Garcfa-Barcelo, J. M., Melcon, A. A., Cuendis, S. A., Diaz-Morcillo, A., Gimeno, B., Kanareykin, A., et al. (2023). On the Development of New Tuning and Inter-Coupling Techniques Using Ferroelectric Materials in the Detection of Dark Matter Axions. IEEE Access, 11, 30360–30372.
Abstract: Tuning is an essential requirement for the search of dark matter axions employing haloscopes since its mass is not known yet to the scientific community. At the present day, most haloscope tuning systems are based on mechanical devices which can lead to failures due to the complexity of the environment in which they are used. However, the electronic tuning making use of ferroelectric materials can provide a path that is less vulnerable to mechanical failures and thus complements and expands current tuning systems. In this work, we present and design a novel technique for using the ferroelectric Potassium Tantalate (KTaO3 or KTO) material as a tuning element in haloscopes based on coupled microwave cavities. In this line, the structures used in the Relic Axion Detector Exploratory Setup (RADES) group are based on several cavities that are connected by metallic irises, which act as interresonator coupling elements. In this article, we also show how to use these KTaO3 films as interresonator couplings between cavities, instead of inductive or capacitive metallic windows used in the past. These two techniques represent a crucial upgrade over the current systems employed in the dark matter axions community, achieving a tuning range of 2.23% which represents a major improvement as compared to previous works (<0.1%) for the same class of tuning systems. The theoretical and simulated results shown in this work demonstrate the interest of the novel techniques proposed for the incorporation of this kind of ferroelectric media in multicavity resonant haloscopes in the search for dark matter axions.
Otal, A., Celada, F., Chimeno, J., Vijande, J., Pellejero, S., Perez-Calatayud, M. J., et al. (2022). Review on Treatment Planning Systems for Cervix Brachytherapy (Interventional Radiotherapy): Some Desirable and Convenient Practical Aspects to Be Implemented from Radiation Oncologist and Medical Physics Perspectives. Cancers, 14(14), 3467–15pp.
Abstract: Simple Summary There are no brachytherapy treatment planning systems (TPS) exclusively for the treatment of cervical tumours, so general-purpose TPSs are used. However, these treatments have some particular features concerning the treatment of other pathologies, especially in the case of exclusive use of MRI as an imaging modality and the presence of gynaecological applicators in combination with an interstitial part. That is why it is essential to review the latest versions of commercial TPSs to find the potential features to improve with the help of a group of experimented medical physicists and radiation oncologists. Furthermore, after reviewing the recent literature for advances applicable to cervical brachytherapy and through his own clinical experience, possible improvements are proposed to software providers for the development of new tools. Intracavitary brachytherapy (BT, Interventional Radiotherapy, IRT), plays an essential role in the curative intent of locally advanced cervical cancer, for which the conventional approach involves external beam radiotherapy with concurrent chemotherapy followed by BT. This work aims to review the different methodologies used by commercially available treatment planning systems (TPSs) in exclusive magnetic resonance imaging-based (MRI) cervix BT with interstitial component treatments. Practical aspects and improvements to be implemented into the TPSs are discussed. This review is based on the clinical expertise of a group of radiation oncologists and medical physicists and on interactive demos provided by the software manufacturers. The TPS versions considered include all the new tools currently in development for future commercial releases. The specialists from the supplier companies were asked to propose solutions to some of the challenges often encountered in a clinical environment through a questionnaire. The results include not only such answers but also comments by the authors that, in their opinion, could help solve the challenges covered in these questions. This study summarizes the possibilities offered nowadays by commercial TPSs, highlighting the absence of some useful tools that would notably improve the planning of MR-based interstitial component cervix brachytherapy.
Vague, J., Melgarejo, J. C., Boria, V. E., Guglielmi, M., Moreno, R., Reglero, M., et al. (2019). Experimental Validation of Multipactor Effect for Ferrite Materials Used in L- and S-Band Nonreciprocal Microwave Components. IEEE Trans. Microw. Theory Tech., 67(6), 2151–2161.
Abstract: This paper reports on the experimental measurement of power threshold levels for the multipactor effect between samples of ferrite material typically used in the practical implementation of L-and S-band circulators and isolators. For this purposes, a new family of wideband, nonreciprocal rectangular waveguide structures loaded with ferrites has been designed with a full-wave electromagnetic simulation tool. The design also includes the required magnetostatic field biasing circuits. The multipactor breakdown power levels have also been predicted with an accurate electron tracking code using measured values for the secondary electron yield (SEY) coefficient. The measured results agree well with simulations, thereby fully validating the experimental campaign.
Zhang, X., Xiao, Y. T., & Gimeno, B. (2020). Multipactor Suppression by a Resonant Static Magnetic Field on a Dielectric Surface. IEEE Trans. Electron Devices, 67(12), 5723–5728.
Abstract: In this article, we study the suppression of the multipactor phenomenon on a dielectric surface by a resonant static magnetic field. A homemade Monte Carlo algorithm is developed for multipactor simulations on a dielectric surface driven by two orthogonal radio frequency (RF) electric field components. When the static magnetic field is perpendicular to the tangential and normal RF electric fields, it is shown that if the normal electric field lags the tangential electric field by pi/2, the superposition of the normal and tangential electric fields will trigger a gyro-acceleration of the electron cloud and restrain the multipactor discharge effectively. By contrast, when the normal electric field is in advance of the tangential electric field by pi/2, the difference between the normal and tangential electric fields drives gyro-motion of the electron cloud. Consequently, two enhanced discharge zones are inevitable. The suppression effects of the resonant static magnetic field that is parallel to the tangential RF electric field or to the normal RF electric field are also presented.