Pino, F., Roe, N., Orero, A., Falcon, C., Rojas, S., Benlloch, J. M., et al. (2011). Development of a variable-radius pinhole SPECT system with a portable gamma camera. Rev. Esp. Med. Nucl., 30(5), 286–291.
Abstract: Objective: To develop a small-animal SPECT system using a low cost commercial portable gamma camera equipped with a pinhole collimator, a continuous scintillation crystal and a position-sensitive photomultiplier tube. Material and methods: The gamma camera was attached to a variable radius system, which enabled us to optimize sensitivity and resolution by adjusting the radius of rotation to the size of the object. To investigate the capability of the SPECT system for small animal imaging, the dependence of resolution and calibration parameters on radius was assessed and acquisitions of small phantoms and mice were carried out. Results: Resolution values, ranging from 1.0 mm for a radius of 21.4 mm and 1.4 mm for a radius of 37.2 mm were obtained, thereby justifying the interest of a variable radius SPECT system. Conclusions: The image quality of phantoms and animals were satisfactory, thus confirming the usefulness of the system for small animal SPECT imaging.