Vale Silva, L., Pich, A., & Solomonidi, E. (2024). Final-state interactions in the CP asymmetry of D meson two-body decays. Int. J. Mod. Phys. A, 39(26n27), 2442003–8pp.
Abstract: Urgent theoretical progress is needed in order to provide an estimate in the Standard Model of the recent measurement by LHCb of direct CP violation in charm-meson two-body decays. Rescattering effects must be taken into account for a meaningful theoretical description of the amplitudes involved in such category of observables, as signaled by the presence of large strong phases. We discuss the computation of the latter effects based on a two-channel coupled dispersion relation, which exploits isospin-zero phase shifts and inelasticity parameterizations of data coming from the rescattering processes pi pi ->pi pi, pi K ->pi K, and pi pi -> KK<overline>. The determination of the subtraction constants of the dispersive integrals relies on the leading contributions to the transition amplitudes from the 1/NC counting, where NC is the number of QCD colors. Furthermore, we use the measured values of the branching ratios to help in selecting the non-perturbative inputs in the isospin limit, from which we predict values for the CP asymmetries. We find that the predicted level of CP violation is much below the experimental value.