Bernabeu, J., Di Domenico, A., & Villanueva-Perez, P. (2013). Direct test of time reversal symmetry in the entangled neutral kaon system at a phi-factory. Nucl. Phys. B, 868(1), 102–119.
Abstract: We present a novel method to perform a direct T (time reversal) symmetry test in the neutral kaon system, independent of any CP and/or CPT symmetry tests. This is based on the comparison of suitable transition probabilities, where the required interchange of in <-> out states for a given process is obtained exploiting the Einstein-Podolski-Rosen correlations of neutral kaon pairs produced at a phi-factory. In the time distribution between the two decays, we compare a reference transition like the one defined by the time-ordered decays (l(-), pi pi) with the T-conjugated one defined by (3 pi(0), l(+)). With the use of this and other T-conjugated comparisons, the KLOE-2 experiment at DA Phi NE could make a statistically significant test.
Coloma, P., Hernandez, P., & Urrea, S. (2022). New bounds on axion-like particles from MicroBooNE. J. High Energy Phys., 08(8), 025–25pp.
Abstract: Neutrino experiments lie at the edge of the intensity frontier and therefore can be exploited to search for new light particles weakly coupled to the visible sector. In this work we derive new constraints on axion-like particles (ALPs) using data from the MicroBooNE experiment, from a search for e(+)e(-) pairs pointing in the direction of the NuMI absorber. In particular, we consider the addition of higher-dimensional effective operators coupling the ALP to the electroweak gauge bosons. These would induce K -> pi a from kaon decay at rest in the NuMI absorber, as well as ALP decays into pairs of leptons or photons. We discuss in detail and compare various results obtained for the decay width K -> pi a in previous literature. For the operator involving the Higgs, MicroBooNE already sets competitive bounds (comparable to those of NA62) for ALP masses between 100 and 200 MeV. We also compute the expected sensitivities from the full NuMI dataset recorded at MicroBooNE. Our results show that a search for a -> gamma gamma signal may be able to improve over current constraints from beam-dump experiments on the operator involving the ALP coupling to the W.