ATLAS Collaboration(Aad, G. et al), Aikot, A., Amos, K. R., Aparisi Pozo, A., Bailey, A. J., Bouchhar, N., et al. (2024). Measurement and interpretation of same-sign W boson pair production in association with two jets in pp collisions at √s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector. J. High Energy Phys., 04(4), 026–61pp.
Abstract: This paper presents the measurement of fiducial and differential cross sections for both the inclusive and electroweak production of a same-sign W-boson pair in association with two jets ( W-+/- W(+/-)jj) using 139 fb(-1) of proton-proton collision data recorded at a centre-of-mass energy of root s = 13TeV by the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider. The analysis is performed by selecting two same-charge leptons, electron or muon, and at least two jets with large invariant mass and a large rapidity difference. The measured fiducial cross sections for electroweak and inclusive W-+/- W-+/- jj production are 2.92 +/- 0.22 (stat.) +/- 0.19 (syst.) fb and 3.38 +/- 0.22 (stat.)+/- 0.19 (syst.) fb, respectively, in agreement with Standard Model predictions. The measurements are used to constrain anomalous quartic gauge couplings by extracting 95% confidence level intervals on dimension-8 operators. A search for doubly charged Higgs bosons H-+/-+/- that are produced in vector-boson fusion processes and decay into a same-sign W boson pair is performed. The largest deviation from the Standard Model occurs for an H-+/-+/- mass near 450 GeV, with a global significance of 2.5 standard deviations.
ATLAS Collaboration(Aad, G. et al), Aikot, A., Amos, K. R., Aparisi Pozo, J. A., Bailey, A. J., Bouchhar, N., et al. (2024). Differential cross-sections for events with missing transverse momentum and jets measured with the ATLAS detector in 13 TeV proton-proton collisions. J. High Energy Phys., 08(8), 223–62pp.
Abstract: Measurements of inclusive, differential cross-sections for the production of events with missing transverse momentum in association with jets in proton-proton collisions at root s = 13 TeV are presented. The measurements are made with the ATLAS detector using an integrated luminosity of 140 fb(-1) and include measurements of dijet distributions in a region in which vector-boson fusion processes are enhanced. They are unfolded to correct for detector resolution and efficiency within the fiducial acceptance, and are designed to allow robust comparisons with a wide range of theoretical predictions. A measurement of differential cross sections for the Z -> nu nu process is made. The measurements are generally well-described by Standard Model predictions except for the dijet invariant mass distribution. Auxiliary measurements of the hadronic system recoiling against isolated leptons, and photons, are also made in the same phase space. Ratios between the measured distributions are then derived, to take advantage of cancellations in modelling effects and some of the major systematic uncertainties. These measurements are sensitive to new phenomena, and provide a mechanism to easily set constraints on phenomenological models. To illustrate the robustness of the approach, these ratios are compared with two common Dark Matter models, where the constraints derived from the measurement are comparable to those set by dedicated detector-level searches.
ATLAS Collaboration(Aad, G. et al), Aikot, A., Amos, K. R., Aparisi Pozo, J. A., Bailey, A. J., Bouchhar, N., et al. (2023). Evidence of pair production of longitudinally polarised vector bosons and study of CP properties in ZZ → 4l events with the ATLAS detector at √s=13 TeV. J. High Energy Phys., 12(12), 107–48pp.
Abstract: A study of the polarisation and CP properties in ZZ production is presented. The used data set corresponds to an integrated luminosity of 140 fb(-1) of proton-proton collisions at a centre-of-mass energy of 13TeV recorded by the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider. The ZZ candidate events are reconstructed using two same-flavour opposite-charge electron or muon pairs. The production of two longitudinally polarised Z bosons is measured with a significance of 4.3 standard deviations, and its cross-section is measured in a fiducial phase space to be 2.45 +/- 0.60 fb, consistent with the next-to-leadingorder Standard Model prediction. The inclusive differential cross-section as a function of a CP-sensitive angular observable is also measured. The results are used to constrain anomalous CP-odd neutral triple gauge couplings.
ATLAS Collaboration(Aad, G. et al), Aikot, A., Amos, K. R., Bouchhar, N., Cabrera Urban, S., Cantero, J., et al. (2024). Measurements of electroweak W±Z boson pair production in association with two jets in pp collisions at √s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector. J. High Energy Phys., 06(6), 192–55pp.
Abstract: Measurements of integrated and differential cross-sections for electroweak WZ production in association with two jets (W(+/-)Zjj) in proton-proton collisions are presented. The data collected by the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider from 2015 to 2018 at a centre-of-mass energy of root s = 13 TeV are used, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 140 fb(-1). The W(+/-)Zjj candidate events are reconstructed using leptonic decay modes of the gauge bosons. Events containing three identified leptons, either electrons or muons, and two jets are selected. Processes involving pure electroweak W(+/-)Zjj production at Born level are separated from W(+/-)Zjj production involving a strong coupling. The measured integrated fiducial cross-section of electroweak W(+/-)Zjj production per lepton flavour is sigma(WZjj-EW -> l 'nu lljj) = 0.368 +/- 0.037 (stat.) +/- 0.059 (syst.) +/- 0.003 (lumi.) fb, where l and l ' are either an electron or a muon. Respective cross-sections of electroweak and strong W(+/-)Zjj production are measured separately for events with exactly two jets or with more than two jets, and in three bins of the invariant mass of the two jets. The inclusive W(+/-)Zjj production cross-section, without separating electroweak and strong production, is also measured to be sigma(WZjj -> l 'nu lljj) = 1.462 +/- 0.063 (stat.) +/- 0.118 (syst.) +/- 0.012 (lumi.) fb, per lepton flavour. The inclusive W(+/-)Zjj production cross-section is measured differentially for several kinematic observables. Finally, the measurements are used to constrain anomalous quartic gauge couplings by extracting 95% confidence level intervals on dimension-8 operators.
ATLAS Collaboration(Aad, G. et al), Amos, K. R., Aparisi Pozo, J. A., Bailey, A. J., Cabrera Urban, S., Cardillo, F., et al. (2022). Search for invisible Higgs-boson decays in events with vector-boson fusion signatures using 139 fb(-1) of proton-proton data recorded by the ATLAS experiment. J. High Energy Phys., 08(8), 104–66pp.
Abstract: A direct search for Higgs bosons produced via vector-boson fusion and subsequently decaying into invisible particles is reported. The analysis uses 139 fb(-1) of pp collision data at a centre-of-mass energy of root s =13 TeV recorded by the ATLAS detector at the LHC. The observed numbers of events are found to be in agreement with the background expectation from Standard Model processes. For a scalar Higgs boson with a mass of 125 GeV and a Standard Model production cross section, an observed upper limit of 0.145 is placed on the branching fraction of its decay into invisible particles at 95% confidence level, with an expected limit of 0.103. These results are interpreted in the context of models where the Higgs boson acts as a portal to dark matter, and limits are set on the scattering cross section of weakly interacting massive particles and nucleons. Invisible decays of additional scalar bosons with masses from 50 GeV to 2 TeV are also studied, and the derived upper limits on the cross section times branching fraction decrease with increasing mass from 1.0 pb for a scalar boson mass of 50 GeV to 0.1 pb at a mass of 2 TeV.