Agaras, M. N. et al, & Fiorini, L. (2023). Laser calibration of the ATLAS Tile Calorimeter during LHC Run 2. J. Instrum., 18(6), P06023–35pp.
Abstract: This article reports the laser calibration of the hadronic Tile Calorimeter of the ATLAS experiment in the LHC Run 2 data campaign. The upgraded Laser II calibration system is described. The system was commissioned during the first LHC Long Shutdown, exhibiting a stability better than 0.8% for the laser light monitoring. The methods employed to derive the detector calibration factors with data from the laser calibration runs are also detailed. These allowed to correct for the response fluctuations of the 9852 photomultiplier tubes of the Tile Calorimeter with a total uncertainty of 0.5% plus a luminosity-dependent sub-dominant term. Finally, we report the regular monitoring and performance studies using laser events in both standalone runs and during proton collisions. These studies include channel timing and quality inspection, and photomultiplier linearity and response dependence on anode current.
ANTARES Collaboration(Ageron, M. et al), Aguilar, J. A., Bigongiari, C., Carmona, E., Dornic, D., Emanuele, U., et al. (2011). ANTARES: The first undersea neutrino telescope. Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. A, 656(1), 11–38.
Abstract: The ANTARES Neutrino Telescope was completed in May 2008 and is the first operational Neutrino Telescope in the Mediterranean Sea. The main purpose of the detector is to perform neutrino astronomy and the apparatus also offers facilities for marine and Earth sciences. This paper describes the design, the construction and the installation of the telescope in the deep sea, offshore from Toulon in France. An illustration of the detector performance is given.
ANTARES Collaboration(Aguilar, J. A. et al), Bigongiari, C., Dornic, D., Emanuele, U., Gomez-Gonzalez, J. P., Hernandez-Rey, J. J., et al. (2010). Performance of the front-end electronics of the ANTARES neutrino telescope. Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. A, 622(1), 59–73.
Abstract: ANTARES is a high-energy neutrino telescope installed in the Mediterranean Sea at a depth of 2475 m. It consists of a three-dimensional array of optical modules, each containing a large photomultiplier tube. A total of 2700 front-end ASICs named analogue ring samplers (ARS) process the phototube signals, measure their arrival time, amplitude and shape as well as perform monitoring and calibration tasks. The ARS chip processes the analogue signals from the optical modules and converts information into digital data. All the information is transmitted to shore through further multiplexing electronics and an optical link. This paper describes the performance of the ARS chip: results from the functionality and characterization tests in the laboratory are summarized and the long-term performance in the apparatus is illustrated.
Babiano, V., Balibrea, J., Caballero, L., Calvo, D., Ladarescu, I., Mira Prats, S., et al. (2020). First i-TED demonstrator: A Compton imager with Dynamic Electronic Collimation. Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. A, 953, 163228–9pp.
Abstract: i-TED consists of both a total energy detector and a Compton camera primarily intended for the measurement of neutron capture cross sections by means of the simultaneous combination of neutron time-of-flight (TOF) and gamma-ray imaging techniques. TOF allows one to obtain a neutron-energy differential capture yield, whereas the imaging capability is intended for the discrimination of radiative background sources, that have a spatial origin different from that of the capture sample under investigation. A distinctive feature of i-TED is the embedded Dynamic Electronic Collimation (DEC) concept, which allows for a trade-off between efficiency and image resolution. Here we report on some general design considerations and first performance characterization measurements made with an i-TED demonstrator in order to explore its gamma-ray detection and imaging capabilities.
Balibrea-Correa, J., Lerendegui-Marco, J., Calvo, D., Caballero, L., Babiano, V., Ladarescu, I., et al. (2021). A first prototype of C6D6 total-energy detector with SiPM readout for neutron capture time-of-flight experiments. Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. A, 985, 164709–8pp.
Abstract: Low efficiency total-energy detectors (TEDs) are one of the main tools for neutron capture cross section measurements utilizing the time-of-flight (TOF) technique. State-of-the-art TEDs are based on a C6D6 liquid-scintillation cell optically coupled to a fast photomultiplier tube. The large photomultiplier tube represents yet a significant contribution to the so-called neutron sensitivity background, which is one of the most conspicuous sources of uncertainty in this type of experiments. Here we report on the development of a first prototype of a TED based on a silicon-photomultiplier (SiPM) readout, thus resulting in a lightweight and much more compact detector. Apart from the envisaged improvement in neutron sensitivity, the new system uses low voltage (+28 V) and low current supply (-50 mA), which is more practical than the-kV supply required by conventional photomultipliers. One important difficulty hindering the earlier implementation of SiPM readout for this type of detector was the large capacitance for the output signal when all pixels of a SiPM array are summed together. The latter leads to long pulse rise and decay times, which are not suitable for time-of-flight experiments. In this work we demonstrate the feasibility of a Schottky-diode multiplexing readout approach, that allows one to preserve the excellent timing properties of SiPMs, hereby paving the way for their implementation in future neutron TOF experiments.
Barrientos, L., Borja-Lloret, M., Casaña, J. V., Dendooven, P., Garcia Lopez, J. G., Hueso-Gonzalez, F., et al. (2024). Gamma-ray sources imaging and test-beam results with MACACO III Compton camera. Phys. Medica, 117, 103199–10pp.
Abstract: Hadron therapy is a radiotherapy modality which offers a precise energy deposition to the tumors and a dose reduction to healthy tissue as compared to conventional methods. However, methods for real-time monitoring are required to ensure that the radiation dose is deposited on the target. The IRIS group of IFIC-Valencia developed a Compton camera prototype for this purpose, intending to image the Prompt Gammas emitted by the tissue during irradiation. The system detectors are composed of Lanthanum (III) bromide scintillator crystals coupled to silicon photomultipliers. After an initial characterization in the laboratory, in order to assess the system capabilities for future experiments in proton therapy centers, different tests were carried out in two facilities: PARTREC (Groningen, The Netherlands) and the CNA cyclotron (Sevilla, Spain). Characterization studies performed at PARTREC indicated that the detectors linearity was improved with respect to the previous version and an energy resolution of 5.2 % FWHM at 511 keV was achieved. Moreover, the imaging capabilities of the system were evaluated with a line source of 68Ge and a point-like source of 241Am-9Be. Images at 4.439 MeV were obtained from irradiation of a graphite target with an 18 MeV proton beam at CNA, to perform a study of the system potential to detect shifts at different intensities. In this sense, the system was able to distinguish 1 mm variations in the target position at different beam current intensities for measurement times of 1800 and 600 s.
Barrientos, L., Borja-Lloret, M., Casaña, J. V., Hueso-Gonzalez, F., Ros, A., Roser, J., et al. (2023). System characterization and performance studies with MACACO III Compton camera. Radiat. Phys. Chem., 208, 110922–13pp.
Abstract: The IRIS group of IFIC-Valencia has developed a Compton camera prototype. The system detectors are made of Lanthanum (III) bromide scintillator crystals coupled to silicon photomultipliers. Two models of silicon photomultipliers arrays with different micro pixel pitch (25 and 50 μm) have been chosen as possible candidates to improve the response of the new system. Characterization studies with a 22Na point-like source have indicated that the 25 μm photodetector provided better performance in terms of energy resolution (5.2% FWHM at 511 keV) and angular resolution (6.9 degrees FWHM at 1275 keV), and more stability with temperature variations. In addition, MACACO III imaging capabilities have been assessed using a structure composed of thirty-seven 22Na point-like sources. Furthermore, in order to evaluate possible ways of improving the system performance, several studies have been carried out by means of simulations both in realistic and performance improved conditions. In this work, the system performance is evaluated for its future application in different areas.
Barrientos, L., Borja-Lloret, M., Etxebeste, A., Muñoz, E., Oliver, J. F., Ros, A., et al. (2021). Performance evaluation of MACACO II Compton camera. Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. A, 1014, 165702–7pp.
Abstract: The IRIS group at IFIC-Valencia has developed a second version of a Compton camera prototype for hadron therapy treatment monitoring, with the aim of improving the performance with respect to its predecessor. The system is composed of three Lanthanum (III) bromide (LaBr3) crystals coupled to silicon photomultipliers (SiPMs). The detector energy resolution has been improved to 5.6% FWHM at 511 keV and an angular resolution of 8.0 degrees has been obtained. Images of a Na-22 point-like source have been reconstructed selecting two and three interaction events. Moreover, the experimental data have been reproduced with Monte Carlo simulations using a Compton camera module (CCMod) in GATE v8.2 obtaining a good correlation.
Etxebeste, A., Barrio, J., Muñoz, E., Oliver, J. F., Solaz, C., & Llosa, G. (2016). 3D position determination in monolithic crystals coupled to SiPMs for PET. Phys. Med. Biol., 61(10), 3914–3934.
Abstract: The interest in using continuous monolithic crystals in positron emission tomography (PET) has grown in the last years. Coupled to silicon photomultipliers (SiPMs), the detector can combine high sensitivity and high resolution, the two main factors to be maximized in a positron emission tomograph. In this work, the position determination capability of a detector comprised of a 12 x 12 x 10 mm(3) LYSO crystal coupled to an 8 x 8-pixel array of SiPMs is evaluated. The 3D interaction position of.-rays is estimated using an analytical model of the light distribution including reflections on the facets of the crystal. Monte Carlo simulations have been performed to evaluate different crystal reflectors and geometries. The method has been characterized and applied to different cases. Intrinsic resolution obtained with the position estimation method used in this work, applied to experimental data, achieves sub-millimetre resolution values. Average resolution over the detector surface for 5 mm thick crystal is similar to 0.9 mm FWHM and similar to 1.2 mm FWHM for 10 mm thick crystal. Depth of interaction resolution is close to 2 mm FWHM in both cases, while the FWTM is similar to 5.3 mm for 5 mm thick crystal and similar to 9.6 mm for 10 mm thick crystal.
Fernandes, L. M. P., Freitas, E. D. C., Ball, M., Gomez-Cadenas, J. J., Monteiro, C. M. B., Yahlali, N., et al. (2010). Primary and secondary scintillation measurements in a Xenon Gas Proportional Scintillation Counter. J. Instrum., 5, P09006–15pp.
Abstract: NEXT is a new experiment to search for neutrinoless double beta decay using a 100 kg radio-pure high-pressure gaseous xenon TPC. The detector requires excellent energy resolution, which can be achieved in a Xe TPC with electroluminescence readout. Hamamatsu R8520-06SEL photomultipliers are good candidates for the scintillation readout. The performance of this photomultiplier, used as VUV photosensor in a gas proportional scintillation counter, was investigated. Initial results for the detection of primary and secondary scintillation produced as a result of the interaction of 5.9 keV X-rays in gaseous xenon, at room temperature and at pressures up to 3 bar, are presented. An energy resolution of 8.0% was obtained for secondary scintillation produced by 5.9 keV X-rays. No significant variation of the primary scintillation was observed for different pressures (1, 2 and 3 bar) and for electric fields up to 0.8 V cm(-1) torr(-1) in the drift region, demonstrating negligible recombination luminescence. A primary scintillation yield of 81 +/- 7 photons was obtained for 5.9 keV X-rays, corresponding to a mean energy of 72 +/- 6 eV to produce a primary scintillation photon in xenon.