Aguilera-Verdugo, J. J., Driencourt-Mangin, F., Plenter, J., Ramirez-Uribe, S., Rodrigo, G., Sborlini, G. F. R., et al. (2019). Causality, unitarity thresholds, anomalous thresholds and infrared singularities from the loop-tree duality at higher orders. J. High Energy Phys., 12(12), 163–12pp.
Abstract: We present the first comprehensive analysis of the unitarity thresholds and anomalous thresholds of scattering amplitudes at two loops and beyond based on the loop- tree duality, and show how non-causal unphysical thresholds are locally cancelled in an efficient way when the forest of all the dual on-shell cuts is considered as one. We also prove that soft and collinear singularities at two loops and beyond are restricted to a compact region of the loop three-momenta, which is a necessary condition for implementing a local cancellation of loop infrared singularities with the ones appearing in real emission; without relying on a subtraction formalism.
Aguilera-Verdugo, J. J., Hernandez-Pinto, R. J., Rodrigo, G., Sborlini, G. F. R., & Torres Bobadilla, W. J. (2021). Causal representation of multi-loop Feynman integrands within the loop-tree duality. J. High Energy Phys., 01(1), 69–26pp.
Abstract: The numerical evaluation of multi-loop scattering amplitudes in the Feynman representation usually requires to deal with both physical (causal) and unphysical (non-causal) singularities. The loop-tree duality (LTD) offers a powerful framework to easily characterise and distinguish these two types of singularities, and then simplify analytically the underling expressions. In this paper, we work explicitly on the dual representation of multi-loop Feynman integrals generated from three parent topologies, which we refer to as Maximal, Next-to-Maximal and Next-to-Next-to-Maximal loop topologies. In particular, we aim at expressing these dual contributions, independently of the number of loops and internal configurations, in terms of causal propagators only. Thus, providing very compact and causal integrand representations to all orders. In order to do so, we reconstruct their analytic expressions from numerical evaluation over finite fields. This procedure implicitly cancels out all unphysical singularities. We also interpret the result in terms of entangled causal thresholds. In view of the simple structure of the dual expressions, we integrate them numerically up to four loops in integer space-time dimensions, taking advantage of their smooth behaviour at integrand level.
Belov, I., Giachino, A., & Santopinto, E. (2025). Fully charmed tetraquark production at the LHC experiments. J. High Energy Phys., 01(1), 093–29pp.
Abstract: We develop the formalism for production of a fully heavy tetraquark and apply it to the calculation of pp -> T4c + X cross-sections. We demonstrate that the production cross-section of a fully heavy tetraquark, even if it is a diquark-antidiquark cluster, can be obtained in the meson-like basis, for which the spin-color projection technique is well established. Prompted by the recent LHCb, ATLAS and CMS data, we perform a pQCD calculation of O(alpha s5) short-distance factors in the dominant channel of gluon fusion, and match these to the four-body T4c wave functions in order to obtain the unpolarized T4c(0++, 1+-, 2++) cross-sections. The novelty in comparison with the recently published article [1] lies in the fact that we predict the absolute values as well as the d sigma/dpT spectra in the kinematic ranges accessible at the ongoing LHC experiments. From the comparison with the signal yield at LHCb we derive the constraints on the Phi <middle dot> Br(J/psi J/psi) (reduced wave function times branching) product for the T4c candidates for X(6900) and observe that X(6900) is compatible with a 2++(2S) state.
Blanton, T. D., Hanlon, A. D., Ben Horz, Morningstar, C., Romero-Lopez, F., & Sharpe, S. R. (2021). Interactions of two and three mesons including higher partial waves from lattice QCD. J. High Energy Phys., 10(10), 023–59pp.
Abstract: We study two- and three-meson systems composed either of pions or kaons at maximal isospin using Monte Carlo simulations of lattice QCD. Utilizing the stochastic LapH method, we are able to determine hundreds of two- and three-particle energy levels, in nine different momentum frames, with high precision. We fit these levels using the relativistic finite-volume formalism based on a generic effective field theory in order to determine the parameters of the two- and three-particle K-matrices. We find that the statistical precision of our spectra is sufficient to probe not only the dominant s-wave interactions, but also those in d waves. In particular, we determine for the first time a term in the three-particle K-matrix that contains two-particle d waves. We use three N-f = 2 + 1 CLS ensembles with pion masses of 200, 280, and 340 MeV. This allows us to study the chiral dependence of the scattering observables, and compare to the expectations of chiral perturbation theory.
Blanton, T. D., Romero-Lopez, F., & Sharpe, S. R. (2019). Implementing the three-particle quantization condition including higher partial waves. J. High Energy Phys., 03(3), 106–56pp.
Abstract: We present an implementation of the relativistic three-particle quantization condition including both s- and d-wave two-particle channels. For this, we develop a systematic expansion of the three-particle K matrix, K-df,K-3, about threshold, which is the generalization of the effective range expansion of the two-particle K matrix, K-2. Relativistic invariance plays an important role in this expansion. We find that d-wave two-particle channels enter first at quadratic order. We explain how to implement the resulting multichannel quantization condition, and present several examples of its application. We derive the leading dependence of the threshold three-particle state on the two-particle d-wave scattering amplitude, and use this to test our implementation. We show how strong two-particle d-wave interactions can lead to significant effects on the finite-volume three-particle spectrum, including the possibility of a generalized three-particle Efimov-like bound state. We also explore the application to the 3 pi(+) system, which is accessible to lattice QCD simulations, where we study the sensitivity of the spectrum to the components of K-df,K-3. Finally, we investigate the circumstances under which the quantization condition has unphysical solutions.
Driencourt-Mangin, F., Rodrigo, G., Sborlini, G. F. R., & Torres Bobadilla, W. J. (2019). Universal four-dimensional representation of H -> gamma gamma at two loops through the Loop-Tree Duality. J. High Energy Phys., 02(2), 143–39pp.
Abstract: We extend useful properties of the H unintegrated dual amplitudes from one- to two-loop level, using the Loop-Tree Duality formalism. In particular, we show that the universality of the functional form regardless of the nature of the internal particle still holds at this order. We also present an algorithmic way to renormalise two-loop amplitudes, by locally cancelling the ultraviolet singularities at integrand level, thus allowing a full four-dimensional numerical implementation of the method. Our results are compared with analytic expressions already available in the literature, finding a perfect numerical agreement. The success of this computation plays a crucial role for the development of a fully local four-dimensional framework to compute physical observables at Next-to-Next-to Leading order and beyond.
Hansen, M. T., Romero-Lopez, F., & Sharpe, S. R. (2020). Generalizing the relativistic quantization condition to include all three-pion isospin channels. J. High Energy Phys., 07(7), 047–49pp.
Abstract: We present a generalization of the relativistic, finite-volume, three-particle quantization condition for non-identical pions in isosymmetric QCD. The resulting formalism allows one to use discrete finite-volume energies, determined using lattice QCD, to constrain scattering amplitudes for all possible values of two- and three-pion isospin. As for the case of identical pions considered previously, the result splits into two steps: the first defines a non-perturbative function with roots equal to the allowed energies, E-n(L), in a given cubic volume with side-length L. This function depends on an intermediate three-body quantity, denoted K-df;3, which can thus be constrained from lattice QCD input. The second step is a set of integral equations relating K-df,K-3 to the physical scattering amplitude, M-3. Both of the key relations, E-n(L) <-> K-df,K-3 and K-df,K-3 <-> M-3, are shown to be block-diagonal in the basis of definite three-pion isospin, I-pi pi pi, so that one in fact recovers four independent relations, corresponding to I-pi pi pi = 0; 1; 2; 3. We also provide the generalized threshold expansion of K-df,K-3 for all channels, as well as parameterizations for all three-pion resonances present for I-pi pi pi = 0 and I-pi pi pi = 1. As an example of the utility of the generalized formalism, we present a toy implementation of the quantization condition for I-pi pi pi = 0, focusing on the quantum numbers of the omega and h(1) resonances.
Ramirez-Uribe, S., Hernandez-Pinto, R. J., Rodrigo, G., Sborlini, G. F. R., & Torres Bobadilla, W. J. (2021). Universal opening of four-loop scattering amplitudes to trees. J. High Energy Phys., 04(4), 129–22pp.
Abstract: The perturbative approach to quantum field theories has made it possible to obtain incredibly accurate theoretical predictions in high-energy physics. Although various techniques have been developed to boost the efficiency of these calculations, some ingredients remain specially challenging. This is the case of multiloop scattering amplitudes that constitute a hard bottleneck to solve. In this paper, we delve into the application of a disruptive technique based on the loop-tree duality theorem, which is aimed at an efficient computation of such objects by opening the loops to nondisjoint trees. We study the multiloop topologies that first appear at four loops and assemble them in a clever and general expression, the (NMLT)-M-4 universal topology. This general expression enables to open any scattering amplitude of up to four loops, and also describes a subset of higher order configurations to all orders. These results confirm the conjecture of a factorized opening in terms of simpler known subtopologies, which also determines how the causal structure of the entire loop amplitude is characterized by the causal structure of its subtopologies. In addition, we confirm that the loop-tree duality representation of the (NMLT)-M-4 universal topology is manifestly free of noncausal thresholds, thus pointing towards a remarkably more stable numerical implementation of multiloop scattering amplitudes.
Ramirez-Uribe, S., Renteria-Olivo, A. E., Renteria-Estrada, D. F., Martinez de Lejarza, J. J., Dhani, P. K., Cieri, L., et al. (2025). Vacuum amplitudes and time-like causal unitary in the loop-tree duality. J. High Energy Phys., 01(1), 103–24pp.
Abstract: We present the first proof-of-concept application to decay processes at higher perturbative orders of loop-tree duality (LTD) causal unitary, a novel methodology that exploits the causal properties of vacuum amplitudes in the LTD and is directly well-defined in the four physical dimensions of the space-time. The generation of loop- and tree-level contributions to the differential decay rates from a kernel multiloop vacuum amplitude is shown in detail, and explicit expressions are presented for selected processes that are suitable for a lightweight understanding of the method. Specifically, we provide a clear physical interpretation of the local cancellation of soft, collinear and threshold singularities, and of the local renormalisation of ultraviolet singularities. The presentation is illustrated with numerical results that showcase the advantages of the method.
Ramirez-Uribe, S., Renteria-Olivo, A. E., Rodrigo, G., Sborlini, G. F. R., & Vale Silva, L. (2022). Quantum algorithm for Feynman loop integrals. J. High Energy Phys., 05(5), 100–32pp.
Abstract: We present a novel benchmark application of a quantum algorithm to Feynman loop integrals. The two on-shell states of a Feynman propagator are identified with the two states of a qubit and a quantum algorithm is used to unfold the causal singular configurations of multiloop Feynman diagrams. To identify such configurations, we exploit Grover's algorithm for querying multiple solutions over unstructured datasets, which presents a quadratic speed-up over classical algorithms when the number of solutions is much smaller than the number of possible configurations. A suitable modification is introduced to deal with topologies in which the number of causal states to be identified is nearly half of the total number of states. The output of the quantum algorithm in IBM Quantum and QUTE Testbed simulators is used to bootstrap the causal representation in the loop-tree duality of representative multiloop topologies. The algorithm may also find application and interest in graph theory to solve problems involving directed acyclic graphs.