AGATA Collaboration, Doncel, M., Quintana, B., Gadea, A., Recchia, F., & Farnea, E. (2011). Background rejection capabilities of a Compton imaging telescope setup with a DSSD Ge planar detector and AGATA. Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. A, 648, S131–S134.
Abstract: In this work, we show the first Monte Carlo results about the performance of the Ge array which we propose for the DESPEC experiment at FAIR, when the background algorithm developed for AGATA is applied. The main objective of our study is to characterize the capabilities of the gamma-spectroscopy system, made up of AGATA detectors in a semi-spherical distribution covering a 1 pi solid angle and a set of planar Ge detectors in a daisy configuration, to discriminate between gamma sources placed at different locations.
AGATA Collaboration, Doncel, M., Recchia, F., Quintana, B., Gadea, A., & Farnea, E. (2010). Experimental test of the background rejection, through imaging capability, of a highly segmented AGATA germanium detector. Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. A, 622(3), 614–618.
Abstract: The development of highly segmented germanium detectors as well as the algorithms to identify the position of the interaction within the crystal opens the possibility to locate the gamma-ray source using Compton imaging algorithms. While the Compton-suppression shield, coupled to the germanium detector in conventional arrays, works also as an active filter against the gamma rays originated outside the target, the new generation of position sensitive gamma-ray detector arrays has to fully rely on tracking capabilities for this purpose. In specific experimental conditions, as the ones foreseen at radioactive beam facilities, the ability to discriminate background radiation improves the sensitivity of the gamma spectrometer. In this work we present the results of a measurement performed at the Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro (LNL) aiming the evaluation of the AGATA detector capabilities to discriminate the origin of the gamma rays on an event-by-event basis. It will be shown that, exploiting the Compton scattering formula, it is possible to track back gamma rays coming from different positions, assigning them to specific emitting locations. These imaging capabilities are quantified for a single crystal AGATA detector.