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Author (up) Title Year Publication Volume Pages
Abele, H. et al; Algora, A.; Gonzalez-Alonso, M.; Novella, P. Particle physics at the European Spallation Source 2023 Physics Reports 1023 1-84
Addazi, A.; Valle, J.W.F.; Vaquera-Araujo, C.A. String completion of an SU(3)(c) x SU(3)(L) x U(1)(X) electroweak model 2016 Physics Letters B 759 471-478
AGATA Collaboration (Avigo, R. et al); Domingo-Pardo, C.; Gadea, A.; Gonzalez, V. Low-lying electric dipole gamma-continuum for the unstable Fe-62(,)64 nuclei: Strength evolution with neutron number 2020 Physics Letters B 811 135951 - 6pp
Agramunt, J. et al; Tain, J.L.; Albiol, F.; Algora, A.; Domingo-Pardo, C.; Jordan, M. D.; Rubio, B.; Tarifeño-Saldivia, A.; Valencia, E. Characterization of a neutron-beta counting system with beta-delayed neutron emitters 2016 Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research A 807 69-78
ANTARES Collaboration (Albert, A. et al); Alves, S.; Calvo, D.; Carretero, V.; Gozzini, R.; Hernandez-Rey, J.J.; Lazo, A.; Manczak, J.; Real, D.; Sanchez-Losa, A.; Salesa Greus, F.; Saina, A.; Zornoza, J.D.; Zuñiga, J. Search for neutrino counterparts to the gravitational wave sources from LIGO/Virgo O3 run with the ANTARES detector 2023 Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 04 004 - 19pp
Balibrea-Correa, J.; Lerendegui-Marco, J.; Babiano-Suarez, V.; Caballero, L.; Calvo, D.; Ladarescu, I.; Olleros-Rodriguez, P.; Domingo-Pardo, C. Machine Learning aided 3D-position reconstruction in large LaCl3 crystals 2021 Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research A 1001 165249 - 17pp
BRIKEN Collaboration (Tarifeño-Saldivia, A. et al); Tain, J.L.; Domingo-Pardo, C.; Agramunt, J.; Algora, A.; Morales, A.I.; Rubio, B.; Tolosa, A. Conceptual design of a hybrid neutron-gamma detector for study of beta-delayed neutrons at the RIB facility of RIKEN 2017 Journal of Instrumentation 12 P04006 - 22pp
BRIKEN Collaboration (Tolosa-Delgado, A. et al); Agramunt, J.; Tain, J.L.; Algora, A.; Domingo-Pardo, C.; Morales, A.I.; Rubio, B. Commissioning of the BRIKEN detector for the measurement of very exotic beta-delayed neutron emitters 2019 Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research A 925 133-147
Capozzi, F.; Saviano, N. Neutrino Flavor Conversions in High-Density Astrophysical and Cosmological Environments 2022 Universe 8 94 - 23pp
Cappuzzello, F.; Rea, C.; Bonaccorso, A.; Bondi, M.; Carbone, D.; Cavallaro, M.; Cunsolo, A.; Foti, A.; Orrigo, S.E.A.; Rodrigues, M.R.D.; Taranto, G. New structures in the continuum of C-15 populated by two-neutron transfer 2012 Physics Letters B 711 347-352