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Author (up) Title Year Publication Volume Pages
ANTARES Collaboration (Ageron, M. et al); Aguilar, J.A.; Bigongiari, C.; Carmona, E.; Dornic, D.; Emanuele, U.; Gomez-Gonzalez, J.P.; Hernandez-Rey, J.J.; Mangano, S.; Real, D.; Roca, V.; Salesa, F.; Toscano, S.; Urbano, F.; Yepes, H.; Zornoza, J.D.; Zuñiga, J. ANTARES: The first undersea neutrino telescope 2011 Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research A 656 11-38
ANTARES Collaboration (Aguilar, J.A. et al); Bigongiari, C.; Dornic, D.; Emanuele, U.; Gomez-Gonzalez, J.P.; Hernandez-Rey, J.J.; Mangano, S.; Salesa, F.; Toscano, S.; Yepes, H.; Zornoza, J.D.; Zuñiga, J. Performance of the front-end electronics of the ANTARES neutrino telescope 2010 Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research A 622 59-73
Luo, X.L. et al; Agramunt, J.; Egea, F.J.; Gadea, A.; Huyuk, T. Test of digital neutron-gamma discrimination with four different photomultiplier tubes for the NEutron Detector Array (NEDA) 2014 Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research A 767 83-91
Martin-Luna, P.; Esperante, D.; Casaña, J.V.; Fernandez Prieto, A.; Fuster-Martinez, N.; Rivas, I.G.; Gimeno, B.; Ginestar, D.; Gonzalez-Iglesias, D.; Hueso, J.L.; Leptin, H.A.; Llosa, G.; Martinez-Reviriego, P.; Riera, J.; Vazquez Regueiro, P.; Hueso-Gonzalez, F. Effects of the passive voltage divider in a photomultiplier tube: Analytical model, simulations and experimental validation 2025 Sensors and Actuators A-Physical 381 116057 - 11pp
Martin-Luna, P.; Esperante, D.; Prieto, A.F.; Fuster-Martinez, N.; Rivas, I.G.; Gimeno, B.; Ginestar, D.; Gonzalez-Iglesias, D.; Hueso, J.L.; Llosa, G.; Martinez-Reviriego, P.; Meneses-Felipe, A.; Riera, J.; Regueiro, P.V.; Hueso-Gonzalez, F. Simulation of electron transport and secondary emission in a photomultiplier tube and validation 2024 Sensors and Actuators A-Physical 365 114859 - 10pp