de Salas, P. F., Forero, D. V., Ternes, C. A., Tortola, M., & Valle, J. W. F. (2018). Status of neutrino oscillations 2018: 3 sigma hint for normal mass ordering and improved CP sensitivity. Phys. Lett. B, 782, 633–640.
Abstract: We present a new global fit of neutrino oscillation parameters within the simplest three-neutrino picture, including new data which appeared since our previous analysis[1]. In this update we include new long-baseline neutrino data involving the antineutrino channel in T2K, as well as new data in the neutrino channel, data from NO nu A, as well as new reactor data, such as the Daya Bay 1230 days electron antineutrino disappearance spectrum data and the 1500 live days prompt spectrum from RENO, as well as new Double Chooz data. We also include atmospheric neutrino data from the IceCube DeepCore and ANTARES neutrino telescopes and from Super-Kamiokande. Finally, we also update our solar oscillation analysis by including the 2055-day day/night spectrum from the fourth phase of the Super-Kamiokande experiment. With the new data we find a preference for the atmospheric angle in the upper octant for both neutrino mass orderings, with maximal mixing allowed at Delta chi(2)= 1.6 (3.2) for normal (inverted) ordering. We also obtain a strong preference for values of the CP phase delta in the range [pi, 2 pi], excluding values close to pi/2at more than 4 sigma. More remarkably, our global analysis shows a hint in favorof the normal mass ordering over the inverted one at more than 3 sigma. We discuss in detail the status of the mass ordering, CP violation and octant sensitivities, analyzing the interplay among the different neutrino data samples.