Ayala, C., Gonzalez, P., & Vento, V. (2016). Heavy quark potential from QCD-related effective coupling. J. Phys. G, 43(12), 125002–12pp.
Abstract: We implement our past investigations of quark-antiquark interaction through a non-perturbative running coupling defined in terms of a gluon mass function, similar to that used in some Schwinger-Dyson approaches. This coupling leads to a quark-antiquark potential, which satisfies not only asymptotic freedom but also describes linear confinement correctly. From this potential, we calculate the bottomonium and charmonium spectra below the first open flavor meson-meson thresholds and show that for a small range of values of the free parameter determining the gluon mass function an excellent agreement with data is attained.
Ortega, P. G., Entem, D. R., & Fernandez, F. (2017). LHCb pentaquarks in constituent quark models. Phys. Lett. B, 764, 207–211.
Abstract: The recently discovered P-c(4380)(+) and P-c(4450)(+) states at LHCb have masses close to the (D) over bar Sigma(C)* and (D) over bar*Sigma(C) thresholds, respectively, which suggest that they may have significant meson-baryon molecular components. We analyze these states in the framework of a constituent quark model which has been applied to a wide range of hadronic observables, being the model parameters, therefore, completely constrained. The P-c(4380)(+) and P-c(4450)(+) are studied as molecular states composed by charmed baryons and open charm mesons. Several bound states with the proper binding energy are found in the (D) over bar Sigma(C)* and (D) over bar*Sigma(C) chennels. We discuss the possible assignments of these states from their decay widths. Moreover, two more states are predicted, associated with the (D) over bar Sigma(C) and (D) over bar*Sigma*(C) thresholds. (C) 2016 Published by Elsevier B.V.