n_TOF Collaboration(Giubrone, G. et al), & Tain, J. L. (2011). The Role of Fe and Ni for S-process Nucleosynthesis and Innovative Nuclear Technologies. J. Korean Phys. Soc., 59(2), 2106–2109.
Abstract: The accurate measurement of neutron capture cross sections of all Fe and Ni isotopes is important for disentangling the contribution of the s-process and the r-process to the stellar nucleosynthesis of elements in the mass range 60 < A < 120. At the same time, Fe and Ni are important components of structural materials and improved neutron cross section data is relevant in the design of new nuclear systems. With the aim of obtaining improved capture data on all stable iron and nickel isotopes, a program of measurements has been launched at the CERN Neutron Time of Flight Facility n_TOF.
n_TOF Collaboration(Mazzone, A. et al), Babiano-Suarez, V., Caballero, L., Domingo-Pardo, C., Ladarescu, I., & Tain, J. L. (2020). Measurement of the Gd-154(n, gamma) cross section and its astrophysical implications. Phys. Lett. B, 804, 135405–6pp.
Abstract: The neutron capture cross section of Gd-154 was measured from 1 eV to 300 keV in the experimental area located 185 m from the CERN n_TOF neutron spallation source, using a metallic sample of gadolinium, enriched to 67% in Gd-154. The capture measurement, performed with four C6D6 scintillation detectors, has been complemented by a transmission measurement performed at the GELINA time-of-flight facility (JRC-Geel), thus minimising the uncertainty related to sample composition. An accurate Maxwellian averaged capture cross section (MACS) was deduced over the temperature range of interest for s process nucleosynthesis modelling. We report a value of 880(50) mb for the MACS at kT = 30 keV, significantly lower compared to values available in literature. The new adopted Gd-154(n, gamma) cross section reduces the discrepancy between observed and calculated solar s-only isotopic abundances predicted by s-process nucleosynthesis models.
n_TOF Collaboration(Patronis, N. et al), Babiano-Suarez, V., Balibrea Correa, J., Domingo-Pardo, C., Ladarescu, I., & Lerendegui-Marco, J. (2023). Status report of the n_TOF facility after the 2nd CERN long shutdown period. EPJ Tech. Instrum., 10(1), 13–10pp.
Abstract: During the second long shutdown period of the CERN accelerator complex (LS2, 2019-2021), several upgrade activities took place at the nTOF facility. The most important have been the replacement of the spallation target with a next generation nitrogen-cooled lead target. Additionally, a new experimental area, at a very short distance from the target assembly (the NEAR Station) was established. In this paper, the core commissioning actions of the new installations are described. The improvement in the nTOF infrastructure was accompanied by several detector development projects. All these upgrade actions are discussed, focusing mostly on the future perspectives of the n_TOF facility. Furthermore, some indicative current and future measurements are briefly reported.
n_TOF Collaboration(Zugec, P. et al), Domingo-Pardo, C., Giubrone, G., & Tain, J. L. (2014). GEANT4 simulation of the neutron background of the C6D6 set-up for capture studies at n_TOF. Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. A, 760, 57–67.
Abstract: The neutron sensitivity of the Cr6D6 detector setup used at nTOF facility for capture measurements has been studied by means of detailed GEANT4 simulations. A realistic software replica of the entire nTOF experimental hall, including the neutron beam line, sample, detector supports and the walls of the experimental area has been implemented in the simulations. The simulations have been analyzed in the same manner as experimental data, in particular by applying the Pulse Height Weighting Technique. The simulations have been validated against a measurement of the neutron background performed with a(nat)-C sample, showing an excellent agreement above 1 keV. At lower energies, an additional component in the measured C-nat yield has been discovered, which prevents the use of C-nat data for neutron background estimates at neutron energies below a few hundred eV. The origin and time structure of the neutron background have been derived from the simulations. Examples of the neutron background for two different samples are demonstrating the important role of accurate simulations of the neutron background in capture cross-section measurements.