Aguilar-Saavedra, J. A., Casas, J. A., Quilis, J., & Ruiz de Austri, R. (2020). Multilepton dark matter signals. J. High Energy Phys., 04(4), 069–24pp.
Abstract: The signatures of dark matter at the LHC commonly involve, in simplified scenarios, the production of a single particle plus large missing energy, from the undetected dark matter. However, in Z ' -portal scenarios anomaly cancellation requires the presence of extra dark leptons in the dark sector. We investigate the signatures of the minimal scenarios of this kind, which involve cascade decays of the extra Z ' boson into the dark leptons, identifying a four-lepton signal as the most promising one. We estimate the sensitivity to this signal at the LHC, the high-luminosity LHC upgrade, a possible high-energy upgrade, as well as a future circular collider. For Z ' couplings compatible with current dijet constraints the multilepton signals can reach the 5 sigma level already at Run 2 of the LHC. At future colliders, couplings two orders of magnitude smaller than the electroweak coupling can be probed with 5 sigma sensitivity.
Boucenna, S. M., Celis, A., Fuentes-Martin, J., Vicente, A., & Virto, J. (2016). Phenomenology of an SU(2) x SU(2) x U(1) model with lepton-flavour non-universality. J. High Energy Phys., 12(12), 059–43pp.
Abstract: We investigate a gauge extension of the Standard Model in light of the observed hints of lepton universality violation in b -> clv and b -> sl(+) l(-) decays at BaBar, Belle and LHCb. The model consists of an extended gauge group SU(2)(1) x SU(2)(2) x U(l)(Y) which breaks spontaneously around the TeV scale to the electroweak gauge group. Fermion mixing effects with vector -like fermions give rise to potentially large new physics contributions in flavour transitions mediated by WI and Z' bosons. This model can ease tensions in B -physics data while satisfying stringent bounds from flavour physics, and electroweak precision data. Possible ways to test the proposed new physics scenario with upcoming experimental measurements are discussed. Among other predictions, the ratios RM =Gamma(B -> M mu(+)mu(-))/Gamma(B -> Me(+)e(-)), with M = K*, phi, are found to be reduced with respect to the Standard Model expectation R-M similar or equal to 1.
Carcamo Hernandez, A. E., Hati, C., Kovalenko, S., Valle, J. W. F., & Vaquera-Araujo, C. A. (2022). Scotogenic neutrino masses with gauged matter parity and gauge coupling unification. J. High Energy Phys., 03(3), 034–25pp.
Abstract: Building up on previous work we propose a Dark Matter (DM) model with gauged matter parity and dynamical gauge coupling unification, driven by the same physics responsible for scotogenic neutrino mass generation. Our construction is based on the extended gauge group SU(3)(c) circle times SU(3)(L) circle times U(1)(X) circle times U(1)(N), whose spontaneous breaking leaves a residual conserved matter parity, M-P, stabilizing the DM particle candidates of the model. The key role is played by Majorana SU(3) (L)-octet leptons, allowing the successful gauge coupling unification and a one-loop scotogenic neutrino mass generation. Theoretical consistency allows for a plethora of new particles at the less than or similar to O(10) TeV scale, hence accessible to future collider and low-energy experiments.
Dias, J. M., Debastiani, V. R., Xie, J. J., & Oset, E. (2018). The radiative decay D-0 -> (K)over-bar*(0)gamma with vector meson dominance. Chin. Phys. C, 42(4), 043106–7pp.
Abstract: Motivated by the experimental measurements of D-0 radiative decay modes, we have proposed a model to study the D-0 -> (K) over bar*(0)gamma decay, by establishing a link with D-0 -> (K) over bar*(0) V (V = rho(0), omega) decays through the vector meson dominance hypothesis. In order to do this properly, we have used the Lagrangians from the local hidden gauge symmetry approach to account for V gamma conversion. As a result, we have found the branching ratio B[D-0 -> (K) over bar*(0)gamma]=(1.55-3.44)x10(-4), which is in fair agreement with the experimental values reported by the Belle and BaBar collaborations.
Dong, P. V., Huong, D. T., Queiroz, F. S., Valle, J. W. F., & Vaquera-Araujo, C. A. (2018). The dark side of flipped trinification. J. High Energy Phys., 04(4), 143–31pp.
Abstract: We propose a model which unifies the Left-Right symmetry with the SU(3)L gauge group, called flipped trinification, and based on the SU(3)(C)circle times SU(3)(L)circle times SU(3)(R)circle times U(1)(x) gauge group. The model inherits the interesting features of both symmetries while elegantly explaining the origin of the matter parity, W-p = ( 1)(3(B-L)+/- 2s), and dark matter stability. We develop the details of the spontaneous symmetry breaking mechanism in the model, determining the relevant mass eigenstates, and showing how neutrino masses are easily generated via the seesaw mechanism. Moreover, we introduce viable dark matter candidates, encompassing a fermion, scalar and possibly vector fields, leading to a potentially novel dark matter phenomenology.
Fonseca, R. M., & Hirsch, M. (2016). A flipped 331 model. J. High Energy Phys., 08(8), 003–12pp.
Abstract: Models based on the extended SU(3)(C) x SU(3)(L) x U(1)(X) (331) gauge group usually follow a common pattern: two families of left-handed quarks are placed in anti triplet representations of the SU(3)(L) group; the remaining quark family, as well as the left-handed leptons, are assigned to triplets (or vice-versa). In this work we present a flipped 331 model where this scheme is reversed: all three quark families are in the same representation and it is the lepton families which are discriminated by the gauge symmetry. We discuss fermion masses and mixing, as well as Z' interactions, in a minimal model implementing this idea.
Galli, P., Meessen, P., & Ortin, T. (2013). The Freudenthal gauge symmetry of the black holes of N=2, d=4 supergravity. J. High Energy Phys., 05(5), 011–15pp.
Abstract: We show that the representation of black-hole solutions in terms of the variables H-M which are harmonic functions in the supersymmetric case is non-unique due to the existence of a local symmetry in the effective action. This symmetry is a continuous (and local) generalization of the discrete Freudenthal transformations initially introduced for the black-hole charges and can be used to rewrite the physical fields of a solution in terms of entirely different-looking functions.
Reig, M. (2019). On the high-scale instanton interference effect: axion models without domain wall problem. J. High Energy Phys., 08(8), 167–13pp.
Abstract: We show that a new chiral, confining interaction can be used to break Peccei-Quinn symmetry dynamically and solve the domain wall problem, simultaneously. The resulting theory is an invisible QCD axion model without domain walls. No dangerous heavy relics appear.