Alarcon, J. M., Hiller Blin, A. N., Vicente Vacas, M. J., & Weiss, C. (2017). Peripheral transverse densities of the baryon octet from chiral effective field theory and dispersion analysis. Nucl. Phys. A, 964, 18–54.
Abstract: The baryon electromagnetic form factors are expressed in terms of two-dimensional densities describing the distribution of charge and magnetization in transverse space at fixed light-front time. We calculate the transverse densities of the spin-1/2 flavor-octet baryons at peripheral distances b = O(M-pi(-1)) using methods of relativistic chiral effective field theory (chi EFT) and dispersion analysis. The densities are represented as dispersive integrals over the imaginary parts of the form factors in the timelike region (spectral functions). The isovector spectral functions on the two-pion cut t > 4 M-pi(2) are calculated using relativistic chi EFT including octet and decuplet baryons. The chi EFT calculations are extended into the rho meson mass region using an N / D method that incorporates the pion electromagnetic form factor data. The isoscalar spectral functions are modeled by vector meson poles. We compute the peripheral charge and magnetization densities in the octet baryon states, estimate the uncertainties, and determine the quark flavor decomposition. The approach can be extended to baryon form factors of other operators and the moments of generalized parton distributions.
Albaladejo, M., Daub, J. T., Hanhart, C., Kubis, B., & Moussallamd, B. (2017). How to employ (B)over-bar(d)(0) -> J/psi(pi eta, (K)over-barK) decays to extract information on pi eta scattering. J. High Energy Phys., 04(4), 010–28pp.
Abstract: We demonstrate that dispersion theory allows one to deduce crucial information on pi eta scattering from the final-state interactions of the light mesons visible in the spectral distributions of the decays (B) over bar (0)(d) -> J/psi(pi(0)eta, K+K-, K-0 (K) over bar (0)). Thus high-quality measurements of these differential observables are highly desired. The corresponding rates are predicted to be of the same order of magnitude as those for (B) over bar (0)(d) -> J/psi pi(+)pi(-) measured recently at LHCb, letting the corresponding measurement appear feasible.
Albaladejo, M., Oller, J. A., Oset, E., Rios, G., & Roca, L. (2012). Finite volume treatment of pi pi scattering and limits to phase shifts extraction from lattice QCD. J. High Energy Phys., 08(8), 071–22pp.
Abstract: We study theoretically the effects of finite volume for pi pi scattering in order to extract physical observables for infinite volume from lattice QCD. We compare three different approaches for pi pi scattering (lowest order Bethe-Salpeter approach, N/D and inverse amplitude methods) with the aim of studying the effects of the finite size of the box in the potential of the different theories, specially the left-hand cut contribution through loops in the crossed t, u-channels. We quantify the error made by neglecting these effects in usual extractions of physical observables from lattice ()CD spectrum. We conclude that for pi pi phase-shifts in the scalar-isoscalar channel up to 800 MeV this effect is negligible for box sizes bigger than 2,5m(pi)(-1) and of the order of 5% at around 1.5 – 2m(pi)(-1). For isospin 2 the finite size effects can reach up to 10% for that energy. We also quantify the error made when using the standard Luscher method to extract physical observables from lattice QCD, which is widely used in the literature but is an approximation of the one used in the present work.
Baeza-Ballesteros, J., Bijnens, J., Husek, T., Romero-Lopez, F., Sharpe, S. R., & Sjo, M. (2023). The isospin-3 three-particle K-matrix at NLO in ChPT. J. High Energy Phys., 05(5), 187–56pp.
Abstract: The three-particle K-matrix, K-df,K-3, is a scheme-dependent quantity that parametrizes short-range three-particle interactions in the relativistic-field-theory three particle finite-volume formalism. In this work, we compute its value for systems of three pions at maximal isospin through next-to-leading order (NLO) in Chiral Perturbation Theory (ChPT). We compare the values to existing lattice QCD results and find that the agreement between lattice QCD data and ChPT in the first two coefficients of the threshold expansion of K-df,K-3 is significantly improved with respect to leading order once NLO effects are incorporated.
Baeza-Ballesteros, J., Bijnens, J., Husek, T., Romero-Lopez, F., Sharpe, S. R., & Sjo, M. (2024). The three-pion K-matrix at NLO in ChPT. J. High Energy Phys., 03(3), 048–43pp.
Abstract: The three-particle K-matrix, K-df,K-3, is a scheme-dependent quantity that parametrizes short-range three-particle interactions in the relativistic-field-theory three-particle finite-volume formalism. In this work, we compute its value for systems of three pions in all isospin channels through next-to-leading order in Chiral Perturbation Theory, generalizing previous work done at maximum isospin. We obtain analytic expressions through quadratic order (or cubic order, in the case of zero isospin) in the expansion about the three-pion threshold.
Baeza-Ballesteros, J., Hernandez, P., & Romero-Lopez, F. (2022). A lattice study of pi pi scattering at large N-c. J. High Energy Phys., 06(6), 049–39pp.
Abstract: We present the first lattice study of pion-pion scattering with varying number of colors, N-c. We use lattice simulations with four degenerate quark flavors, N-f = 4, and N-c= 3 – 6. We focus on two scattering channels that do not involve vacuum diagrams. These correspond to two irreducible representations of the SU(4) flavor group: the fully symmetric one, SS, and the fully antisymmetric one, AA. The former is a repulsive channel equivalent to the isospin-2 channel of SU(2). By contrast, the latter is attractive and only exists for N-f >= 4. A representative state is (vertical bar D-s(+) pi(+)> – vertical bar D+ K+ >) /root 2. Using Lfischer's formalism, we extract the near-threshold scattering amplitude and we match our results to Chiral Perturbation Theory (ChPT) at large N-c. For this, we compute the analytical U(N-f) ChPT prediction for two-pion scattering, and use the lattice results to constrain the N-c scaling of the relevant low-energy couplings.
Baron, R., Boucaud, P., Carbonell, J., Deuzeman, A., Drach, V., Farchioni, F., et al. (2010). Light hadrons from lattice QCD with light (u, d), strange and charm dynamical quarks. J. High Energy Phys., 06(6), 111–31pp.
Bernard, V., & Passemar, E. (2010). Chiral extrapolation of the strangeness changing scalar K pi form factor. J. High Energy Phys., 04(4), 001–18pp.
Abstract: We perform a chiral extrapolation of lattice data on the scalar K pi form factor and the ratio of the kaon and pion decay constants within Chiral Perturbation Theory to two loops. We determine the value of the scalar form factor at zero momentum transfer, at the Callan-Treiman point and at its soft kaon analog as well as its slope. Results are in good agreement with their determination from experiment using the standard couplings of quarks to the W boson. The slope is however rather large. A study of the convergence of the chiral expansion is also performed.
Bernardoni, F., Hernandez, P., & Necco, S. (2010). Heavy-light mesons in the epsilon-regime. J. High Energy Phys., 01(1), 070–30pp.
Abstract: We study the finite-size scaling of heavy-light mesons in the static limit. We compute two-point functions of chiral current densities as well as pseudoscalar densities in the epsilon-regime of heavy meson Chiral Perturbation Theory (HMChPT). As expected, finite volume dependence turns out to be significant in this regime and can be predicted in the effective theory in terms of the infinite-volume low-energy couplings. These results might be relevant for extraction of heavy-meson properties from lattice simulations.
Chen, Y. H., Yao, D. L., & Zheng, H. Q. (2018). A Study of rho-omega Mixing in Resonance Chiral Theory. Commun. Theor. Phys., 69(1), 50–58.
Abstract: The strong and electromagnetic corrections to rho-omega mixing are calculated using an SU(2) version of resonance chiral theory up to next-to-leading orders in 1/N-C expansion, respectively. Up to our accuracy, the effect of the momentum dependence of rho-omega mixing is incorporated due to the inclusion of loop contributions. We analyze the impact of rho-omega mixing on the pion vector form factor by performing numerical fit to the data extracted from e(+)e(-) -> pi(+)pi(-) and tau -> nu(tau)2 pi, while the decay width of omega -> pi(+)pi(-) is taken into account as a constraint. It is found that the momentum dependence is significant in a good description of the experimental data. In addition, based on the fitted values of the involved parameters, we analyze the decay width of omega -> pi(+)pi(-), which turns out to be highly dominated by the rho-omega mixing effect.