Addazi, A., Valle, J. W. F., & Vaquera-Araujo, C. A. (2016). String completion of an SU(3)(c) x SU(3)(L) x U(1)(X) electroweak model. Phys. Lett. B, 759, 471–478.
Abstract: The extended electroweak SU(3)(c) circle times SU(3)(L) circle times U(1)(X) symmetry framework “explaining” the number of fermion families is revisited. While 331-based schemes can not easily be unified within the conventional field theory sense, we show how to do it within an approach based on D-branes and (un)oriented open strings, on Calabi-Yau singularities. We show how the theory can be UV-completed in a quiver setup, free of gauge and string anomalies. Lepton and baryon numbers are perturbatively conserved, so neutrinos are Dirac-type, and their lightness results from a novel TeV scale seesaw mechanism. Dynamical violation of baryon number by exotic instantons could induce neutron-antineutron oscillations, with proton decay and other dangerous R-parity violating processes strictly forbidden. (C) 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY license.
Centelles Chulia, S., & Trautner, A. (2020). Asymmetric tri-bi-maximal mixing and residual symmetries. Mod. Phys. Lett. A, 35(35), 2050292–15pp.
Abstract: Asymmetric tri-bi-maximal mixing is a recently proposed, grand unified theory (GUT) based, flavor mixing scheme. In it, the charged lepton mixing is fixed by the GUT connection to down-type quarks and a T-13 flavor symmetry, while neutrino mixing is assumed to be tri-bi-maximal (TBM) with one additional free phase. Here we show that this additional free phase can be fixed by the residual flavor and CP symmetries of the effective neutrino mass matrix. We discuss how those residual symmetries can be unified with T-13 and identify the smallest possible unified flavor symmetries, namely (Z(13)xZ(13))(sic)D-12 and (Z(13)xZ(13))(sic)S-4. Sharp predictions are obtained for lepton mixing angles, CP violating phases and neutrinoless double beta decay.
Fernandez Navarro, M., King, S. F., & Vicente, A. (2024). Tri-unification: a separate SU(5) for each fermion family. J. High Energy Phys., 05(5), 130–32pp.
Abstract: In this paper we discuss SU(5)3 with cyclic symmetry as a possible grand unified theory (GUT). The basic idea of such a tri-unification is that there is a separate SU(5) for each fermion family, with the light Higgs doublet(s) arising from the third family SU(5), providing a basis for charged fermion mass hierarchies. SU(5)3 tri-unification reconciles the idea of gauge non-universality with the idea of gauge coupling unification, opening the possibility to build consistent non-universal descriptions of Nature that are valid all the way up to the scale of grand unification. As a concrete example, we propose a grand unified embedding of the tri-hypercharge model \documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$${\text{U}}{\left(1\right)}_{Y}<^>{3}$$\end{document} based on an SU(5)3 framework with cyclic symmetry. We discuss a minimal tri-hypercharge example which can account for all the quark and lepton (including neutrino) masses and mixing parameters. We show that it is possible to unify the many gauge couplings into a single gauge coupling associated with the cyclic SU(5)3 gauge group, by assuming minimal multiplet splitting, together with a set of relatively light colour octet scalars. We also study proton decay in this example, and present the predictions for the proton lifetime in the dominant e+pi 0 channel.
Ferrando Solera, S., Pich, A., & Vale Silva, L. (2024). Direct bounds on Left-Right gauge boson masses at LHC Run 2. J. High Energy Phys., 02(2), 027–39pp.
Abstract: While the third run of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is ongoing, the underlying theory that extends the Standard Model remains so far unknown. Left-Right Models (LRMs) introduce a new gauge sector, and can restore parity symmetry at high enough energies. If LRMs are indeed realized in nature, the mediators of the new weak force can be searched for in colliders via their direct production. We recast existing experimental limits from the LHC Run 2 and derive generic bounds on the masses of the heavy LRM gauge bosons. As a novelty, we discuss the dependence of the WR and ZR total width on the LRM scalar content, obtaining model-independent bounds within the specific realizations of the LRM scalar sectors analysed here. These bounds avoid the need to detail the spectrum of the scalar sector, and apply in the general case where no discrete symmetry is enforced. Moreover, we emphasize the impact on the WR production at LHC of general textures of the right-handed quark mixing matrix without manifest left-right symmetry. We find that the WR and ZR masses are constrained to lie above 2 TeV and 4 TeV, respectively.
Gomez, M. E., Lola, S., Ruiz de Austri, R., & Shafi, Q. (2018). Confronting SUSY GUT With Dark Matter, Sparticle Spectroscopy and Muon (g – 2). Front. Physics, 6, 127–9pp.
Abstract: We explore the implications of LHC and cold dark matter searches for supersymmetric particle mass spectra in two different grand unified models with left-right symmetry, SO(10) and SU(4)(c) x SU(2)(L) x SU(2)(R) (4-2-2). We identify characteristic differences between the two scenarios, which imply distinct correlations between experimental measurements and the particular structure of the GUT group. The gauge structure of 4-2-2 enhances significantly the allowed parameter space as compared to SO(10), giving rise to a variety of coannihilation scenarios compatible with the LHC data, LSP dark matter and the ongoing muon g-2 experiment.
Valle, J. W. F. (2015). Status and implications of neutrino masses: a brief panorama. Int. J. Mod. Phys. A, 30(13), 1530034–13pp.
Abstract: With the historic discovery of the Higgs boson our picutre of particle physics would have been complete were it nor for the neutrino sector and cosmology. I briefly discuss the role of neutrino masses and mixing upon gauge coupling unification, electroweak breaking and the flavor sector. Time is ripe for new discoveries such as leptonic CP violation, charged lepton flavor violation and neutrinoless double beta decay. Neutrinos could also play a role is elucidating the nature of dark matter and cosmic inflation.