Centelles Chulia, S., & Trautner, A. (2020). Asymmetric tri-bi-maximal mixing and residual symmetries. Mod. Phys. Lett. A, 35(35), 2050292–15pp.
Abstract: Asymmetric tri-bi-maximal mixing is a recently proposed, grand unified theory (GUT) based, flavor mixing scheme. In it, the charged lepton mixing is fixed by the GUT connection to down-type quarks and a T-13 flavor symmetry, while neutrino mixing is assumed to be tri-bi-maximal (TBM) with one additional free phase. Here we show that this additional free phase can be fixed by the residual flavor and CP symmetries of the effective neutrino mass matrix. We discuss how those residual symmetries can be unified with T-13 and identify the smallest possible unified flavor symmetries, namely (Z(13)xZ(13))(sic)D-12 and (Z(13)xZ(13))(sic)S-4. Sharp predictions are obtained for lepton mixing angles, CP violating phases and neutrinoless double beta decay.