Alarcon, J. M., Hiller Blin, A. N., Vicente Vacas, M. J., & Weiss, C. (2017). Peripheral transverse densities of the baryon octet from chiral effective field theory and dispersion analysis. Nucl. Phys. A, 964, 18–54.
Abstract: The baryon electromagnetic form factors are expressed in terms of two-dimensional densities describing the distribution of charge and magnetization in transverse space at fixed light-front time. We calculate the transverse densities of the spin-1/2 flavor-octet baryons at peripheral distances b = O(M-pi(-1)) using methods of relativistic chiral effective field theory (chi EFT) and dispersion analysis. The densities are represented as dispersive integrals over the imaginary parts of the form factors in the timelike region (spectral functions). The isovector spectral functions on the two-pion cut t > 4 M-pi(2) are calculated using relativistic chi EFT including octet and decuplet baryons. The chi EFT calculations are extended into the rho meson mass region using an N / D method that incorporates the pion electromagnetic form factor data. The isoscalar spectral functions are modeled by vector meson poles. We compute the peripheral charge and magnetization densities in the octet baryon states, estimate the uncertainties, and determine the quark flavor decomposition. The approach can be extended to baryon form factors of other operators and the moments of generalized parton distributions.
Wang, Y. F., Yao, D. L., & Zheng, H. Q. (2019). New insights on low energy pi N scattering amplitudes: comprehensive analyses at O (p(3)) level. Chin. Phys. C, 43(6), 064110–22pp.
Abstract: A production representation of partial-wave S matrix is utilized to construct low-energy elastic pion-nucleon scattering amplitudes from cuts and poles on complex Riemann sheets. Among them, the contribution of left-hand cuts is estimated using the O (p(3)) results obtained in covariant baryon chiral perturbation theory within the extendedon-nass-shell scheme. By fitting to data on partial-wave phase shifts, it is indicated that the existences of hidden poles in S-11 and P-11 channels, as conjectured in our previous paper [Eur. Phys. J. C, 78(7): 543 (2018)], are firmly established. Specifically, the pole mass of the S-11 hidden resonance is determined to be (895 +/- 81)-(164 +/- 23)i MeV, whereas, the virtual pole in the P-11 channel locates at (966 +/- 18) MeV. It is found that analyses at the O (p(3)) level improves significantly the fit quality, comparing with the previous O (p(2)) one. Quantitative studies with cautious physical discussions are also conducted for the other S- and P-wave channels.
Wang, Y. F., Yao, D. L., & Zheng, H. Q. (2019). On the existence of N*(890) resonance in S-11 channel of N scatterings. Front. Phys., 14(2), 24501–6pp.
Abstract: Low-energy partial-wave N scattering data is reexamined with the help of the production representation of partial-wave S matrix, where branch cuts and poles are thoroughly under consideration. The left-hand cut contribution to the phase shift is determined, with controlled systematic error estimates, by using the results of O(p(3)) chiral perturbative amplitudes obtained in the extended-onmass- shell scheme. In S-11 and P-11 channels, severe discrepancies are observed between the phase shift data and the sum of all known contributions. Statistically satisfactory fits to the data can only be achieved by adding extra poles in the two channels. We find that a S-11 resonance pole locates at zr = (0:895-0:081)-(0:164-0:023)i GeV, on the complex s-plane. On the other hand, a P-11 virtual pole, as an accompanying partner of the nucleon bound-state pole, locates atzv = (0:966-0:018) GeV, slightly above the nucleon pole on the real axis below threshold. Physical origin of the two newly established poles is explored to the best of our knowledge. It is emphasized that the O(p(3)) calculation greatly improves the fit quality comparing with the previous O(p(2)) one.