Abele, H. et al, Algora, A., Gonzalez-Alonso, M., & Novella, P. (2023). Particle physics at the European Spallation Source. Phys. Rep., 1023, 1–84.
Abstract: Presently under construction in Lund, Sweden, the European Spallation Source (ESS) will be the world's brightest neutron source. As such, it has the potential for a particle physics program with a unique reach and which is complementary to that available at other facilities. This paper describes proposed particle physics activities for the ESS. These encompass the exploitation of both the neutrons and neutrinos produced at the ESS for high precision (sensitivity) measurements (searches).
BRIKEN Collaboration(Tarifeño-Saldivia, A. et al), Tain, J. L., Domingo-Pardo, C., Agramunt, J., Algora, A., Morales, A. I., et al. (2017). Conceptual design of a hybrid neutron-gamma detector for study of beta-delayed neutrons at the RIB facility of RIKEN. J. Instrum., 12, P04006–22pp.
Abstract: BRIKEN is a complex detection system to be installed at the RIB-facility of the RIKEN Nishina Center. It is aimed at the detection of heavy-ion implants, β-particles, γ-rays and β-delayed neutrons. The whole detection setup involves the Advanced Implantation Detection Array (AIDA), two HPGe Clover detectors and a large set of 166 counters of 3He embedded in a high-density polyethylene matrix. This article reports on a novel methodology developed for the conceptual design and optimisation of the 3He-tubes array, aiming at the best possible performance in terms of neutron detection. The algorithm is based on a geometric representation of two selected parameters of merit, namely, average neutron detection efficiency and efficiency flatness, as a function of a reduced number of geometric variables. The response of the detection system itself, for each configuration, is obtained from a systematic MC-simulation implemented realistically in Geant4. This approach has been found to be particularly useful. On the one hand, due to the different types and large number of 3He-tubes involved and, on the other hand, due to the additional constraints introduced by the ancillary detectors for charged particles and gamma-rays. Empowered by the robustness of the algorithm, we have been able to design a versatile detection system, which can be easily re-arranged into a compact mode in order to maximize the neutron detection performance, at the cost of the gamma-ray sensitivity. In summary, we have designed a system which shows, for neutron energies up to 1(5) MeV, a rather flat and high average efficiency of 68.6%(64%) and 75.7%(71%) for the hybrid and compact modes, respectively. The performance of the BRIKEN system has been also quantified realistically by means of MC-simulations made with different neutron energy distributions.
BRIKEN Collaboration(Tolosa-Delgado, A. et al), Agramunt, J., Tain, J. L., Algora, A., Domingo-Pardo, C., Morales, A. I., et al. (2019). Commissioning of the BRIKEN detector for the measurement of very exotic beta-delayed neutron emitters. Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. A, 925, 133–147.
Abstract: A new detection system has been installed at the RIKEN Nishina Center (Japan) to investigate decay properties of very neutron-rich nuclei. The setup consists of three main parts: a moderated neutron counter, a detection system sensitive to the implantation and decay of radioactive ions, and gamma-ray detectors. We describe here the setup, the commissioning experiment and some selected results demonstrating its performance for the measurement of half-lives and beta-delayed neutron emission probabilities. The methodology followed in the analysis of the data is described in detail. Particular emphasis is placed on the correction of the accidental neutron background.
Clausse, A., Soto, L., & Tarifeño-Saldivia, A. (2015). Influence of the Anode Length on the Neutron Emission of a 50 J Plasma Focus: Modeling and Experiment. IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci., 43(2), 629–636.
Abstract: A comprehensive set of electric data measured in a small plasma focus (PF) device of 50 J correlated with the corresponding neutron emissions is taken as the base for developing a semiempirical model of the current sheet dynamics and the neutron yield. The model is able to explain the dependence of the neutron yield with the pressure and anode length with good accuracy, and suggests a physical interpretation of the drive parameter commonly used in PF design.
Garcia, A. R., Martinez, T., Cano-Ott, D., Castilla, J., Guerrero, C., Marin, J., et al. (2012). MONSTER: a time of flight spectrometer for beta-delayed neutron emission measurements. J. Instrum., 7, C05012–12pp.
Abstract: The knowledge of the beta-decay properties of nuclei contributes decisively to our understanding of nuclear phenomena: the beta-delayed neutron emission of neutron rich nuclei plays an important role in the nucleosynthesis r-process and constitutes a probe for nuclear structure of very neutron rich nuclei providing information about the high energy part of the full beta strength (S-beta) function. In addition, beta-delayed neutrons are essential for the control and safety of nuclear reactors. In order to determine the neutron energy spectra and emission probabilities from neutron precursors a MOdular Neutron time-of-flight SpectromeTER (MONSTER) has been proposed for the DESPEC experiment at the future FAIR facility. The design of MONSTER and status of its construction are reported in this work.
Rebel, B., Hall, C., Bernard, E., Faham, C. H., Ito, T. M., Lundberg, B., et al. (2014). High voltage in noble liquids for high energy physics. J. Instrum., 9, T08004–57pp.
Abstract: A workshop was held at Fermilab November 8-9, 2013 to discuss the challenges of using high voltage in noble liquids. The participants spanned the fields of neutrino, dark matter, and electric dipole moment physics. All presentations at the workshop were made in plenary sessions. This document summarizes the experiences and lessons learned from experiments in these fields at developing high voltage systems in noble liquids.
Singha, M., Yokoyama, R., Grzywacz, R., Keeler, A., King, T. T., Agramunt, J., et al. (2025). YSO implantation detector for beta-delayed neutron spectroscopy. Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. A, 1073, 170239–14pp.
Abstract: A segmented-scintillator-based implantation detector was developed to study the energy distribution of /1- delayed neutrons emitted from exotic isotopes. The detector comprises a 34 x 34 YSO scintillator coupled to an 8 x 8 anode Position-Sensitive Photo-Multiplier Tube (PSPMT) via a tapered light guide. The detector was used at RIBF, RIKEN for time-of-flight-based neutron spectroscopy measurement in the 78Ni region. The detector provides the position and timing resolution necessary for ion-beta correlations and time of flight measurements. The detector provides a high similar to 80% beta-detection efficiency and a sub-nanosecond timing resolution. This contribution discusses the details of the design, operation, implementation, and analysis developed to obtain neutron time-of-flight spectrum and the analysis methods in the context of neutron-rich nuclei in the 78Ni region.
Verdera, A., Torres-Sanchez, P., Praena, J., & Porras, I. (2024). Study of the out-of-field dose from an accelerator-based neutron source for boron neutron capture therapy. Appl. Radiat. Isot., 212, 111458–6pp.
Abstract: One important issue in Boron Neutron Capture Therapy is the delivered dose to the tissues outside the tumor. An international standard for light ion beam systems sets two recommended limits for out-of-field dose based on distance from the field edge: maximum absorbed dose from all radiation types shall not exceed 0.5 % of the maximum dose at distances 15 cm to 50 cm from the field edge. At distances > 50 cm from the field edge, the maximum absorbed dose shall not exceed 0.1 %. This paper is a continuation of our previous works focused on the design of an accelerator-based neutron source for BNCT. We already designed a novel Beam Shape Assembly which meets the IAEA criteria for BNCT treatments. Using this BSA, in the present work, we characterize by Monte Carlo simulations the dose outside the neutron field. The out-of-field dose has been assessed via estimates using the ambient and equivalent dose. Also the boron uptake in healthy tissues has been analyzed for the equivalent dose computation. It is concluded that our design for a future accelerator-based source for BNCT meets reasonably well the criteria defined from other forms of radiotherapy on both equivalent and effective dose outside the field.