Pasqualato, G. et al, Gadea, A., & Jurado, M. (2023). An alternative viewpoint on the nuclear structure towards 100Sn: Lifetime measurements in 105Sn. Phys. Lett. B, 845, 138148–7pp.
Abstract: This work aims at presenting an alternative approach to the long standing problem of the B(E2) values in Sn isotopes in the vicinity of the N=Z double-magic nucleus Sn-100, until now predominantly measured with relativistic and intermediate-energy Coulomb excitation reactions. The direct measurement of the lifetime of low-lying excited states in odd-even Sn isotopes provides a new and precise guidance for the theoretical description of the nuclear structure in this region. Lifetime measurements have been performed in Sn-105 for the first time with the coincidence Recoil Distance Doppler Shift technique. The lifetime results for the 7/2(1)(+) first excited state and the 11/2(1)(+) state, 2(+)(Sn-104) circle times nu 1g(7/2) multiplet member, are discussed in comparison with state-of-the-art shell model and mean field calculations, highlighting the crucial contribution of proton excitation across the core of Sn-100. The reduced transition probability B(E2) of the 11/2(1)(+) core-coupled state points out an enhanced staggering with respect to the B(E2; 2(1)(+) -> 0(1)(+)) in the even-mass Sn-104 and Sn-106 isotopes.
Tonev, D. et al, & Gadea, A. (2021). Transition probabilities in P-31 and S-31: A test for isospin symmetry. Phys. Lett. B, 821, 136603–6pp.
Abstract: Excited states in the mirror nuclei P-31 and S-31 were populated in the 1p and 1n exit channels of the reaction Ne-20 + C-12, at a beam energy of 33 MeV. The Ne-20 beam was delivered for the first time by the Piave-Alpi accelerator of the Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro. Angular correlations of coincident gamma-rays and Doppler-shift attenuation lifetime measurements were performed using the multi-detector array GASP in conjunction with the EUCLIDES charged particle detector. In the observed B(E1) strengths, the isoscalar component, amounting to 24% of the isovector one, provides strong evidence for breaking of the isospin symmetry in the A = 31 mass region. Self-consistent beyond mean field calculations using Equation of Motion method based on a chiral potential and including two- and three-body forces reproduce well the experimental B(E1) strengths, reinforcing our conclusion. Coherent mixing from higher-lying states involving the Giant Isovector Monopole Resonance accounts well for the effect observed. The breaking of the isospin symmetry originates from the violation of the charge symmetry of the two- and three-body parts of the potential, only related to the Coulomb interaction.