Arnault, P., Macquet, A., Angles-Castillo, A., Marquez-Martin, I., Pina-Canelles, V., Perez, A., et al. (2020). Quantum simulation of quantum relativistic diffusion via quantum walks. J. Phys. A, 53(20), 205303–39pp.
Abstract: Two models are first presented, of a one-dimensional discrete-time quantum walk (DTQW) with temporal noise on the internal degree of freedom (i.e., the coin): (i) a model with both a coin-flip and a phase-flip channel, and (ii) a model with random coin unitaries. It is then shown that both these models admit a common limit in the spacetime continuum, namely, a Lindblad equation with Dirac-fermion Hamiltonian part and, as Lindblad jumps, a chirality flip and a chirality-dependent phase flip, which are two of the three standard error channels for a two-level quantum system. This, as one may call it, Dirac Lindblad equation, provides a model of quantum relativistic spatial diffusion, which is evidenced both analytically and numerically. This model of spatial diffusion has the intriguing specificity of making sense only with original unitary models which are relativistic in the sense that they have chirality, on which the noise is introduced: the diffusion arises via the by-construction (quantum) coupling of chirality to the position. For a particle with vanishing mass, the model of quantum relativistic diffusion introduced in the present work, reduces to the well-known telegraph equation, which yields propagation at short times, diffusion at long times, and exhibits no quantumness. Finally, the results are extended to temporal noises which depend smoothly on position.
Di Molfetta, G., & Perez, A. (2016). Quantum walks as simulators of neutrino oscillations in a vacuum and matter. New J. Phys., 18, 103038–8pp.
Abstract: We analyze the simulation of Dirac neutrino oscillations using quantum walks, both in a vacuum and in matter. We show that this simulation, in the continuum limit, reproduces a set of coupled Dirac equations that describe neutrino flavor oscillations, and we make use of this to establish a connection with neutrino phenomenology, thus allowing one to fix the parameters of the simulation for a given neutrino experiment. We also analyze how matter effects for neutrino propagation can be simulated in the quantum walk. In this way, important features, such as the MSW effect, can be incorporated. Thus, the simulation of neutrino oscillations with the help of quantum walks might be useful to illustrate these effects in extreme conditions, such as the solar interior or supernovae.
Jay, G., Arnault, P., & Debbasch, F. (2021). Dirac quantum walks with conserved angular momentum. Quantum Stud. Math. Found., 8, 419–430.
Abstract: A quantum walk (QW) simulating the flat (1+2)D Dirac equation on a spatial polar grid is constructed. Because fermions are represented by spinors, which do not constitute a representation of the rotation group SO(3), but rather of its double cover SU(2), the QW can only be defined globally on an extended spacetime where the polar angle extends from 0 to 4 pi. The coupling of the QW with arbitrary electromagnetic fields is also presented. Finally, the cylindrical relativistic Landau levels of the Dirac equation are computed explicitly and simulated by the QW.
Mehrabankar, S., Garcia-March, M. A., Almudever, C. G., & Perez, A. (2024). Reducing the number of qubits in quantum simulations of one dimensional many-body Hamiltonians. New J. Phys., 26(8), 083023–17pp.
Abstract: We investigate the Ising and Heisenberg models using the block renormalization group method (BRGM), focusing on its behavior across different system sizes. The BRGM reduces the number of spins by a factor of 1/2 (1/3) for the Ising (Heisenberg) model, effectively preserving essential physical features of the model while using only a fraction of the spins. Through a comparative analysis, we demonstrate that as the system size increases, there is an exponential convergence between results obtained from the original and renormalized Ising Hamiltonians, provided the coupling constants are redefined accordingly. Remarkably, for a spin chain with 24 spins, all physical features, including magnetization, correlation function, and entanglement entropy, exhibit an exact correspondence with the results from the original Hamiltonian. The study of the Heisenberg model also shows this tendency, although complete convergence may appear for a size much larger than 24 spins, and is therefore beyond our computational capabilities. The success of BRGM in accurately characterizing the Ising model, even with a relatively small number of spins, underscores its robustness and utility in studying complex physical systems, and facilitates its simulation on current NISQ computers, where the available number of qubits is largely constrained.
Nzongani, U., Zylberman, J., Doncecchi, C. E., Perez, A., Debbasch, F., & Arnault, P. (2023). Quantum circuits for discrete-time quantum walks with position-dependent coin operator. Quantum Inf. Process., 22(7), 270–46pp.
Abstract: The aim of this paper is to build quantum circuits that implement discrete-time quantum walks having an arbitrary position-dependent coin operator. The position of the walker is encoded in base 2: with n wires, each corresponding to one qubit, we encode 2(n) position states. The data necessary to define an arbitrary position-dependent coin operator is therefore exponential in n. Hence, the exponentiality will necessarily appear somewhere in our circuits. We first propose a circuit implementing the position-dependent coin operator, that is naive, in the sense that it has exponential depth and implements sequentially all appropriate position-dependent coin operators. We then propose a circuit that “transfers” all the depth into ancillae, yielding a final depth that is linear in n at the cost of an exponential number of ancillae. Themain idea of this linear-depth circuit is to implement in parallel all coin operators at the different positions. Reducing the depth exponentially at the cost of having an exponential number of ancillae is a goal which has already been achieved for the problem of loading classical data on a quantum circuit (Araujo in Sci Rep 11:6329, 2021) (notice that such a circuit can be used to load the initial state of the walker). Here, we achieve this goal for the problem of applying a position-dependent coin operator in a discrete-time quantum walk. Finally, we extend the result of Welch (New J Phys 16:033040, 2014) from position-dependent unitaries which are diagonal in the position basis to position-dependent 2 x 2-block-diagonal unitaries: indeed, we show that for a position dependence of the coin operator (the block-diagonal unitary) which is smooth enough, one can find an efficient quantum-circuit implementation approximating the coin operator up to an error epsilon (in terms of the spectral norm), the depth and size of which scale as O(1/epsilon). A typical application of the efficient implementation would be the quantum simulation of a relativistic spin-1/2 particle on a lattice, coupled to a smooth external gauge field; notice that recently, quantum spatial-search schemes have been developed which use gauge fields as the oracle, to mark the vertex to be found (Zylberman in Entropy 23:1441, 2021), (Fredon arXiv:2210.13920). A typical application of the linear-depth circuit would be when there is spatial noise on the coin operator (and hence a non-smooth dependence in the position).