Albaladejo, M., Guo, F. K., Hanhart, C., Meissner, U. G., Nieves, J., Nogga, A., et al. (2017). Note on X(3872) production at hadron colliders and its molecular structure. Chin. Phys. C, 41(12), 121001–3pp.
Abstract: The production of the X (3872) as a hadronic molecule in hadron colliders is clarified. We show that the conclusion of Bignamini et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 103 (2009) 162001, that the production of the X(3872) at high pT implies a non-molecular structure, does not hold. In particular, using the well understood properties of the deuteron wave function as an example, we identify the relevant scales in the production process.
Baru, V., Dong, X. K., Du, M. L., Filin, A., Guo, F. K., Hanhart, C., et al. (2022). Effective range expansion for narrow near-threshold resonances. Phys. Lett. B, 833, 137290–7pp.
Abstract: We discuss some general features of the effective range expansion, the content of its parameters with respect to the nature of the pertinent near-threshold states and the necessary modifications in the presence of coupled channels, isospin violations and unstable constituents. As illustrative examples, we analyse the properties of the chi(c1)(3872) and T-cc(+) states supporting the claim that these exotic states have a predominantly molecular nature.
Hidalgo-Duque, C., Nieves, J., & Pavon Valderrama, M. (2013). Heavy quark spin symmetry and SU(3)-flavour partners of the X (3872). Nucl. Phys. A, 914, 482–487.
Abstract: In this work, an Effective Field Theory (EFT) incorporating light SU(3)-flavour and heavy quark spin symmetries is used to describe charmed meson-antimeson bound states. At Lowest Order (LO), this means that only contact range interactions among the heavy meson and antimeson fields are involved. Besides, the isospin violating decays of the X(3872) will be used to constrain the interaction between the D and a (D) over bar* mesons in the isovector channel. Finally, assuming that the X(3915) and Y(4140) resonances are D* (D) over bar* and D-s* (D) over bar (s)* molecular states, we can determine the four Low Energy Constants (LECs) of the EFT that appear at LO and, therefore, the full spectrum of molecular states with isospin I = 0, 1/2 and 1.
Ji, T., Dong, X. K., Albaladejo, M., Du, M. L., Guo, F. K., Nieves, J., et al. (2023). Understanding the 0(++) and 2(++) charmonium(-like) states near 3.9 GeV. Sci. Bull., 68(7), 688–697.
Abstract: We propose that the X(3915) observed in the J/psi x channel is the same state as the chi(c2)(3930), and the X(3960), observed in the Ds+Ds- channel, is an S-wave Ds+Ds- hadronic molecule. In addition, the J(PC) = 0(++) component in the B+ -> D+D-K+ assigned to the X(3915) in the current Review of Particle Physics has the same origin as the X(3960), which has a mass around 3.94 GeV. To check the proposal, the available data in the D (D) over bar and Ds+Ds- channels from both B decays and gamma gamma fusion reaction are analyzed considering both the D (D) over bar -D-s(D) over bar (s)-D*(D) over bar*-D-s*(D) over bar (s)* coupled channels with 0(++) and a 2(++) state introduced additionally. It is found that all the data in different processes can be simultaneously well reproduced, and the coupled-channel dynamics produce four hidden-charm scalar molecular states with masses around 3.73, 3.94, 3.99 and 4.23 GeV, respectively. The results may deepen our understanding of the spectrum of charmonia as well as of the interactions between charmed hadrons.
Nieves, J., Feijoo, A., Albaladejo, M., & Du, M. L. (2024). Lowest-lying 1/2- and 3/2- ΛQ resonances: From the strange to the bottom sectors. Prog. Part. Nucl. Phys., 137, 104118–23pp.
Abstract: We present a detailed study of the lowest-lying 1/2(-) and 3/2(-) Lambda Q resonances both in the heavy 2 2 quark (bottom and charm) and the strange sectors. We have paid special attention to the interplay between the constituent quark-model and chiral baryon-meson degrees of freedom, which are coupled using a unitarized scheme consistent with leading-order heavy quark symmetries. We show that the Lambda(b)(5912) [J(P) = 1/2(-)], Lambda(b)(5920) [J(P) = 3/2(-)] and the Lambda(c)(2625) [J(P) = 3/2-], and the Lambda(1520) [J(P) = 3/2(-)] admitting larger breaking corrections, are heavyquark spin-flavor siblings. They can be seen as dressed quark-model states with Sigma Q(()*()) pi molecular components of the order of 30%. The J(P)=1(-) Lambda(2595) has, however, a higher molecular 2 probability of at least 50%, and even values greater than 70% can be easily accommodated. This is because it is located almost on top of the threshold of the Sigma(c)pi pair, which largely influences its properties. Although the light degrees of freedom in this resonance would be coupled to spin-parity 1(-) as in the Lambda(b)(5912), Lambda(b)(5920) and Lambda(c)(2625), the Lambda(c)(2595) should not be considered as a heavy-quark spin-flavor partner of the former ones. We also show that the Lambda(1405) chiral two-pole pattern does not have analogs in the 1 – charmed and bottomed sectors, because the 2 N D-(*()) and N (B) over bar (()*()) channels do not play for heavy quarks the decisive role that the N (K) over bar does in the strange sector, and the notable influence of the bare quark-model states for the charm and bottom resonances. Finally, we predict the existence of two Lambda(b)(6070) and two Lambda(c)(2765) heavy-quark spin and flavor sibling odd parity states.
Richard, J. M., Valcarce, A., & Vijande, J. (2020). Hall-Post inequalities: Review and application to molecules and tetraquarks. Ann. Phys., 412, 168009–32pp.
Abstract: A review is presented of the Hall-Post inequalities that give lower-bounds to the ground-state energy of quantum systems in terms of energies of smaller systems. New applications are given for systems experiencing both a static source and inner interactions, as well as for hydrogen-like molecules and for tetraquarks in some quark models. In the latter case, the Hall-Post inequalities constrain the possibility of deeply-bound exotic mesons below the threshold for dissociation into two quark-antiquark mesons. We also emphasize the usefulness of the Hall-Post bounds in terms of 3-body energies when some 2-body subsystems are ill defined or do not support any bound state.