AGATA Collaboration(Clement, E. et al), Domingo-Pardo, C., Gadea, A., Perez-Vidal, R. M., & Civera, J. V. (2017). Conceptual design of the AGATA 1 pi array at GANIL. Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. A, 855, 1–12.
Abstract: The Advanced GAmma Tracking Array (AGATA) has been installed at the GANIL facility, Caen-France. This setup exploits the stable and radioactive heavy-ions beams delivered by the cyclotron accelerator complex of GANIL. Additionally, it benefits from a large palette of ancillary detectors and spectrometers to address in-beam gamma-ray spectroscopy of exotic nuclei. The set-up has been designed to couple AGATA with a magnetic spectrometer, charged-particle and neutron detectors, scintillators for the detection of high-energy gamma rays and other devices such as a plunger to measure nuclear lifetimes. In this paper, the design and the mechanical characteristics of the set-up are described. Based on simulations, expected performances of the AGATA l pi array are presented.
AGATA Collaboration(Ralet, D. et al), Gadea, A., & Perez-Vidal, R. M. (2017). Toward lifetime and g factor measurements of short-lived states in the vicinity of Pb-208. Phys. Scr., 92(5), 054004–4pp.
Abstract: The multi-nucleon transfer reaction mechanism was used to produce and study nuclei in the vicinity of 208Pb. This mass region is a test case for the nuclear shell model. The mass identification of the fragments was performed with the large acceptance magnetic spectrometer VAMOS++ coupled to the AGATA gamma-tracking array. This experiment aimed to determine both lifetimes and gyromagnetic ratios of excited states with the Cologne plunger device. The analysis indicates promising results with the possibility to determine several new lifetimes in this region.
Ralet, D. et al, Gadea, A., & Perez, R. M. (2019). Evidence of octupole-phonons at high spin in Pb-207<bold> </bold>. Phys. Lett. B, 797, 134797–6pp.
Abstract: A lifetime measurement of the 19/2(-) state in Pb-207 has been performed using the Recoil Distance Doppler-Shift (RDDS) method. The nuclei of interest were produced in multi-nucleon transfer reactions induced by a Pb-208 beam impinging on a Mo-100 enriched target. The beam-like nuclei were detected<bold> </bold>and identified in terms of their atomic mass number in the VAMOS++ spectrometer while the prompt gamma rays were detected by the AGATA tracking array. The measured large reduced transition probability B(E3, 19/2(-) -> 13/2(+)) = 40(8) W.u. is the first indication of the octupole phonon at high spin in Pb-207. An analysis in terms of a particle-octupole-vibration coupling model indicates that the measured B(E3) value in Pb-207 is compatible with the contributions from single-phonon and single particle E3 as well as E3 strength arising from the double-octupole-phonon 6(+) state, all adding coherently. A crucial aspect of the coupling model, namely the strong mixing between single-hole and the phonon-hole states, is confirmed in a realistic shell-model calculation.