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Author | Title | Year | Publication | Volume | Pages |
Amaldi, U.; Bonomi, R.; Braccini, S.; Crescenti, M.; Degiovanni, A.; Garlasche, M.; Garonna, A.; Magrin, G.; Mellace, C.; Pearce, P.; Pitta, G.; Puggioni, P.; Rosso, E.; Verdu-Andres, S.; Wegner, R.; Weiss, M.; Zennaro, R. | Accelerators for hadrontherapy: From Lawrence cyclotrons to linacs | 2010 | Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research A | 620 | 563-577 |
Torres-Espallardo, I.; Diblen, F.; Rohling, H.; Solevi, P.; Gillam, J.; Watts, D.; Espana, S.; Vandenberghe, S.; Fiedler, F.; Rafecas, M. | Evaluation of resistive-plate-chamber-based TOF-PET applied to in-beam particle therapy monitoring | 2015 | Physics in Medicine and Biology | 60 | N187-N208 |