Adolf, P., Hirsch, M., Krieg, S., Pas, H., & Tabet, M. (2024). Fitting the DESI BAO data with dark energy driven by the Cohen-Kaplan-Nelson bound. J. Cosmol. Astropart. Phys., 08(8), 048–18pp.
Abstract: Gravity constrains the range of validity of quantum field theory. As has been pointed out by Cohen, Kaplan, and Nelson (CKN), such effects lead to interdependent ultraviolet (UV) and infrared (IR) cutoffs that may stabilize the dark energy of the universe against quantum corrections, if the IR cutoff is set by the Hubble horizon. As a consequence of the cosmic expansion, this argument implies a time-dependent dark energy density. In this paper we confront this idea with recent data from DESI BAO, Hubble and supernova measurements. We find that the CKN model provides a better fit to the data than the Lambda CDM model and can compete with other models of time-dependent dark energy that have been studied so far.
Amerio, A., Calore, F., Serpico, P. D., & Zaldivar, B. (2024). Deepening gamma-ray point-source catalogues with sub-threshold information. J. Cosmol. Astropart. Phys., 03(3), 055–18pp.
Abstract: We propose a novel statistical method to extend Fermi-LAT catalogues of highlatitude -y-ray sources below their nominal threshold. To do so, we rely on the determination of the differential source -count distribution of sub -threshold sources which only provides the statistical flux distribution of faint sources. By simulating ensembles of synthetic skies, we assess quantitatively the likelihood for pixels in the sky with relatively low -test statistics to be due to sources, therefore complementing the source -count distribution with spatial information. Besides being useful to orient efforts towards multi -messenger and multi -wavelength identification of new -y-ray sources, we expect the results to be especially advantageous for statistical applications such as cross -correlation analyses.
Jueid, A., Kip, J., Ruiz de Austri, R., & Skands, P. (2023). Impact of QCD uncertainties on antiproton spectra from dark-matter annihilation. J. Cosmol. Astropart. Phys., 04(4), 068–15pp.
Abstract: Dark-matter particles that annihilate or decay can undergo complex sequences of processes, including strong and electromagnetic radiation, hadronisation, and hadron de-cays, before particles that are stable on astrophysical time scales are produced. Antiprotons produced in this way may leave footprints in experiments such as AMS-02. Several groups have reported an excess of events in the antiproton flux in the rigidity range of 10-20 GV. However, the theoretical modeling of baryon production is not straightforward and relies in part on phenomenological models in Monte Carlo event generators. In this work, we assess the impact of QCD uncertainties on the spectra of antiprotons from dark-matter annihila-tion. As a proof-of-principle, we show that for a two-parameter model that depends only on the thermally-averaged annihilation cross section ((o -v)) and the dark-matter mass (Mx), QCD uncertainties can affect the best-fit mass by up to ti 14% (with large uncertainties for large DM masses), depending on the choice of Mx and the annihilation channel (bb over bar or W+W-), and (o -v) by up to ti 10%. For comparison, changes to the underlying diffusion parameters are found to be within 1%-5%, and the results are also quite resilient to the choice of cosmic-ray propagation model. These findings indicate that QCD uncertainties need to be included in future DM analyses. To facilitate full-fledged analyses, we provide the spectra in tabulated form including QCD uncertainties and code snippets to perform mass interpolations and quick DM fits. The code can be found in this GitHub [1] repository.