Albaladejo, M., Oller, J. A., Oset, E., Rios, G., & Roca, L. (2012). Finite volume treatment of pi pi scattering and limits to phase shifts extraction from lattice QCD. J. High Energy Phys., 08(8), 071–22pp.
Abstract: We study theoretically the effects of finite volume for pi pi scattering in order to extract physical observables for infinite volume from lattice QCD. We compare three different approaches for pi pi scattering (lowest order Bethe-Salpeter approach, N/D and inverse amplitude methods) with the aim of studying the effects of the finite size of the box in the potential of the different theories, specially the left-hand cut contribution through loops in the crossed t, u-channels. We quantify the error made by neglecting these effects in usual extractions of physical observables from lattice ()CD spectrum. We conclude that for pi pi phase-shifts in the scalar-isoscalar channel up to 800 MeV this effect is negligible for box sizes bigger than 2,5m(pi)(-1) and of the order of 5% at around 1.5 – 2m(pi)(-1). For isospin 2 the finite size effects can reach up to 10% for that energy. We also quantify the error made when using the standard Luscher method to extract physical observables from lattice QCD, which is widely used in the literature but is an approximation of the one used in the present work.
Bandyopadhyay, P., Chun, E. J., & Mandal, R. (2019). Phenomenology of Higgs bosons in inverse seesaw model with Type-X two Higgs doublet at the LHC. J. High Energy Phys., 08(8), 169–22pp.
Abstract: Type-X two Higgs doublet model is known to explain the muon g – 2 anomaly with a relatively light charged Higgs boson at large tan beta. The light charged Higgs boson has been searched in the main tau nu mode at the colliders. Invoking a scenario of inverse seesaw as the origin of neutrino masses and mixing, the charged Higgs boson can decay additionally to right-handed neutrinos which leads to interesting phenomenology. Considering generic lepton flavour violating signatures at the final states, a 5 sigma discovery can be achieved with the early data of LHC, at 14 TeV, for relatively large inverse seesaw Yukawa coupling Y-N. The very light pseudoscalar and charged Higgs boson mass reconstruction are performed using the new modes and the results look promising. The inverse seesaw Yukawa coupling is shown to be probed down to Y-N similar to 0.2 at HL LHC with 3000 fb(-1).
Bourguille, B., Nieves, J., & Sanchez, F. (2021). Inclusive and exclusive neutrino-nucleus cross sections and the reconstruction of the interaction kinematics. J. High Energy Phys., 04(4), 004–42pp.
Abstract: We present a full kinematic analysis of neutrino-nucleus charged current quasielastic interactions based on the Local Fermi Gas model and the Random Phase Approximation. The model was implemented in the NEUT Monte Carlo framework, which allows us to investigate potentially measurable observables, including hadron distributions. We compare the predictions simultaneously to the most recent T2K and MINERvA charged current (CC) inclusive, CC0 pi and transverse kinematic-imbalance variable results. We pursuit a microscopic interpretation of the relevant reaction mechanisms, with the aim to achieving in neutrino oscillation experiments a correct reconstruction of the incoming neutrino kinematics, free of conceptual biasses. Such study is of the utmost importance for the ambitious experimental program which is underway to precisely determine neutrino properties, test the three-generation paradigm, establish the order of mass eigenstates and investigate leptonic CP violation.
Campanario, F., Kerner, M., & Zeppenfeld, D. (2018). Z gamma production in vector-boson scattering at next-to-leading order QCD. J. High Energy Phys., 01(1), 160–19pp.
Abstract: Cross sections and differential distributions for Z gamma production in association with two jets via vector boson fusion are presented at next-to-leading order in QCD. The leptonic decays of the Z boson with full off-shell effects and spin correlations are taken into account. The uncertainties due to different scale choices and pdf sets are studied. Furthermore, we analyze the effect of including anomalous quartic gauge couplings at NLO QCD.
Courtoy, A., Noguera, S., & Scopetta, S. (2019). Double parton distributions in the pion in the Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model. J. High Energy Phys., 12(12), 045–26pp.
Abstract: Two-parton correlations in the pion, a non perturbative information encoded in double parton distribution functions, are investigated in the Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model. It is found that double parton distribution functions expose novel dynamical information on the structure of the pion, not accessible through one-body parton distributions, as it happens in several estimates for the proton target and in a previous evaluation for the pion, in a light-cone framework. Expressions and predictions are given for double parton distributions corresponding to leading-twist Dirac operators in the quark vertices, and to different regularization methods for the Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model. These results are particularly relevant in view of forthcoming lattice data.
Greynat, D., de Rafael, E., & Vulvert, G. (2014). Asymptotic behaviour of pion-pion total cross-sections. J. High Energy Phys., 03(3), 107–21pp.
Abstract: We derive a sum rule which shows that the Froissart-Martin bound for the asymptotic behaviour of the pi pi total cross sections at high energies, if modulated by the Lukaszuk-Martin coefficient of the leading log(2)s behaviour, cannot be an optimal bound in QCD. We next compute the total cross sections for pi(+)pi(-), pi(+/-)pi(0) and pi(0)pi(0) scattering within the framework of the constituent chiral quark model (C chi QM) in the limit of a large number of colours N-c and discuss their asymptotic behaviours. The same pi pi cross sections are also discussed within the general framework of Large-N-c QCD and we show that it is possible to make an Ansatz for the isospin I = 1 and I = 0 spectrum which satisfy the Froissart-Martin bound with coefficients which, contrary to the Lukaszuk-Martin coefficient, are not singular in the chiral limit and have the correct Large-N-c counting. We finally propose a simple phenomenological model which matches the low energy behaviours of the sigma(total)(pi +/-pi 0)(s) cross section predicted by the CxQM with the high energy behaviour predicted by the Large-N-c Ansatz. The magnitude of these cross sections at very high energies is of the order of those observed for the pp and pp scattering total cross sections.
Martinez Torres, A., Oset, E., Prelovsek, S., & Ramos, A. (2015). Reanalysis of lattice QCD spectra leading to the Ds0*(2317) and Ds1*(2460). J. High Energy Phys., 05(5), 153–22pp.
Abstract: We perform a reanalysis of the energy levels obtained in a recent lattice QCD simulation, from where the existence of bound states of KD and KD* are induced and identified with the narrow D-s0*(2317) and D-s1*(2460) resonances. The reanalysis is done in terms of an auxiliary potential, employing a single-channel basis KD(*()), and a two-channel basis KD(*()), eta D-s(()*()). By means of an extended Luscher method we determine poles of the continuum t-matrix, bound by about 40 MeV with respect to the KD and KD* thresholds, which we identify with the D-s0*(2317) and D-s1*(2460) resonances. Using a sum rule that reformulates Weinberg compositeness condition we can determine that the state D-s0*(2317) contains a KD component in an amount of about 70%, while the state D-s1*(2460) contains a similar amount of KD*. We argue that the present lattice simulation results do not still allow us to determine which are the missing channels in the bound state wave functions and we discuss the necessary information that can lead to answer this question.
Noguera, S., & Scopetta, S. (2015). Pion transverse momentum dependent parton distributions in the Nambu and Jona-Lasinio model. J. High Energy Phys., 11(11), 102–18pp.
Abstract: An explicit evaluation of the two pion transverse momentum dependent parton distributions at leading twist is presented, in the framework of the Nambu-Jona Lasinio model with Pauli-Villars regularization. The transverse momentum dependence of the obtained distributions is generated solely by the dynamics of the model. Using these results, the so called generalized Boer-Mulders shift is studied and compared with recent lattice data. The obtained agreement is very encouraging, in particular because no additional parameter has been introduced. A more conclusive comparison would require a precise knowledge of the QCD evolution of the transverse momentum dependent parton distributions under scrutiny.
Qin, W., Dai, L. Y., & Portoles, J. (2021). Two and three pseudoscalar production in e(+)e(-) annihilation and their contributions to (g-2)(mu). J. High Energy Phys., 03(3), 092–38pp.
Abstract: A coherent study of e(+)e(-) annihilation into two (pi(+)pi(-), K+K-) and three (pi(+)pi(-)pi(0), pi(+)pi(-)eta) pseudoscalar meson production is carried out within the framework of resonance chiral theory in energy region E less than or similar to 2 GeV. The work of [L.Y. Dai, J. Portoles, and O. Shekhovtsova, Phys. Rev. D88 (2013) 056001] is revisited with the latest experimental data and a joint analysis of two pseudoscalar meson production. Hence, we evaluate the lowest order hadronic vacuum polarization contributions of those two and three pseudoscalar processes to the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon. We also estimate some higher-order additions led by the same hadronic vacuum polarization. Combined with the other contributions from the standard model, the theoretical prediction differs still by (21.6 +/- 7.4) x 10(-10) (2.9 sigma) from the experimental value.
Rinaldi, M. (2017). GPDs at non-zero skewness in ADS/QCD model. Phys. Lett. B, 771, 563–567.
Abstract: We study Generalized Parton Distribution functions (GPDs) usually measured in hard exclusive processes and encoding information on the three dimensional partonic structure of hadrons and their spin decomposition, for non-zeroskewness within the AdS/QCD formalism. To this aim the canonical scheme to calculate GPDs at zero skewness has been properly generalized. Furthermore, we show that the latter quantities, in this non-forwardregime, are sensitive to non-trivialdetails of the hadronic light front wave function, such as a kind of parton correlations usually not accessible in studies of form factors and GPDs at zero skewness.