Fernandez, A., Hufschmidt, D., Colaux, J. L., Valiente-Dobon, J. J., Godinho, V., Jimenez de Haro, M. C., et al. (2020). Low gas consumption fabrication of He-3 solid targets for nuclear reactions. Mater. Des., 186, 108337–10pp.
Abstract: Nanoporous solids that stabilize trapped gas nanobubbles open new possibilities to fabricate solid targets for nuclear reactions. A methodology is described based on the magnetron sputtering (MS) technique operated under quasistatic flux conditions to produce such nanocomposites films with He-3 contents of up to 16 at.% in an amorphous-silicon matrix. In addition to the characteristic low pressure (3-6 Pa) needed for the gas discharge, the method ensures almost complete reduction of the process gas flow during film fabrication. The method could produce similar materials to those obtained under classical dynamic flux conditions for MS. The drastic reduction (>99.5%) of the gas consumption is fundamental for the fabrication of targets with scarce and expensive gases. Si:He-3 and W:He-3 targets are presented together with their microstructural (scanning and transmission electron microscopy, SEM and TEM respectively) and compositional (Ion Beam Analysis, IBA) characterization. The He-3 content achieved was over 1 x 10(18) at/cm(2) for film thicknesses between 1.5 and 3 μm for both Si and W matrices. First experiments to probe the stability of the targets for nuclear reaction studies in inverse kinematics configurations are presented.
Guerrero, C., Tessler, M., Paul, M., Lerendegui-Marco, J., Heinitz, S., Maugeri, E. A., et al. (2019). The s-process in the Nd-Pm-Sm region: Neutron activation of Pm-147. Phys. Lett. B, 797, 134809–6pp.
Abstract: The Nd-Pm-Sm branching is of interest for the study of the s-process, related to the production of heavy elements in stars. As Sm-148 and Sm-150 are s-only isotopes, the understanding of the branching allows constraining the s-process neutron density. In this context the key physics input needed is the cross section of the three unstable nuclides in the region: Nd-147 (10.98 d half-life), Pm-147 (2.62 yr) and Pm-148 (5.37 d). This paper reports on the activation measurement of Pm-147, the longest-lived of the three nuclides. The cross section measurement has been carried out by activation at the SARAF LiLiT facility using a 56(2) μg target. Compared to the single previous measurement of Pm-147, the measurement presented herein benefits from a target 2000 times more massive. The resulting Maxwellian Averaged Cross Section (MACS) to the ground and metastable states in Pm-148 are 469(50) mb and 357(27) mb. These values are 41% higher (to the ground state) and 15% lower (to the metastable state) than the values reported so far, leading however to a total cross section of 826(107) mb consistent within uncertainties with the previous result and hence leaving unchanged the previous calculation of the s-process neutron density.
Sahin, E. et al, Gadea, A., & Algora, A. (2012). Structure of the N=50 As, Ge, Ga nuclei. Nucl. Phys. A, 893, 1–12.
Abstract: The level structures of the N = 50 As-83, Ge-82, and Ga-81 isotones have been investigated by means of multi-nucleon transfer reactions. A first experiment was performed with the CLARA PRISMA setup to identify these nuclei. A second experiment was carried out with the GASP array in order to deduce the gamma-ray coincidence information. The results obtained on the high-spin states of such nuclei are used to test the stability of the N = 50 shell closure in the region of Ni-78 (Z = 28). The comparison of the experimental level schemes with the shell-model calculations yields an N = 50 energy gap value of 4.7(3) MeV at Z = 28. This value, in a good agreement with the prediction of the finite-range liquid-drop model as well as with the recent large-scale shell model calculations, does not support a weakening of the N = 50 shell gap down to Z = 28.
Keywords: NUCLEAR REACTIONS U-238(Se-82, Ga-81), (Se-82, Ge-82), (Se-82, As-83), E=515 MeV; measured E-gamma, I-gamma (theta), gamma gamma-coin, reaction fragments, (fragment)gamma-coin using PRISMA magnetic spectrometer, gamma after deexcitation using Ge Compton-suppressed detectors of CLARA array, thin and thick target; deduced sigma(theta), levels, J, pi; calculated levels, J, pi using shell model