles in the fully dressed vertices of the theory in order to trigger the Schwinger mechanism, and explain in detail the instrumental role of these poles in maintaining the Becchi-Rouet-Stora-Tyutin symmetry at every step of the mass-generating procedure. The dynamical equation governing the evolution of the gluon mass is derived, and its solutions are determined numerically following implementation of a set of simplifying assumptions. The obtained mass function is positive definite, and exhibits a power law running that is consistent with general arguments based on the operator product expansion in the ultraviolet region. A possible connection between confinement and the presence of an inflection point in the gluon propagator is briefly discussed.
Aguilar, A. C., De Soto, F., Ferreira, M. N., Papavassiliou, J., Pinto-Gomez, F., Roberts, C. D., et al. (2023). Schwinger mechanism for gluons from lattice QCD. Phys. Lett. B, 841, 137906–8pp.
Abstract: Continuum and lattice analyses have revealed the existence of a mass-scale in the gluon two-point Schwinger function. It has long been conjectured that this expresses the action of a Schwinger mechanism for gauge boson mass generation in quantum chromodynamics (QCD). For such to be true, it is necessary and sufficient that a dynamically-generated, massless, colour-carrying, scalar gluon+gluon correlation emerges as a feature of the dressed three-gluon vertex. Working with results on elementary Schwinger functions obtained via the numerical simulation of lattice-regularised QCD, we establish with an extremely high level of confidence that just such a feature appears; hence, confirm the conjectured origin of the gluon mass scale.
Alcaide, J., Salvado, J., & Santamaria, A. (2018). Fitting flavour symmetries: the case of two-zero neutrino mass textures. J. High Energy Phys., 07(7), 164–18pp.
Abstract: We present a numeric method for the analysis of the fermion mass matrices predicted in flavour models. The method does not require any previous algebraic work, it offers a chi(2) comparison test and an easy estimate of confidence intervals. It can also be used to study the stability of the results when the predictions are disturbed by small perturbations. We have applied the method to the case of two-zero neutrino mass textures using the latest available fits on neutrino oscillations, derived the available parameter space for each texture and compared them. Textures A(1) and A(2) seem favoured because they give a small chi(2), allow for large regions in parameter space and give neutrino masses compatible with Cosmology limits. The other “allowed” textures remain allowed although with a very constrained parameter space, which, in some cases, could be in conflict with Cosmology. We have also revisited the “forbidden” textures and studied the stability of the results when the texture zeroes are not exact. Most of the forbidden textures remain forbidden, but textures F-1 and F-3 are particularly sensitive to small perturbations and could become allowed.
Alioli, S., Fuster, J., Irles Quiles, A., Moch, S., Uwer, P., & Vos, M. (2012). A new observable to measure the top quark mass at hadron colliders. Pramana-J. Phys., 79(4), 809–812.
Abstract: The t (t) over bar + jet + X differential cross-section in proton-proton collisions at 7 TeV centre of mass energy is investigated with respect to its sensitivity to the top quark mass. The analysis includes higher order QCD corrections at NLO. The impact of the renormalization scale (mu(R)), the factorization (mu(F)) scale and of the choice of different proton's PDF (parton distribution function) has been evaluated. In this study it is concluded that differential jet rates offer a promising option for alternative mass measurements of the top quark, with theoretical uncertainties below 1 GeV.
Arbelaez, C., Carcamo Hernandez, A. E., Cepedello, R., Kovalenko, S., & Schmidt, I. (2020). Sequentially loop suppressed fermion masses from a single discrete symmetry. J. High Energy Phys., 06(6), 043–24pp.
Abstract: We propose a systematic and renormalizable sequential loop suppression mechanism to generate the hierarchy of the Standard Model fermion masses from one discrete symmetry. The discrete symmetry is sequentially softly broken in order to generate one-loop level masses for the bottom, charm, tau and muon leptons and two-loop level masses for the lightest Standard Model charged fermions. The tiny masses for the light active neutrinos are produced from radiative type-I seesaw mechanism, where the Dirac mass terms are effectively generated at two-loop level.
ATLAS Collaboration(Aad, G. et al), Amoros, G., Cabrera Urban, S., Castillo Gimenez, V., Costa, M. J., Escobar, C., et al. (2011). Search for high mass dilepton resonances in pp collisions at root s=7 TeV with the ATLAS experiment. Phys. Lett. B, 700(3-4), 163–180.
Abstract: This Letter presents a search for high mass e(+)e(-) or mu(+)mu(-) resonances in pp collisions at root s = 7 TeV at the LHC. The data were recorded by the ATLAS experiment during 2010 and correspond to a total integrated luminosity of similar to 40 pb(-1). No statistically significant excess above the Standard Model expectation is observed in the search region of dilepton invariant mass above 110 GeV. Upper limits at the 95% confidence level are set on the cross section times branching ratio of Z' resonances decaying to dielectrons and dimuons as a function of the resonance mass. A lower mass limit of 1.048 TeV on the Sequential Standard Model Z' boson is derived, as well as mass limits on Z* and E(6)-motivated Z' models.
Ayala, C., & Cvetic, G. (2016). anQCD: Fortran programs for couplings at complex momenta in various analytic QCD models. Comput. Phys. Commun., 199, 114–117.
Abstract: We provide three Fortran programs which evaluate the QCD analytic (holomorphic) couplings A(v)(Q(2)) for complex or real squared momenta Q(2). These couplings are holomorphic analogs of the powers a(Q(2))(v) of the underlying perturbative QCD (pQCD) coupling a(Q(2)) equivalent to alpha(s)(Q(2))/pi, in three analytic QCD models (anQCD): Fractional Analytic Perturbation Theory (FAPT), Two-delta analytic QCD (2 delta anQCD), and Massive Perturbation Theory (MPT). The index v can be noninteger. The provided programs do basically the same job as the Mathematica package anQCD.m published by us previously (Ayala and Cvetic, 2015), but are now written in Fortran. Program summary Program title: AanQCDext Catalogue identifier: AEYKv10 Program summary URL: http://cpc.cs.qub.ac.uk/summaries/AEYICv1_0.html Program obtainable from: CPC Program Library, Queen's University, Belfast, N. Ireland Licensing provisions: Standard CPC licence, http://cpc.cs.qub.ac.uk/licence/licence.html No. of lines in distributed program, including test data, etc.: 12105 No. of bytes in distributed program, including test data, etc.: 98822 Distribution format: tar.gz Programming language: Fortran. Computer: Any work-station or PC where Fortran 95/200312008 (gfortran) is running. Operating system: Operating system Linux (Ubuntu and Scientific Linux), Windows (in all cases using gfortran). Classification: 11.1, 11.5. Nature of problem: Calculation of values of the running analytic couplings A(v)(Q(2); N-f) for general complex squared momenta Q(2) equivalent to -q(2), in three analytic QCD models, where A(v)(Q(2); N-f) is the analytic (holomorphic) analog of the power (alpha(s)(Q(2); N-f)/pi)(v). Here, A(v)(Q(2); N-f) is a holomorphic function in the Q(2) complex plane, with the exception of the negative semiaxis (-infinity, -M-thr(2)], reflecting the analyticity properties of the spacelike renormalization invariant quantities D(Q(2)) in QCD. In contrast, the perturbative QCD power (alpha(s)(Q(2); N-f)/pi)(v) has singularities even outside the negative semiaxis (Landau ghosts). The three considered models are: Analytic Perturbation theory (APT); Two-delta analytic QCD (2 delta anQCD); Massive Perturbation Theory (MPT). We refer to Ref. [1] for more details and literature. Solution method: The Fortran programs for FAPT and 2 delta anQCD models contain routines and functions needed to perform two-dimensional numerical integrations involving the spectral function, in order to evaluate A(v)(Q(2)) couplings. In MPT model, one-dimensional numerical integration involving A(1)(Q(2)) is sufficient to evaluate any A(v)(Q(2)) coupling. Restrictions: For unphysical choices of the input parameters the results are meaningless. When Q(2) is close to the cut region of the couplings (Q(2) real negative), the calculations can take more time and can have less precision. Running time: For evaluation of a set of about 10 related couplings, the times vary in the range t similar to 10(1)-10(2) s. MPT requires less time, t similar to 1-10(1) s. References: [1] C. Ayala and G. Cvetic, anQCD: a Mathematica package for calculations in general analytic QCD models, Comput. Phys. Commun. 190 (2015) 182.
Baker, M. J., Bordes, J., Hong-Mo, C., & Tsun, T. S. (2011). Mass Hierarchy, Mixing, CP-Violation And Higgs Decay – Or Why Rotation Is Good For Us. Int. J. Mod. Phys. A, 26(13), 2087–2124.
Abstract: The idea of a rank-one rotating mass matrix (R2M2) is reviewed detailing how it leads to ready explanations both for the fermion mass hierarchy and for the distinctive mixing patterns between up and down fermion states, which can be and have been tested against experiment and shown to be fully consistent with existing data. Further, R2M2 is seen to offer, as by-products: (i) a new solution to the strong CP problem in QCD by linking the theta-angle there to the Kobayashi-Maskawa CP-violating phase in the CKM matrix, and (ii) some novel predictions of possible anomalies in Higgs decay observable in principle at the LHC. A special effort is made to answer some questions raised.
Baker, M. J., Bordes, J., Hong-Mo, C., & Tsun, T. S. (2012). Developing the Framed Standard Model. Int. J. Mod. Phys. A, 27(17), 1250087–45pp.
Abstract: The framed standard model (FSM) suggested earlier, which incorporates the Higgs field and three fermion generations as part of the framed gauge theory (FGT) structure, is here developed further to show that it gives both quarks and leptons hierarchical masses and mixing matrices akin to what is experimentally observed. Among its many distinguishing features which lead to the above results are (i) the vacuum is degenerate under a global su(3) symmetry which plays the role of fermion generations, (ii) the fermion mass matrix is “universal,” rank-one and rotates (changes its orientation in generation space) with changing scale mu, (iii) the metric in generation space is scale-dependent too, and in general nonflat, (iv) the theta-angle term in the quantum chromodynamics (QCD) action of topological origin gets transformed into the CP-violating phase of the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa (CKM) matrix for quarks, thus offering at the same time a solution to the strong CP problem.