Author  |
Title |
Year |
Publication |
Volume |
Pages |
Berenguer, A.; Coves, A.; Gimeno, B.; Bronchalo, E.; Boria, V.E. |
Experimental Study of the Multipactor Effect in a Partially Dielectric-Loaded Rectangular Waveguide |
2019 |
IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters |
29 |
595-597 |
Degiovanni, A.; Amaldi, U.; Bonomi, R.; Garlasche, M.; Garonna, A.; Verdu-Andres, S.; Wegner, R. |
TERA high gradient test program of RF cavities for medical linear accelerators |
2011 |
Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research A |
657 |
55-58 |
Gonzalez-Iglesias, D.; Esperante, D.; Gimeno, B.; Blanch, C.; Fuster-Martinez, N.; Martinez-Reviriego, P.; Martin-Luna, P.; Fuster, J.; Alesini, D. |
Analysis of the Multipactor Effect in an RF Electron Gun Photoinjector |
2023 |
IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices |
70 |
288-295 |
Millar, W.L. et al; Bañon Caballero, D. |
High-Power Test of Two Prototype X-Band Accelerating Structures Based on SwissFEL Fabrication Technology |
2023 |
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science |
70 |
1-19 |
Monerris-Belda, O.; Cervera Marin, R.; Rodriguez Jodar, M.; Diaz-Caballero, E.; Alcaide Guillen, C.; Petit, J.; Boria, V.E.; Gimeno, B.; Raboso, D. |
High Power RF Discharge Detection Technique Based on the In-Phase and Quadrature Signals |
2021 |
IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques |
69 |
5429-5438 |